Crate pgn_reader

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A fast non-allocating and streaming reader for chess games in PGN notation.

BufferedReader parses games and calls methods of a user provided Visitor. Implementing custom visitors allows for maximum flexibility:

  • The reader itself does not allocate (besides a single fixed-size buffer). The visitor can decide if and how to represent games in memory.
  • The reader does not validate move legality. This allows implementing support for custom chess variants, or delaying move validation.
  • The visitor can signal to the reader that it does not care about a game or variation.


Visitor methods are called in this order:



A visitor that counts the number of syntactically valid moves in mainline of each game.

use std::io;
use pgn_reader::{Visitor, Skip, BufferedReader, SanPlus};

struct MoveCounter {
    moves: usize,

impl MoveCounter {
    fn new() -> MoveCounter {
        MoveCounter { moves: 0 }

impl Visitor for MoveCounter {
    type Result = usize;

    fn begin_game(&mut self) {
        self.moves = 0;

    fn san(&mut self, _san_plus: SanPlus) {
        self.moves += 1;

    fn begin_variation(&mut self) -> Skip {
        Skip(true) // stay in the mainline

    fn end_game(&mut self) -> Self::Result {

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let pgn = b"1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 (2. f4)
                { game paused due to bad weather }
                2... Nf6 *";

    let mut reader = BufferedReader::new_cursor(&pgn[..]);

    let mut counter = MoveCounter::new();
    let moves = reader.read_game(&mut counter)?;

    assert_eq!(moves, Some(4));

A visitor that returns the final position using Shakmaty.

use std::io;

use shakmaty::{CastlingMode, Chess, Position};
use shakmaty::fen::Fen;

use pgn_reader::{Visitor, Skip, RawHeader, BufferedReader, SanPlus};

struct LastPosition {
    pos: Chess,

impl LastPosition {
    fn new() -> LastPosition {
        LastPosition { pos: Chess::default() }

impl Visitor for LastPosition {
    type Result = Chess;

    fn header(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: RawHeader<'_>) {
        // Support games from a non-standard starting position.
        if key == b"FEN" {
            let pos = Fen::from_ascii(value.as_bytes()).ok()
                .and_then(|f| f.into_position(CastlingMode::Standard).ok());

            if let Some(pos) = pos {
                self.pos = pos;

    fn begin_variation(&mut self) -> Skip {
        Skip(true) // stay in the mainline

    fn san(&mut self, san_plus: SanPlus) {
        if let Ok(m) = san_plus.san.to_move(&self.pos) {

    fn end_game(&mut self) -> Self::Result {
        ::std::mem::replace(&mut self.pos, Chess::default())

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let pgn = b"1. f3 e5 2. g4 Qh4#";

    let mut reader = BufferedReader::new_cursor(&pgn[..]);

    let mut visitor = LastPosition::new();
    let pos = reader.read_game(&mut visitor)?;

    assert!(pos.map_or(false, |p| p.is_checkmate()));


A buffered PGN reader.
A numeric annotation glyph like ?, !! or $42.
A comment, excluding the braces.
A header value.
A San and possible check and checkmate suffixes.
Tell the reader to skip over a game or variation.


KingSide (O-O) or QueenSide (O-O-O).
White or Black.
A file of the chessboard.
Outcome of a game.
A rank of the chessboard.
Piece types: Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, King.
A move in Standard Algebraic Notation.
A square of the chessboard.


Consumes games from a reader.