Crate pgfplots

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A Rust library to generate publication-quality figures.

This crate is a PGFPlots code generator, and provides utilities to create, customize, and compile high-quality plots. The tectonic feature allows users to fully process figures without relying on any externally installed software.

The library’s API is designed to feel natural for LaTeX and PGFPlots users, but no previous experience is required to start generating publication-quality plots in Rust.

Quick Start

To get you started quickly, the easiest way to generate a plot is to use a Plot2D. Plotting a quadratic function is as simple as:

use pgfplots::{axis::plot::Plot2D, Engine, Picture};

let mut plot = Plot2D::new();
plot.coordinates = (-100..100)
    .map(|i| (f64::from(i), f64::from(i*i)).into())

// The `Engine::PdfLatex` variant requires a working LaTeX installation with
// the `pgfplots` package installed.
// The `Engine::Tectonic` variant (enabled by the `tectonic` feature) allows
// users to fully process figures without relying on any externally
// installed software.

It is possible to show multiple plots in the same axis environment by creating an Axis and adding plots to it. An Axis and its individual Plot2Ds are customized by AxisKeys and PlotKeys respectively.


Axis environment inside a Picture.


Picture environment.


The error type returned when a Picture fails to compile into a PDF.
Engine to compile a Picture into a PDF.
TikZ options passed to the Picture environment.
The error type returned when showing a Picture fails.