Crate pfctl

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Library for interfacing with the Packet Filter (PF) firewall on macOS.

Allows controlling the PF firewall on macOS through ioctl syscalls and the /dev/pf device.

Reading and writing to /dev/pf requires root permissions. So any program using this crate must run as the superuser, otherwise creating the PfCtl instance will fail with a “Permission denied” error.

OS Compatibility

PF is the firewall used in most (all?) BSD systems, but this crate only supports the macOS variant for now. If it can be made to work on more BSD systems that would be great, but no work has been put into that so far.

Usage and examples

A lot of examples of how to use the various features of this crate can be found in the integration tests in and examples.

Here is a simple example showing how to enable the firewall and add a packet filtering rule:

extern crate pfctl;

// Create a PfCtl instance to control PF with:
let mut pf = pfctl::PfCtl::new().unwrap();

// Enable the firewall, equivalent to the command "pfctl -e":

// Add an anchor rule for packet filtering rules into PF. This will fail if it already exists,
// use `try_add_anchor` to avoid that:
let anchor_name = "testing-out-pfctl";
pf.add_anchor(anchor_name, pfctl::AnchorKind::Filter)

// Create a packet filtering rule matching all packets on the "lo0" interface and allowing
// them to pass:
let rule = pfctl::FilterRuleBuilder::default()

// Add the filterig rule to the anchor we just created.
pf.add_rule(anchor_name, &rule).unwrap();


pub extern crate error_chain;
pub use ipnetwork;


Structure that describes anchor rules manipulation allowing for targeted changes in anchors. The rules set to this structure will replace the active rules by transaction. Not setting either of rules will leave active rules untouched by transaction. In contrast, setting an empty vector for either of rules will remove the corresponding rules.
The Error type.
Struct communicating with the PF firewall.
Represents a list of IPs used to set up a table of addresses for traffic redirection in PF.
Structure that allows to manipulate rules in batches


Enum describing the kinds of anchors
Enum describing matching of rule towards packet flow direction.
The kind of an error.
Enum describing what should happen to a packet that matches a filter rule.
Values for the type field in ICMPv6 packets.
ICMP Code fields for time exceeded ICMP packets (IcmpType::Timex)
ICMP type (and code). Used to match a rule against an ICMP packets type and code fields.
ICMP code fields for destination unreachable ICMP packet’s (IcmpType::Unreach).
Enum describing what should happen to a packet that matches a redirect rule.
Enum describing logging options
Enum describing the kinds of rulesets


Additional methods for Result, for easy interaction with this crate.

Type Definitions

Convenient wrapper around std::Result.