Crate perspective_viewer

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The JavaScript language bindings for<perspective-viewer> Custom Element, the main UI for Perspective.

The examples in this module are in JavaScript. See perspective docs for the Rust API.

§<perspective-viewer> Custom Element library

<perspective-viewer> provides a complete graphical UI for configuring the perspective library and formatting its output to the provided visualization plugins.

If you are using esbuild or another bundler which supports ES6 modules, you only need to import the perspective-viewer libraries somewhere in your application - these modules export nothing, but rather register the components for use within your site’s regular HTML:

import "@finos/perspective-viewer";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer-datagrid";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer-d3fc";

Once imported, the <perspective-viewer> Web Component will be available in any standard HTML on your site. A simple example:

<perspective-viewer id="view1"></perspective-viewer>


const viewer = document.createElement("perspective-viewer");


Theming is supported in perspective-viewer and its accompanying plugins. A number of themes come bundled with perspective-viewer; you can import any of these themes directly into your app, and the perspective-viewers will be themed accordingly:

// Themes based on Thought Merchants's Prospective design
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/pro.css";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/pro-dark.css";

// Other themes
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/solarized.css";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/solarized-dark.css";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/monokai.css";
import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/vaporwave.css";

Alternatively, you may use themes.css, which bundles all default themes

import "@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/css/themes.css";

If you choose not to bundle the themes yourself, they are available through CDN. These can be directly linked in your HTML file:


Note the crossorigin="anonymous" attribute. When including a theme from a cross-origin context, this attribute may be required to allow <perspective-viewer> to detect the theme. If this fails, additional themes are added to the document after <perspective-viewer> init, or for any other reason theme auto-detection fails, you may manually inform <perspective-viewer> of the available theme names with the .resetThemes() method.

// re-auto-detect themes

// Set available themes explicitly (they still must be imported as CSS!)
viewer.resetThemes(["Pro Light", "Pro Dark"]);

<perspective-viewer> will default to the first loaded theme when initialized. You may override this via .restore(), or provide an initial theme by setting the theme attribute:

<perspective-viewer theme="Pro Light"></perspective-viewer>


const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer");
await viewer.restore({ theme: "Pro Dark" });

§Loading data into <perspective-viewer>

Data can be loaded into <perspective-viewer> in the form of a Table() or a Promise<Table> via the load() method.

// Create a new worker, then a new table promise on that worker.
const worker = await perspective.worker();
const table = await worker.table(data);

// Bind a viewer element to this table.
await viewer.load(table);

§Sharing a table() between multiple perspective-viewers

Multiple perspective-viewers can share a table() by passing the table() into the load() method of each viewer. Each perspective-viewer will update when the underlying table() is updated, but table.delete() will fail until all perspective-viewer instances referencing it are also deleted:

const viewer1 = document.getElementById("viewer1");
const viewer2 = document.getElementById("viewer2");

// Create a new WebWorker
const worker = await perspective.worker();

// Create a table in this worker
const table = await worker.table(data);

// Load the same table in 2 different <perspective-viewer> elements
await viewer1.load(table);
await viewer2.load(table);

// Both `viewer1` and `viewer2` will reflect this update
await table.update([{ x: 5, y: "e", z: true }]);

§Server-only via WebSocketServer() and Node.js

Loading a virtual (server-only) [Table] works just like loading a local/Web Worker [Table] - just pass the virtual [Table] to viewer.load():

In the browser:

const elem = document.getElementsByTagName("perspective-viewer")[0];

// Bind to the server's worker instead of instantiating a Web Worker.
const websocket = await perspective.websocket(
    window.location.origin.replace("http", "ws")

// Bind the viewer to the preloaded data source.  `table` and `view` objects
// live on the server.
const server_table = await websocket.open_table("table_one");
await elem.load(server_table);

// Or load data from a table using a view. The browser now also has a copy of
// this view in its own `table`, as well as its updates transferred to the
// browser using Apache Arrow.
const worker = await perspective.worker();
const server_view = await server_table.view();
const client_table = worker.table(server_view);
await elem.load(client_table);

<perspective-viewer> instances bound in this way are otherwise no different than <perspective-viewer>s which rely on a Web Worker, and can even share a host application with Web Worker-bound table()s. The same promise-based API is used to communicate with the server-instantiated view(), only in this case it is over a websocket.

§Persistent <perspective-viewer> configuration via save()/restore().

<perspective-viewer> is persistent, in that its entire state (sans the data itself) can be serialized or deserialized. This include all column, filter, pivot, expressions, etc. properties, as well as datagrid style settings, config panel visibility, and more. This overloaded feature covers a range of use cases:

  • Setting a <perspective-viewer>’s initial state after a load() call.
  • Updating a single or subset of properties, without modifying others.
  • Resetting some or all properties to their data-relative default.
  • Persisting a user’s configuration to localStorage or a server.
§Serializing and deserializing the viewer state

To retrieve the entire state as a JSON-ready JavaScript object, use the save() method. save() also supports a few other formats such as "arraybuffer" and "string" (base64, not JSON), which you may choose for size at the expense of easy migration/manual-editing.

const json_token = await;
const string_token = await"string");

For any format, the serialized token can be restored to any <perspective-viewer> with a Table of identical schema, via the restore() method. Note that while the data for a token returned from save() may differ, generally its schema may not, as many other settings depend on column names and types.

await elem.restore(json_token);
await elem.restore(string_token);

As restore() dispatches on the token’s type, it is important to make sure that these types match! A common source of error occurs when passing a JSON-stringified token to restore(), which will assume base64-encoded msgpack when a string token is used.

// This will error!
await elem.restore(JSON.stringify(json_token));
§Updating individual properties

Using the JSON format, every facet of a <perspective-viewer>’s configuration can be manipulated from JavaScript using the restore() method. The valid structure of properties is described via the ViewerConfig and embedded ViewConfig type declarations, and View chapter of the documentation which has several interactive examples for each ViewConfig property.

// Set the plugin (will also update `columns` to plugin-defaults)
await elem.restore({ plugin: "X Bar" });

// Update plugin and columns (only draws once)
await elem.restore({ plugin: "X Bar", columns: ["Sales"] });

// Open the config panel
await elem.restore({ settings: true });

// Create an expression
await elem.restore({
    columns: ['"Sales" + 100'],
    expressions: { "New Column": '"Sales" + 100' },

// ERROR if the column does not exist in the schema or expressions
// await elem.restore({columns: ["\"Sales\" + 100"], expressions: {}});

// Add a filter
await elem.restore({ filter: [["Sales", "<", 100]] });

// Add a sort, don't remove filter
await elem.restore({ sort: [["Prodit", "desc"]] });

// Reset just filter, preserve sort
await elem.restore({ filter: undefined });

// Reset all properties to default e.g. after `load()`
await elem.reset();

Another effective way to quickly create a token for a desired configuration is to simply copy the token returned from save() after settings the view manually in the browser. The JSON format is human-readable and should be quite easy to tweak once generated, as save() will return even the default settings for all properties. You can call save() in your application code, or e.g. through the Chrome developer console:

// Copy to clipboard
copy(await document.querySelector("perspective-viewer").save());

§Update events

Whenever a <perspective-viewer>s underlying table() is changed via the load() or update() methods, a perspective-view-update DOM event is fired. Similarly, view() updates instigated either through the Attribute API or through user interaction will fire a perspective-config-update event:

elem.addEventListener("perspective-config-update", function (event) {
    var config =;
    console.log("The view() config has changed to " + JSON.stringify(config));

§Click events

Whenever a <perspective-viewer>’s grid or chart is clicked, a perspective-click DOM event is fired containing a detail object with config, column_names, and row.

The config object contains an array of filters that can be applied to a <perspective-viewer> through the use of restore() updating it to show the filtered subset of data.

The column_names property contains an array of matching columns, and the row property returns the associated row data.

elem.addEventListener("perspective-click", function (event) {
    var config = event.detail.config;


  • components contains all Yew Component types, but only exports the 4 necessary for public Custom Elements. The rest are internal components of these 4.
  • A collection of (de-)serializable structs which capture the application state, suitable for persistence, history, etc. features.
  • A catch all for project-wide macros and general-purpose functions that are not directly related to Perspective.



  • Register Web Components with the global registry, given a Perspective module.
  • Export all ExprTK commands, for use in generating documentation. Register this crate’s Custom Elements in the browser’s current session.
  • Register a plugin globally.