Crate peace_rt_model

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Runtime data types for the peace automation framework.

This crate re-exports types from peace_rt_model_native or peace_rt_model_web depending on the compilation target architecture.


pub use fn_graph;


Command related types.
Serializable data to initialize resources in a CmdContext.
Type that represent outcomes of execution.
Types that store information about the directories that a command runs in.


A reference to the function, which also signals when the reference is dropped.
An OutputWrite implementation that writes to the command line.
Holds a type-erased ItemSpecWrapper in a Box.
Graph of all ItemSpecs, FnGraph<ItemSpecBoxed<E>> newtype.
Builder for an ItemSpecGraph, FnGraphBuilder<ItemSpecBoxed<E>> newtype.
Wraps a type implementing ItemSpec.
Type registries to deserialize StatesSavedFile and StatesDesiredFile.
Wrapper around file system operations.
Use a [tokio::io::AsyncRead] synchronously as a std::io::Read or a [tokio::io::AsyncWrite] as a std::io::Write.
Workspace that the peace tool runs in.
Computes paths of well-known directories for a workspace.
Logic to create peace directories and reads/writes initialization params.


Peace runtime errors.
Describes how to discover the workspace directory.


Internal trait that erases the types from ItemSpec