Expand description
§pe-parser: Blazing-fast, safe, Portable Executable parsing.
provides a safe Rust-y way to parse Portable Executables quickly.
- Everything parsed to native documented structs
- Secondary parsing functions raw data into native Rust types
- Every section can be printed with ease
use pe_parser::pe::parse_portable_executable;
// Read the binary from a file
let binary = fs::read(path_to_pe)?;
// Parse it!
let pe = parse_portable_executable(binary.as_slice())?;
// Print all that technical goodness
print!("{}", pe);
- COFF file header definitions and helper functions
- Optional header definitions and helper functions
- Monolith struct containing all the information you will ever need
- COFF relocation definitions and helper functions
- Section header definitions and helper functions
- Error parsing a PE binary.