extern crate lopdf;
use lopdf::content::Content;
use lopdf::*;
use euclid::*;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
extern crate encoding;
extern crate euclid;
extern crate adobe_cmap_parser;
extern crate type1_encoding_parser;
extern crate unicode_normalization;
use euclid::vec2;
use encoding::{Encoding, DecoderTrap};
use encoding::all::UTF_16BE;
use std::fmt;
use std::str;
use std::fs::File;
use std::slice::Iter;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::result::Result;
mod core_fonts;
mod glyphnames;
mod zapfglyphnames;
mod encodings;
pub struct Space;
pub type Transform = Transform2D<f64, Space, Space>;
pub enum OutputError
impl std::fmt::Display for OutputError
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
match self {
OutputError::FormatError(e) => write!(f, "Formating error: {}", e),
OutputError::IoError(e) => write!(f, "IO error: {}", e),
OutputError::PdfError(e) => write!(f, "PDF error: {}", e)
impl std::error::Error for OutputError{}
impl From<std::fmt::Error> for OutputError {
fn from(e: std::fmt::Error) -> Self {
impl From<std::io::Error> for OutputError {
fn from(e: std::io::Error) -> Self {
impl From<lopdf::Error> for OutputError {
fn from(e: lopdf::Error) -> Self {
macro_rules! dlog {
($($e:expr),*) => { {$(let _ = $e;)*} }
fn get_info(doc: &Document) -> Option<&Dictionary> {
match doc.trailer.get(b"Info") {
Ok(&Object::Reference(ref id)) => {
match doc.get_object(*id) {
Ok(&Object::Dictionary(ref info)) => { return Some(info); }
_ => {}
_ => {}
fn get_catalog(doc: &Document) -> &Dictionary {
match doc.trailer.get(b"Root").unwrap() {
&Object::Reference(ref id) => {
match doc.get_object(*id) {
Ok(&Object::Dictionary(ref catalog)) => { return catalog; }
_ => {}
_ => {}
fn get_pages(doc: &Document) -> &Dictionary {
let catalog = get_catalog(doc);
match catalog.get(b"Pages").unwrap() {
&Object::Reference(ref id) => {
match doc.get_object(*id) {
Ok(&Object::Dictionary(ref pages)) => { return pages; }
other => {dlog!("pages: {:?}", other)}
other => { dlog!("pages: {:?}", other)}
dlog!("catalog {:?}", catalog);
const PDFDocEncoding: &'static [u16] = &[
0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0007, 0x0008,
0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x000f, 0x0010, 0x0011,
0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x0017, 0x02d8, 0x02c7, 0x02c6,
0x02d9, 0x02dd, 0x02db, 0x02da, 0x02dc, 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023,
0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x0027, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x002b, 0x002c,
0x002d, 0x002e, 0x002f, 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x0035,
0x0036, 0x0037, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003a, 0x003b, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x003e,
0x003f, 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x0047,
0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x004b, 0x004c, 0x004d, 0x004e, 0x004f, 0x0050,
0x0051, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x0057, 0x0058, 0x0059,
0x005a, 0x005b, 0x005c, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x005f, 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062,
0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x006b,
0x006c, 0x006d, 0x006e, 0x006f, 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074,
0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007a, 0x007b, 0x007c, 0x007d,
0x007e, 0x0000, 0x2022, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x2026, 0x2014, 0x2013, 0x0192,
0x2044, 0x2039, 0x203a, 0x2212, 0x2030, 0x201e, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018,
0x2019, 0x201a, 0x2122, 0xfb01, 0xfb02, 0x0141, 0x0152, 0x0160, 0x0178,
0x017d, 0x0131, 0x0142, 0x0153, 0x0161, 0x017e, 0x0000, 0x20ac, 0x00a1,
0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x00aa,
0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x0000, 0x00ae, 0x00af, 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3,
0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, 0x00b8, 0x00b9, 0x00ba, 0x00bb, 0x00bc,
0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00bf, 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c3, 0x00c4, 0x00c5,
0x00c6, 0x00c7, 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00cc, 0x00cd, 0x00ce,
0x00cf, 0x00d0, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d7,
0x00d8, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x00dd, 0x00de, 0x00df, 0x00e0,
0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e6, 0x00e7, 0x00e8, 0x00e9,
0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ec, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x00f0, 0x00f1, 0x00f2,
0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, 0x00f8, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb,
0x00fc, 0x00fd, 0x00fe, 0x00ff];
fn pdf_to_utf8(s: &[u8]) -> String {
if s.len() > 2 && s[0] == 0xfe && s[1] == 0xff {
return UTF_16BE.decode(&s[2..], DecoderTrap::Strict).unwrap()
} else {
let r : Vec<u8> = s.iter().map(|x| *x).flat_map(|x| {
let k = PDFDocEncoding[x as usize];
vec![(k>>8) as u8, k as u8].into_iter()}).collect();
return UTF_16BE.decode(&r, DecoderTrap::Strict).unwrap()
fn to_utf8(encoding: &[u16], s: &[u8]) -> String {
if s.len() > 2 && s[0] == 0xfe && s[1] == 0xff {
return UTF_16BE.decode(&s[2..], DecoderTrap::Strict).unwrap()
} else {
let r : Vec<u8> = s.iter().map(|x| *x).flat_map(|x| {
let k = encoding[x as usize];
vec![(k>>8) as u8, k as u8].into_iter()}).collect();
return UTF_16BE.decode(&r, DecoderTrap::Strict).unwrap()
fn maybe_deref<'a>(doc: &'a Document, o: &'a Object) -> &'a Object {
match o {
&Object::Reference(r) => doc.get_object(r).expect("missing object reference"),
_ => o
fn maybe_get_obj<'a>(doc: &'a Document, dict: &'a Dictionary, key: &[u8]) -> Option<&'a Object> {
dict.get(key).map(|o| maybe_deref(doc, o)).ok()
trait FromOptObj<'a> {
fn from_opt_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: Option<&'a Object>, key: &[u8]) -> Self;
trait FromObj<'a> where Self: std::marker::Sized {
fn from_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: &'a Object) -> Option<Self>;
impl<'a, T: FromObj<'a>> FromOptObj<'a> for Option<T> {
fn from_opt_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: Option<&'a Object>, _key: &[u8]) -> Self {
obj.and_then(|x| T::from_obj(doc,x))
impl<'a, T: FromObj<'a>> FromOptObj<'a> for T {
fn from_opt_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: Option<&'a Object>, key: &[u8]) -> Self {
T::from_obj(doc, obj.expect(&String::from_utf8_lossy(key))).expect("wrong type")
impl<'a, T: FromObj<'a>> FromObj<'a> for Vec<T> {
fn from_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: &'a Object) -> Option<Self> {
maybe_deref(doc, obj).as_array().map(|x| x.iter()
.map(|x| T::from_obj(doc, x).expect("wrong type"))
impl<'a, T: FromObj<'a>> FromObj<'a> for [T; 4] {
fn from_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: &'a Object) -> Option<Self> {
maybe_deref(doc, obj).as_array().map(|x| {
let mut all = x.iter()
.map(|x| T::from_obj(doc, x).expect("wrong type"));
[all.next().unwrap(), all.next().unwrap(), all.next().unwrap(), all.next().unwrap()]
impl<'a, T: FromObj<'a>> FromObj<'a> for [T; 3] {
fn from_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: &'a Object) -> Option<Self> {
maybe_deref(doc, obj).as_array().map(|x| {
let mut all = x.iter()
.map(|x| T::from_obj(doc, x).expect("wrong type"));
[all.next().unwrap(), all.next().unwrap(), all.next().unwrap()]
impl<'a> FromObj<'a> for f64 {
fn from_obj(_doc: &Document, obj: &Object) -> Option<Self> {
match obj {
&Object::Integer(i) => Some(i as f64),
&Object::Real(f) => Some(f.into()),
_ => None
impl<'a> FromObj<'a> for i64 {
fn from_obj(_doc: &Document, obj: &Object) -> Option<Self> {
match obj {
&Object::Integer(i) => Some(i),
_ => None
impl<'a> FromObj<'a> for &'a Dictionary {
fn from_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: &'a Object) -> Option<&'a Dictionary> {
maybe_deref(doc, obj).as_dict().ok()
impl<'a> FromObj<'a> for &'a Stream {
fn from_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: &'a Object) -> Option<&'a Stream> {
maybe_deref(doc, obj).as_stream().ok()
impl<'a> FromObj<'a> for &'a Object {
fn from_obj(doc: &'a Document, obj: &'a Object) -> Option<&'a Object> {
Some(maybe_deref(doc, obj))
fn get<'a, T: FromOptObj<'a>>(doc: &'a Document, dict: &'a Dictionary, key: &[u8]) -> T {
T::from_opt_obj(doc, dict.get(key).ok(), key)
fn maybe_get<'a, T: FromObj<'a>>(doc: &'a Document, dict: &'a Dictionary, key: &[u8]) -> Option<T> {
maybe_get_obj(doc, dict, key).and_then(|o| T::from_obj(doc, o))
fn get_name_string<'a>(doc: &'a Document, dict: &'a Dictionary, key: &[u8]) -> String {
pdf_to_utf8(dict.get(key).map(|o| maybe_deref(doc, o)).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("deref")).as_name().expect("name"))
fn maybe_get_name_string<'a>(doc: &'a Document, dict: &'a Dictionary, key: &[u8]) -> Option<String> {
maybe_get_obj(doc, dict, key).and_then(|n| n.as_name().ok()).map(|n| pdf_to_utf8(n))
fn maybe_get_name<'a>(doc: &'a Document, dict: &'a Dictionary, key: &[u8]) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
maybe_get_obj(doc, dict, key).and_then(|n| n.as_name().ok())
fn maybe_get_array<'a>(doc: &'a Document, dict: &'a Dictionary, key: &[u8]) -> Option<&'a Vec<Object>> {
maybe_get_obj(doc, dict, key).and_then(|n| n.as_array().ok())
struct PdfSimpleFont<'a> {
font: &'a Dictionary,
doc: &'a Document,
encoding: Option<Vec<u16>>,
unicode_map: Option<HashMap<u32, String>>,
widths: HashMap<CharCode, f64>, default_width: Option<f64>, }
struct PdfType3Font<'a> {
font: &'a Dictionary,
doc: &'a Document,
encoding: Option<Vec<u16>>,
unicode_map: Option<HashMap<u32, String>>,
widths: HashMap<CharCode, f64>, }
fn make_font<'a>(doc: &'a Document, font: &'a Dictionary) -> Rc<dyn PdfFont + 'a> {
let subtype = get_name_string(doc, font, b"Subtype");
dlog!("MakeFont({})", subtype);
if subtype == "Type0" {
Rc::new(PdfCIDFont::new(doc, font))
} else if subtype == "Type3" {
Rc::new(PdfType3Font::new(doc, font))
} else {
Rc::new(PdfSimpleFont::new(doc, font))
fn is_core_font(name: &str) -> bool {
match name {
"Courier-Bold" |
"Courier-BoldOblique" |
"Courier-Oblique" |
"Courier" |
"Helvetica-Bold" |
"Helvetica-BoldOblique" |
"Helvetica-Oblique" |
"Helvetica" |
"Symbol" |
"Times-Bold" |
"Times-BoldItalic" |
"Times-Italic" |
"Times-Roman" |
"ZapfDingbats" => true,
_ => false,
fn encoding_to_unicode_table(name: &[u8]) -> Vec<u16> {
let encoding = match &name[..] {
b"MacRomanEncoding" => encodings::MAC_ROMAN_ENCODING,
b"MacExpertEncoding" => encodings::MAC_EXPERT_ENCODING,
b"WinAnsiEncoding" => encodings::WIN_ANSI_ENCODING,
_ => panic!("unexpected encoding {:?}", pdf_to_utf8(name))
let encoding_table = encoding.iter()
.map(|x| if let &Some(x) = x { glyphnames::name_to_unicode(x).unwrap() } else { 0 })
impl<'a> PdfSimpleFont<'a> {
fn new(doc: &'a Document, font: &'a Dictionary) -> PdfSimpleFont<'a> {
let base_name = get_name_string(doc, font, b"BaseFont");
let subtype = get_name_string(doc, font, b"Subtype");
let encoding: Option<&Object> = get(doc, font, b"Encoding");
dlog!("base_name {} {} enc:{:?} {:?}", base_name, subtype, encoding, font);
let descriptor: Option<&Dictionary> = get(doc, font, b"FontDescriptor");
let mut type1_encoding = None;
if let Some(descriptor) = descriptor {
dlog!("descriptor {:?}", descriptor);
if subtype == "Type1" {
let file = maybe_get_obj(doc, descriptor, b"FontFile");
match file {
Some(&Object::Stream(ref s)) => {
let s = get_contents(s);
type1_encoding = Some(type1_encoding_parser::get_encoding_map(&s).expect("encoding"));
_ => { dlog!("font file {:?}", file) }
} else if subtype == "TrueType" {
let file = maybe_get_obj(doc, descriptor, b"FontFile2");
match file {
Some(&Object::Stream(ref s)) => {
let _s = get_contents(s);
_ => { dlog!("font file {:?}", file) }
let font_file3 = get::<Option<&Object>>(doc, descriptor, b"FontFile3");
match font_file3 {
Some(&Object::Stream(ref s)) => {
dlog!("font file {:?}", s);
None => {}
_ => { dlog!("unexpected") }
let charset = maybe_get_obj(doc, descriptor, b"CharSet");
let _charset = match charset {
Some(&Object::String(ref s, _)) => { Some(pdf_to_utf8(&s)) }
_ => { None }
let mut unicode_map = get_unicode_map(doc, font);
let mut encoding_table = None;
match encoding {
Some(&Object::Name(ref encoding_name)) => {
dlog!("encoding {:?}", pdf_to_utf8(encoding_name));
encoding_table = Some(encoding_to_unicode_table(encoding_name));
Some(&Object::Dictionary(ref encoding)) => {
let mut table = if let Some(base_encoding) = maybe_get_name(doc, encoding, b"BaseEncoding") {
dlog!("BaseEncoding {:?}", base_encoding);
} else {
let differences = maybe_get_array(doc, encoding, b"Differences");
if let Some(differences) = differences {
let mut code = 0;
for o in differences {
let o = maybe_deref(doc, o);
match o {
&Object::Integer(i) => { code = i; },
&Object::Name(ref n) => {
let name = pdf_to_utf8(&n);
let unicode = glyphnames::name_to_unicode(&name);
if let Some(unicode) = unicode{
table[code as usize] = unicode;
if let Some(ref mut unicode_map) = unicode_map {
let be = [unicode];
match unicode_map.entry(code as u32) {
Entry::Vacant(v) => { v.insert(String::from_utf16(&be).unwrap()); }
Entry::Occupied(e) => {
if e.get() != &String::from_utf16(&be).unwrap() {
println!("Unicode mismatch");
dlog!("{} = {} ({:?})", code, name, unicode);
if let Some(ref mut unicode_map) = unicode_map {
dlog!("{} {}", code, unicode_map[&(code as u32)]);
code += 1;
_ => { panic!("wrong type {:?}", o); }
let name = pdf_to_utf8(encoding.get(b"Type").unwrap().as_name().unwrap());
dlog!("name: {}", name);
encoding_table = Some(table);
None => {
if let Some(type1_encoding) = type1_encoding {
let mut table = Vec::from(PDFDocEncoding);
for (code, name) in type1_encoding {
let unicode = glyphnames::name_to_unicode(&pdf_to_utf8(&name));
if let Some(unicode) = unicode {
table[code as usize] = unicode;
} else {
dlog!("unknown character {}", pdf_to_utf8(&name));
encoding_table = Some(table)
} else if subtype == "TrueType" {
encoding_table = Some(encodings::WIN_ANSI_ENCODING.iter()
.map(|x| if let &Some(x) = x { glyphnames::name_to_unicode(x).unwrap() } else { 0 })
_ => { panic!() }
let mut width_map = HashMap::new();
if let (Some(first_char), Some(last_char), Some(widths)) = (maybe_get::<i64>(doc, font, b"FirstChar"), maybe_get::<i64>(doc, font, b"LastChar"), maybe_get::<Vec<f64>>(doc, font, b"Widths")) {
let mut i: i64 = 0;
dlog!("first_char {:?}, last_char: {:?}, widths: {} {:?}", first_char, last_char, widths.len(), widths);
for w in widths {
width_map.insert((first_char + i) as CharCode, w);
i += 1;
assert_eq!(first_char + i - 1, last_char);
} else if is_core_font(&base_name) {
for font_metrics in core_fonts::metrics().iter() {
if font_metrics.0 == base_name {
if let Some(ref encoding) = encoding_table {
dlog!("has encoding");
for w in font_metrics.2 {
let c = glyphnames::name_to_unicode(w.2).unwrap();
for i in 0..encoding.len() {
if encoding[i] == c {
width_map.insert(i as CharCode, w.1 as f64);
} else {
let mut table = vec![0; 256];
for w in font_metrics.2 {
dlog!("{} {}", w.0, w.2);
if w.0 != -1 {
table[w.0 as usize] = if base_name == "ZapfDingbats" {
zapfglyphnames::zapfdigbats_names_to_unicode(w.2).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("bad name {:?}", w))
} else {
let encoding = &table[..];
for w in font_metrics.2 {
width_map.insert(w.0 as CharCode, w.1 as f64);
encoding_table = Some(encoding.to_vec());
} else {
panic!("no widths");
PdfSimpleFont {doc, font, widths: width_map, encoding: encoding_table, default_width: None, unicode_map}
fn get_type(&self) -> String {
get_name_string(self.doc, self.font, b"Type")
fn get_basefont(&self) -> String {
get_name_string(self.doc, self.font, b"BaseFont")
fn get_subtype(&self) -> String {
get_name_string(self.doc, self.font, b"Subtype")
fn get_widths(&self) -> Option<&Vec<Object>> {
maybe_get_obj(self.doc, self.font, b"Widths").map(|widths| widths.as_array().expect("Widths should be an array"))
fn get_name(&self) -> Option<String> {
maybe_get_name_string(self.doc, self.font, b"Name")
fn get_descriptor(&self) -> Option<PdfFontDescriptor> {
maybe_get_obj(self.doc, self.font, b"FontDescriptor").and_then(|desc| desc.as_dict().ok()).map(|desc| PdfFontDescriptor{desc: desc, doc: self.doc})
impl<'a> PdfType3Font<'a> {
fn new(doc: &'a Document, font: &'a Dictionary) -> PdfType3Font<'a> {
let unicode_map = get_unicode_map(doc, font);
let encoding: Option<&Object> = get(doc, font, b"Encoding");
let encoding_table;
match encoding {
Some(&Object::Name(ref encoding_name)) => {
dlog!("encoding {:?}", pdf_to_utf8(encoding_name));
encoding_table = Some(encoding_to_unicode_table(encoding_name));
Some(&Object::Dictionary(ref encoding)) => {
let mut table = if let Some(base_encoding) = maybe_get_name(doc, encoding, b"BaseEncoding") {
dlog!("BaseEncoding {:?}", base_encoding);
} else {
let differences = maybe_get_array(doc, encoding, b"Differences");
if let Some(differences) = differences {
let mut code = 0;
for o in differences {
match o {
&Object::Integer(i) => { code = i; },
&Object::Name(ref n) => {
let name = pdf_to_utf8(&n);
let unicode = glyphnames::name_to_unicode(&name);
if let Some(unicode) = unicode{
table[code as usize] = unicode;
dlog!("{} = {} ({:?})", code, name, unicode);
if let Some(ref unicode_map) = unicode_map {
dlog!("{} {:?}", code, unicode_map.get(&(code as u32)));
code += 1;
_ => { panic!("wrong type"); }
let name_encoded = encoding.get(b"Type");
if let Ok(Object::Name(name)) = name_encoded {
dlog!("name: {}", pdf_to_utf8(name));
} else {
dlog!("name not found");
encoding_table = Some(table);
_ => { panic!() }
let first_char: i64 = get(doc, font, b"FirstChar");
let last_char: i64 = get(doc, font, b"LastChar");
let widths: Vec<f64> = get(doc, font, b"Widths");
let mut width_map = HashMap::new();
let mut i = 0;
dlog!("first_char {:?}, last_char: {:?}, widths: {} {:?}", first_char, last_char, widths.len(), widths);
for w in widths {
width_map.insert((first_char + i) as CharCode, w);
i += 1;
assert_eq!(first_char + i - 1, last_char);
PdfType3Font {doc, font, widths: width_map, encoding: encoding_table, unicode_map}
type CharCode = u32;
struct PdfFontIter<'a>
i: Iter<'a, u8>,
font: &'a dyn PdfFont,
impl<'a> Iterator for PdfFontIter<'a> {
type Item = (CharCode, u8);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(CharCode, u8)> {
self.font.next_char(&mut self.i)
trait PdfFont : Debug {
fn get_width(&self, id: CharCode) -> f64;
fn next_char(&self, iter: &mut Iter<u8>) -> Option<(CharCode, u8)>;
fn decode_char(&self, char: CharCode) -> String;
impl<'a> dyn PdfFont + 'a {
fn char_codes(&'a self, chars: &'a [u8]) -> PdfFontIter {
PdfFontIter{i: chars.iter(), font: self}
fn decode(&self, chars: &[u8]) -> String {
let strings = self.char_codes(chars).map(|x| self.decode_char(x.0)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
impl<'a> PdfFont for PdfSimpleFont<'a> {
fn get_width(&self, id: CharCode) -> f64 {
let width = self.widths.get(&id);
if let Some(width) = width {
return *width;
} else {
let mut widths = self.widths.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
widths.sort_by_key(|x| x.0);
dlog!("missing width for {} len(widths) = {}, {:?} falling back to default_width {:?}", id, self.widths.len(), widths, self.font);
return self.default_width.unwrap();
fn next_char(&self, iter: &mut Iter<u8>) -> Option<(CharCode, u8)> {
iter.next().map(|x| (*x as CharCode, 1))
fn decode_char(&self, char: CharCode) -> String {
let slice = [char as u8];
if let Some(ref unicode_map) = self.unicode_map {
let s = unicode_map.get(&char);
let s = match s {
None => { panic!("missing char {:?} in map {:?} for {:?}", char, unicode_map, self.font)}
Some(s) => { s.clone() }
return s
let encoding = self.encoding.as_ref().map(|x| &x[..]).unwrap_or(&PDFDocEncoding);
let s = to_utf8(encoding, &slice);
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for PdfSimpleFont<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl<'a> PdfFont for PdfType3Font<'a> {
fn get_width(&self, id: CharCode) -> f64 {
let width = self.widths.get(&id);
if let Some(width) = width {
return *width;
} else {
panic!("missing width for {} {:?}", id, self.font);
fn next_char(&self, iter: &mut Iter<u8>) -> Option<(CharCode, u8)> {
iter.next().map(|x| (*x as CharCode, 1))
fn decode_char(&self, char: CharCode) -> String {
let slice = [char as u8];
if let Some(ref unicode_map) = self.unicode_map {
let s = unicode_map.get(&char);
let s = match s {
None => { panic!("missing char {:?} in map {:?}", char, unicode_map)}
Some(s) => { s.clone() }
return s
let encoding = self.encoding.as_ref().map(|x| &x[..]).unwrap_or(&PDFDocEncoding);
let s = to_utf8(encoding, &slice);
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for PdfType3Font<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
struct PdfCIDFont<'a> {
font: &'a Dictionary,
doc: &'a Document,
encoding: Option<Vec<u16>>,
to_unicode: Option<HashMap<u32, String>>,
widths: HashMap<CharCode, f64>, default_width: Option<f64>, }
fn get_unicode_map<'a>(doc: &'a Document, font: &'a Dictionary) -> Option<HashMap<u32, String>> {
let to_unicode = maybe_get_obj(doc, font, b"ToUnicode");
dlog!("ToUnicode: {:?}", to_unicode);
let mut unicode_map = None;
match to_unicode {
Some(&Object::Stream(ref stream)) => {
let contents = get_contents(stream);
dlog!("Stream: {}", String::from_utf8(contents.clone()).unwrap());
let cmap = adobe_cmap_parser::get_unicode_map(&contents).unwrap();
let mut unicode = HashMap::new();
for (&k, v) in cmap.iter() {
let mut be: Vec<u16> = Vec::new();
let mut i = 0;
assert!(v.len() % 2 == 0);
while i < v.len() {
be.push(((v[i] as u16) << 8) | v[i+1] as u16);
i += 2;
match &be[..] {
[0xd800 ..= 0xdfff] => {
_ => {}
let s = String::from_utf16(&be).unwrap();
unicode.insert(k, s);
unicode_map = Some(unicode);
dlog!("map: {:?}", unicode_map);
None => { }
Some(&Object::Name(ref name)) => {
let name = pdf_to_utf8(name);
assert!(name == "Identity-H");
_ => { panic!("unsupported cmap {:?}", to_unicode)}
impl<'a> PdfCIDFont<'a> {
fn new(doc: &'a Document, font: &'a Dictionary) -> PdfCIDFont<'a> {
let base_name = get_name_string(doc, font, b"BaseFont");
let descendants = maybe_get_array(doc, font, b"DescendantFonts").expect("Descendant fonts required");
let ciddict = maybe_deref(doc, &descendants[0]).as_dict().expect("should be CID dict");
let encoding = maybe_get_obj(doc, font, b"Encoding").expect("Encoding required in type0 fonts");
dlog!("base_name {} {:?}", base_name, font);
match encoding {
&Object::Name(ref name) => {
let name = pdf_to_utf8(name);
dlog!("encoding {:?}", name);
assert!(name == "Identity-H");
&Object::Stream(ref stream) => {
let contents = get_contents(stream);
dlog!("Stream: {}", String::from_utf8(contents.clone()).unwrap());
_ => { panic!("unsupported encoding {:?}", encoding)}
let unicode_map = get_unicode_map(doc, font);
dlog!("descendents {:?} {:?}", descendants, ciddict);
let font_dict = maybe_get_obj(doc, ciddict, b"FontDescriptor").expect("required");
dlog!("{:?}", font_dict);
let _f = font_dict.as_dict().expect("must be dict");
let default_width = get::<Option<i64>>(doc, ciddict, b"DW").unwrap_or(1000);
let w: Option<Vec<&Object>> = get(doc, ciddict, b"W");
dlog!("widths {:?}", w);
let mut widths = HashMap::new();
let mut i = 0;
if let Some(w) = w {
while i < w.len() {
if let &Object::Array(ref wa) = w[i+1] {
let cid = w[i].as_i64().expect("id should be num");
let mut j = 0;
dlog!("wa: {:?} -> {:?}", cid, wa);
for w in wa {
widths.insert((cid + j) as CharCode, as_num(w) );
j += 1;
i += 2;
} else {
let c_first = w[i].as_i64().expect("first should be num");
let c_last = w[i].as_i64().expect("last should be num");
let c_width = as_num(&w[i]);
for id in c_first..c_last {
widths.insert(id as CharCode, c_width);
i += 3;
PdfCIDFont{doc, font, widths, to_unicode: unicode_map, encoding: None, default_width: Some(default_width as f64) }
impl<'a> PdfFont for PdfCIDFont<'a> {
fn get_width(&self, id: CharCode) -> f64 {
let width = self.widths.get(&id);
if let Some(width) = width {
dlog!("GetWidth {} -> {}", id, *width);
return *width;
} else {
dlog!("missing width for {} falling back to default_width", id);
return self.default_width.unwrap();
}fn next_char(&self, iter: &mut Iter<u8>) -> Option<(CharCode, u8)> {
let p = iter.next();
if let Some(&c) = p {
let next = *iter.next().unwrap();
Some((((c as u32) << 8) | next as u32, 2))
} else {
fn decode_char(&self, char: CharCode) -> String {
let s = self.to_unicode.as_ref().and_then(|x| x.get(&char));
if let Some(s) = s {
} else {
dlog!("Unknown character {:?} in {:?} {:?}", char, self.font, self.to_unicode);
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for PdfCIDFont<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct PdfFontDescriptor<'a> {
desc: &'a Dictionary,
doc: &'a Document
impl<'a> PdfFontDescriptor<'a> {
fn get_file(&self) -> Option<&'a Object> {
maybe_get_obj(self.doc, self.desc, b"FontFile")
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for PdfFontDescriptor<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Type0Func {
domain: Vec<f64>,
range: Vec<f64>,
contents: Vec<u8>,
size: Vec<i64>,
bits_per_sample: i64,
encode: Vec<f64>,
decode: Vec<f64>,
fn interpolate(x: f64, x_min: f64, _x_max: f64, y_min: f64, y_max: f64) -> f64 {
let divisor = x - x_min;
if divisor != 0. {
y_min + (x - x_min) * ((y_max - y_min) / divisor)
} else {
impl Type0Func {
fn eval(&self, _input: &[f64], _output: &mut [f64]) {
let _n_inputs = self.domain.len() / 2;
let _n_ouputs = self.range.len() / 2;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Type2Func {
c0: Option<Vec<f64>>,
c1: Option<Vec<f64>>,
n: f64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Function {
impl Function {
fn new(doc: &Document, obj: &Object) -> Function {
let dict = match obj {
&Object::Dictionary(ref dict) => dict,
&Object::Stream(ref stream) => &stream.dict,
_ => panic!()
let function_type: i64 = get(doc, dict, b"FunctionType");
let f = match function_type {
0 => {
let stream = match obj {
&Object::Stream(ref stream) => stream,
_ => panic!()
let range: Vec<f64> = get(doc, dict, b"Range");
let domain: Vec<f64> = get(doc, dict, b"Domain");
let contents = get_contents(stream);
let size: Vec<i64> = get(doc, dict, b"Size");
let bits_per_sample = get(doc, dict, b"BitsPerSample");
let encode = get::<Option<Vec<f64>>>(doc, dict, b"Encode");
let encode = encode.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut default = Vec::new();
for i in &size {
default.extend([0., (i - 1) as f64].iter());
let decode = get::<Option<Vec<f64>>>(doc, dict, b"Decode").unwrap_or_else(|| range.clone());
Function::Type0(Type0Func { domain, range, size, contents, bits_per_sample, encode, decode })
2 => {
let c0 = get::<Option<Vec<f64>>>(doc, dict, b"C0");
let c1 = get::<Option<Vec<f64>>>(doc, dict, b"C1");
let n = get::<f64>(doc, dict, b"N");
Function::Type2(Type2Func { c0, c1, n})
_ => { panic!("unhandled function type {}", function_type) }
fn as_num(o: &Object) -> f64 {
match o {
&Object::Integer(i) => { i as f64 }
&Object::Real(f) => { f.into() }
_ => { panic!("not a number") }
struct TextState<'a>
font: Option<Rc<dyn PdfFont + 'a>>,
font_size: f64,
character_spacing: f64,
word_spacing: f64,
horizontal_scaling: f64,
leading: f64,
rise: f64,
tm: Transform,
fn get_contents(contents: &Stream) -> Vec<u8> {
if contents.filter().is_ok() {
} else {
struct GraphicsState<'a>
ctm: Transform,
ts: TextState<'a>,
smask: Option<&'a Dictionary>,
fill_colorspace: ColorSpace,
fill_color: Vec<f64>,
stroke_colorspace: ColorSpace,
stroke_color: Vec<f64>,
line_width: f64,
fn show_text(gs: &mut GraphicsState, s: &[u8],
_tlm: &Transform,
_flip_ctm: &Transform,
output: &mut dyn OutputDev) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
let ts = &mut gs.ts;
let font = ts.font.as_ref().unwrap();
dlog!("{:?}", font.decode(s));
dlog!("{:?}", font.decode(s).as_bytes());
dlog!("{:?}", s);
for (c, length) in font.char_codes(s) {
let tsm = Transform2D::row_major(ts.horizontal_scaling,
let trm = ts.tm.pre_transform(&gs.ctm);
let trm = trm.post_transform(&tsm);
let w0 = font.get_width(c) / 1000.;
let mut spacing = ts.character_spacing;
let is_space = c == 32 && length == 1;
if is_space { spacing += ts.word_spacing }
output.output_character(&trm, w0, spacing, ts.font_size, &font.decode_char(c))?;
let tj = 0.;
let ty = 0.;
let tx = ts.horizontal_scaling * ((w0 - tj/1000.)* ts.font_size + spacing);
dlog!("horizontal {} adjust {} {} {} {}", ts.horizontal_scaling, tx, w0, ts.font_size, spacing);
ts.tm = ts.tm.pre_transform(&Transform2D::create_translation(tx, ty));
let _trm = ts.tm.pre_transform(&gs.ctm);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct MediaBox {
pub llx: f64,
pub lly: f64,
pub urx: f64,
pub ury: f64
fn apply_state(gs: &mut GraphicsState, state: &Dictionary) {
for (k, v) in state.iter() {
let k : &[u8] = k.as_ref();
match k {
b"SMask" => { match v {
&Object::Name(ref name) => {
if name == b"None" {
gs.smask = None;
} else {
panic!("unexpected smask name")
_ => { panic!("unexpected smask type {:?}", v) }
b"Type" => { match v {
&Object::Name(ref name) => {
assert_eq!(name, b"ExtGState")
_ => { panic!("unexpected type") }
_ => { dlog!("unapplied state: {:?} {:?}", k, v); }
pub enum PathOp {
MoveTo(f64, f64),
LineTo(f64, f64),
CurveTo(f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64),
Rect(f64, f64, f64, f64),
pub struct Path {
pub ops: Vec<PathOp>
impl Path {
fn new() -> Path {
Path { ops: Vec::new() }
fn current_point(&self) -> (f64, f64) {
match self.ops.last().unwrap() {
&PathOp::MoveTo(x, y) => { (x, y) }
&PathOp::LineTo(x, y) => { (x, y) }
&PathOp::CurveTo(_, _, _, _, x, y) => { (x, y) }
_ => { panic!() }
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CalGray {
white_point: [f64; 3],
black_point: Option<[f64; 3]>,
gamma: Option<f64>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CalRGB {
white_point: [f64; 3],
black_point: Option<[f64; 3]>,
gamma: Option<[f64; 3]>,
matrix: Option<Vec<f64>>
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Lab {
white_point: [f64; 3],
black_point: Option<[f64; 3]>,
range: Option<[f64; 4]>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum AlternateColorSpace {
pub struct Separation {
name: String,
alternate_space: AlternateColorSpace,
tint_transform: Box<Function>,
pub enum ColorSpace {
fn make_colorspace<'a>(doc: &'a Document, name: &[u8], resources: &'a Dictionary) -> ColorSpace {
match name {
b"DeviceGray" => ColorSpace::DeviceGray,
b"DeviceRGB" => ColorSpace::DeviceRGB,
b"DeviceCMYK" => ColorSpace::DeviceCMYK,
b"Pattern" => ColorSpace::Pattern,
_ => {
let colorspaces: &Dictionary = get(&doc, resources, b"ColorSpace");
let cs = maybe_get_array(doc, colorspaces, &name[..]).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("missing colorspace {:?}", &name[..]));
let cs_name = pdf_to_utf8(cs[0].as_name().expect("first arg must be a name"));
match cs_name.as_ref() {
"Separation" => {
let name = pdf_to_utf8(cs[1].as_name().expect("second arg must be a name"));
let alternate_space = match &maybe_deref(doc, &cs[2]) {
Object::Name(name) => {
match &name[..] {
b"DeviceGray" => AlternateColorSpace::DeviceGray,
b"DeviceRGB" => AlternateColorSpace::DeviceRGB,
b"DeviceCMYK" => AlternateColorSpace::DeviceCMYK,
_ => panic!("unexpected color space name")
Object::Array(cs) => {
let cs_name = pdf_to_utf8(cs[0].as_name().expect("first arg must be a name"));
match cs_name.as_ref() {
"ICCBased" => {
let stream = maybe_deref(doc, &cs[1]).as_stream().unwrap();
dlog!("ICCBased {:?}", stream);
"CalGray" => {
let dict = cs[1].as_dict().expect("second arg must be a dict");
AlternateColorSpace::CalGray(CalGray {
white_point: get(&doc, dict, b"WhitePoint"),
black_point: get(&doc, dict, b"BackPoint"),
gamma: get(&doc, dict, b"Gamma"),
"CalRGB" => {
let dict = cs[1].as_dict().expect("second arg must be a dict");
AlternateColorSpace::CalRGB(CalRGB {
white_point: get(&doc, dict, b"WhitePoint"),
black_point: get(&doc, dict, b"BackPoint"),
gamma: get(&doc, dict, b"Gamma"),
matrix: get(&doc, dict, b"Matrix"),
"Lab" => {
let dict = cs[1].as_dict().expect("second arg must be a dict");
AlternateColorSpace::Lab(Lab {
white_point: get(&doc, dict, b"WhitePoint"),
black_point: get(&doc, dict, b"BackPoint"),
range: get(&doc, dict, b"Range"),
_ => panic!("Unexpected color space name")
_ => panic!("Alternate space should be name or array {:?}", cs[2])
let tint_transform = Box::new(Function::new(doc, maybe_deref(doc, &cs[3])));
dlog!("{:?} {:?} {:?}", name, alternate_space, tint_transform);
ColorSpace::Separation(Separation{ name, alternate_space, tint_transform})
"ICCBased" => {
let stream = maybe_deref(doc, &cs[1]).as_stream().unwrap();
dlog!("ICCBased {:?}", stream);
"CalGray" => {
let dict = cs[1].as_dict().expect("second arg must be a dict");
ColorSpace::CalGray(CalGray {
white_point: get(&doc, dict, b"WhitePoint"),
black_point: get(&doc, dict, b"BackPoint"),
gamma: get(&doc, dict, b"Gamma"),
"CalRGB" => {
let dict = cs[1].as_dict().expect("second arg must be a dict");
ColorSpace::CalRGB(CalRGB {
white_point: get(&doc, dict, b"WhitePoint"),
black_point: get(&doc, dict, b"BackPoint"),
gamma: get(&doc, dict, b"Gamma"),
matrix: get(&doc, dict, b"Matrix"),
"Lab" => {
let dict = cs[1].as_dict().expect("second arg must be a dict");
ColorSpace::Lab(Lab {
white_point: get(&doc, dict, b"WhitePoint"),
black_point: get(&doc, dict, b"BackPoint"),
range: get(&doc, dict, b"Range"),
"Pattern" => {
_ => {
panic!("color_space {:?} {:?} {:?}", name, cs_name, cs)
struct Processor<'a> {
_none: PhantomData<&'a ()>
impl<'a> Processor<'a> {
fn new() -> Processor<'a> {
Processor { _none: PhantomData }
fn process_stream(&mut self, doc: &'a Document, content: Vec<u8>, resources: &'a Dictionary, media_box: &MediaBox, output: &mut dyn OutputDev, page_num: u32) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
let content = Content::decode(&content).unwrap();
let mut font_table = HashMap::new();
let mut gs: GraphicsState = GraphicsState {
ts: TextState {
font: None,
font_size: std::f64::NAN,
character_spacing: 0.,
word_spacing: 0.,
horizontal_scaling: 100. / 100.,
leading: 0.,
rise: 0.,
tm: Transform2D::identity(),
fill_color: Vec::new(),
fill_colorspace: ColorSpace::DeviceGray,
stroke_color: Vec::new(),
stroke_colorspace: ColorSpace::DeviceGray,
line_width: 1.,
ctm: Transform2D::identity(),
smask: None
let mut gs_stack = Vec::new();
let mut mc_stack = Vec::new();
let mut tlm = Transform2D::identity();
let mut path = Path::new();
let flip_ctm = Transform2D::row_major(1., 0., 0., -1., 0., media_box.ury - media_box.lly);
dlog!("MediaBox {:?}", media_box);
for operation in &content.operations {
match operation.operator.as_ref() {
"BT" => {
tlm = Transform2D::identity();
gs.ts.tm = tlm;
"ET" => {
tlm = Transform2D::identity();
gs.ts.tm = tlm;
"cm" => {
assert!(operation.operands.len() == 6);
let m = Transform2D::row_major(as_num(&operation.operands[0]),
gs.ctm = gs.ctm.pre_transform(&m);
dlog!("matrix {:?}", gs.ctm);
"CS" => {
let name = operation.operands[0].as_name().unwrap();
gs.stroke_colorspace = make_colorspace(doc, name, resources);
"cs" => {
let name = operation.operands[0].as_name().unwrap();
gs.fill_colorspace = make_colorspace(doc, name, resources);
"SC" | "SCN" => {
gs.stroke_color = match gs.stroke_colorspace {
ColorSpace::Pattern => { dlog!("unhandled pattern color"); Vec::new() }
_ => { operation.operands.iter().map(|x| as_num(x)).collect() }
"sc" | "scn" => {
gs.fill_color = match gs.fill_colorspace {
ColorSpace::Pattern => { dlog!("unhandled pattern color"); Vec::new() }
_ => { operation.operands.iter().map(|x| as_num(x)).collect() }
"G" | "g" | "RG" | "rg" | "K" | "k" => {
dlog!("unhandled color operation {:?}", operation);
"TJ" => {
match operation.operands[0] {
Object::Array(ref array) => {
for e in array {
match e {
&Object::String(ref s, _) => {
show_text(&mut gs, s, &tlm, &flip_ctm, output)?;
&Object::Integer(i) => {
let ts = &mut gs.ts;
let w0 = 0.;
let tj = i as f64;
let ty = 0.;
let tx = ts.horizontal_scaling * ((w0 - tj / 1000.) * ts.font_size);
ts.tm = ts.tm.pre_transform(&Transform2D::create_translation(tx, ty));
dlog!("adjust text by: {} {:?}", i, ts.tm);
&Object::Real(i) => {
let ts = &mut gs.ts;
let w0 = 0.;
let tj = i as f64;
let ty = 0.;
let tx = ts.horizontal_scaling * ((w0 - tj / 1000.) * ts.font_size);
ts.tm = ts.tm.pre_transform(&Transform2D::create_translation(tx, ty));
dlog!("adjust text by: {} {:?}", i, ts.tm);
_ => { dlog!("kind of {:?}", e); }
_ => {}
"Tj" => {
match operation.operands[0] {
Object::String(ref s, _) => {
show_text(&mut gs, s, &tlm, &flip_ctm, output)?;
_ => { panic!("unexpected Tj operand {:?}", operation) }
"Tc" => {
gs.ts.character_spacing = as_num(&operation.operands[0]);
"Tw" => {
gs.ts.word_spacing = as_num(&operation.operands[0]);
"Tz" => {
gs.ts.horizontal_scaling = as_num(&operation.operands[0]) / 100.;
"TL" => {
gs.ts.leading = as_num(&operation.operands[0]);
"Tf" => {
let fonts: &Dictionary = get(&doc, resources, b"Font");
let name = operation.operands[0].as_name().unwrap();
let font = font_table.entry(name.to_owned()).or_insert_with(|| make_font(doc, get::<&Dictionary>(doc, fonts, name))).clone();
gs.ts.font = Some(font);
gs.ts.font_size = as_num(&operation.operands[1]);
dlog!("font {} size: {} {:?}", pdf_to_utf8(name), gs.ts.font_size, operation);
"Ts" => {
gs.ts.rise = as_num(&operation.operands[0]);
"Tm" => {
assert!(operation.operands.len() == 6);
tlm = Transform2D::row_major(as_num(&operation.operands[0]),
gs.ts.tm = tlm;
dlog!("Tm: matrix {:?}", gs.ts.tm);
"Td" => {
assert!(operation.operands.len() == 2);
let tx = as_num(&operation.operands[0]);
let ty = as_num(&operation.operands[1]);
dlog!("translation: {} {}", tx, ty);
tlm = tlm.pre_transform(&Transform2D::create_translation(tx, ty));
gs.ts.tm = tlm;
dlog!("Td matrix {:?}", gs.ts.tm);
"TD" => {
assert!(operation.operands.len() == 2);
let tx = as_num(&operation.operands[0]);
let ty = as_num(&operation.operands[1]);
dlog!("translation: {} {}", tx, ty);
gs.ts.leading = -ty;
tlm = tlm.pre_transform(&Transform2D::create_translation(tx, ty));
gs.ts.tm = tlm;
dlog!("TD matrix {:?}", gs.ts.tm);
"T*" => {
let tx = 0.0;
let ty = -gs.ts.leading;
tlm = tlm.pre_transform(&Transform2D::create_translation(tx, ty));
gs.ts.tm = tlm;
dlog!("T* matrix {:?}", gs.ts.tm);
"q" => { gs_stack.push(gs.clone()); }
"Q" => {
let s = gs_stack.pop();
if let Some(s) = s {
gs = s;
} else {
println!("No state to pop");
"gs" => {
let ext_gstate: &Dictionary = get(doc, resources, b"ExtGState");
let name = operation.operands[0].as_name().unwrap();
let state: &Dictionary = get(doc, ext_gstate, name);
apply_state(&mut gs, state);
"i" => { dlog!("unhandled graphics state flattness operator {:?}", operation); }
"w" => { gs.line_width = as_num(&operation.operands[0]); }
"J" | "j" | "M" | "d" | "ri" => { dlog!("unknown graphics state operator {:?}", operation); }
"m" => { path.ops.push(PathOp::MoveTo(as_num(&operation.operands[0]), as_num(&operation.operands[1]))) }
"l" => { path.ops.push(PathOp::LineTo(as_num(&operation.operands[0]), as_num(&operation.operands[1]))) }
"c" => {
"v" => {
let (x, y) = path.current_point();
"y" => {
"h" => { path.ops.push(PathOp::Close) }
"re" => {
"s" | "f*" | "B" | "B*" | "b" => {
dlog!("unhandled path op {:?}", operation);
"S" => {
output.stroke(&gs.ctm, &gs.stroke_colorspace, &gs.stroke_color, &path)?;
"F" | "f" => {
output.fill(&gs.ctm, &gs.fill_colorspace, &gs.fill_color, &path)?;
"W" | "w*" => { dlog!("unhandled clipping operation {:?}", operation); }
"n" => {
dlog!("discard {:?}", path);
"BMC" | "BDC" => {
"EMC" => {
"Do" => {
let xobject: &Dictionary = get(&doc, resources, b"XObject");
let name = operation.operands[0].as_name().unwrap();
let xf: &Stream = get(&doc, xobject, name);
let resources = maybe_get_obj(&doc, &xf.dict, b"Resources").and_then(|n| n.as_dict().ok()).unwrap_or(resources);
let contents = get_contents(xf);
self.process_stream(&doc, contents, resources, &media_box, output, page_num)?;
_ => { dlog!("unknown operation {:?}", operation); }
pub trait OutputDev {
fn begin_page(&mut self, page_num: u32, media_box: &MediaBox, art_box: Option<(f64, f64, f64, f64)>)-> Result<(), OutputError>;
fn end_page(&mut self)-> Result<(), OutputError>;
fn output_character(&mut self, trm: &Transform, width: f64, spacing: f64, font_size: f64, char: &str) -> Result<(), OutputError>;
fn begin_word(&mut self)-> Result<(), OutputError>;
fn end_word(&mut self)-> Result<(), OutputError>;
fn end_line(&mut self)-> Result<(), OutputError>;
fn stroke(&mut self, _ctm: &Transform, _colorspace: &ColorSpace, _color: &[f64], _path: &Path)-> Result<(), OutputError> {Ok(())}
fn fill(&mut self, _ctm: &Transform, _colorspace: &ColorSpace, _color: &[f64], _path: &Path)-> Result<(), OutputError> {Ok(())}
pub struct HTMLOutput<'a> {
file: &'a mut dyn std::io::Write,
flip_ctm: Transform,
last_ctm: Transform,
buf_ctm: Transform,
buf_font_size: f64,
buf: String
fn insert_nbsp(input: &str) -> String {
let mut result = String::new();
let mut word_end = false;
let mut chars = input.chars().peekable();
while let Some(c) = chars.next() {
if c == ' ' {
if !word_end || chars.peek().filter(|x| **x != ' ').is_none() {
result += " ";
} else {
result += " ";
word_end = false;
} else {
word_end = true;
impl<'a> HTMLOutput<'a> {
pub fn new(file: &mut dyn std::io::Write) -> HTMLOutput {
HTMLOutput {
flip_ctm: Transform2D::identity(),
last_ctm: Transform2D::identity(),
buf_ctm: Transform2D::identity(),
buf: String::new(),
buf_font_size: 0.,
fn flush_string(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError>{
if self.buf.len() != 0 {
let position = self.buf_ctm.post_transform(&self.flip_ctm);
let transformed_font_size_vec = self.buf_ctm.transform_vector(vec2(self.buf_font_size, self.buf_font_size));
let transformed_font_size = (transformed_font_size_vec.x * transformed_font_size_vec.y).sqrt();
let (x, y) = (position.m31, position.m32);
println!("flush {} {:?}", self.buf, (x,y));
write!(self.file, "<div style='position: absolute; left: {}px; top: {}px; font-size: {}px'>{}</div>\n",
x, y, transformed_font_size, insert_nbsp(&self.buf))?;
type ArtBox = (f64, f64, f64, f64);
impl<'a> OutputDev for HTMLOutput<'a> {
fn begin_page(&mut self, page_num: u32, media_box: &MediaBox, _: Option<ArtBox>) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
write!(self.file, "<meta charset='utf-8' /> ")?;
write!(self.file, "<!-- page {} -->", page_num)?;
write!(self.file, "<div id='page{}' style='position: relative; height: {}px; width: {}px; border: 1px black solid'>", page_num, media_box.ury - media_box.lly, media_box.urx - media_box.llx)?;
self.flip_ctm = Transform::row_major(1., 0., 0., -1., 0., media_box.ury - media_box.lly);
fn end_page(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
self.buf = String::new();
self.last_ctm = Transform::identity();
write!(self.file, "</div>")?;
fn output_character(&mut self, trm: &Transform, width: f64, spacing: f64, font_size: f64, char: &str) -> Result<(), OutputError>{
if trm.approx_eq(&self.last_ctm) {
let position = trm.post_transform(&self.flip_ctm);
let (x, y) = (position.m31, position.m32);
println!("accum {} {:?}", char, (x,y));
self.buf += char;
} else {
println!("flush {} {:?} {:?} {} {} {}", char, trm, self.last_ctm, width, font_size, spacing);
self.buf = char.to_owned();
self.buf_font_size = font_size;
self.buf_ctm = *trm;
let position = trm.post_transform(&self.flip_ctm);
let transformed_font_size_vec = trm.transform_vector(vec2(font_size, font_size));
let transformed_font_size = (transformed_font_size_vec.x * transformed_font_size_vec.y).sqrt();
let (x, y) = (position.m31, position.m32);
write!(self.file, "<div style='position: absolute; color: red; left: {}px; top: {}px; font-size: {}px'>{}</div>",
x, y, transformed_font_size, char)?;
self.last_ctm = trm.pre_transform(&Transform2D::create_translation(width * font_size + spacing, 0.));
fn begin_word(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {Ok(())}
fn end_word(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {Ok(())}
fn end_line(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {Ok(())}
pub struct SVGOutput<'a> {
file: &'a mut dyn std::io::Write
impl<'a> SVGOutput<'a> {
pub fn new(file: &mut dyn std::io::Write) -> SVGOutput {
impl<'a> OutputDev for SVGOutput<'a> {
fn begin_page(&mut self, _page_num: u32, media_box: &MediaBox, art_box: Option<(f64, f64, f64, f64)>) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
let ver = 1.1;
write!(self.file, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n")?;
if ver == 1.1 {
write!(self.file, r#"<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">"#)?;
} else {
write!(self.file, r#"<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd">"#)?;
if let Some(art_box) = art_box {
let width = art_box.2 - art_box.0;
let height = art_box.3 - art_box.1;
let y = media_box.ury - art_box.1 - height;
write!(self.file, "<svg width=\"{}\" height=\"{}\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" version=\"{}\" viewBox='{} {} {} {}'>", width, height, ver, art_box.0, y, width, height)?;
} else {
let width = media_box.urx - media_box.llx;
let height = media_box.ury - media_box.lly;
write!(self.file, "<svg width=\"{}\" height=\"{}\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" version=\"{}\" viewBox='{} {} {} {}'>", width, height, ver, media_box.llx, media_box.lly, width, height)?;
write!(self.file, "\n")?;
type Mat = Transform;
let ctm = Mat::create_scale(1., -1.).post_translate(vec2(0., media_box.ury));
write!(self.file, "<g transform='matrix({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'>\n",
fn end_page(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError>{
write!(self.file, "</g>\n")?;
write!(self.file, "</svg>")?;
fn output_character(&mut self, _trm: &Transform, _width: f64, _spacing: f64, _font_size: f64, _char: &str) -> Result<(), OutputError>{
fn begin_word(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {Ok(())}
fn end_word(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {Ok(())}
fn end_line(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {Ok(())}
fn fill(&mut self, ctm: &Transform, _colorspace: &ColorSpace, _color: &[f64], path: &Path) -> Result<(), OutputError>{
write!(self.file, "<g transform='matrix({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})'>",
let mut d = Vec::new();
for op in &path.ops {
match op {
&PathOp::MoveTo(x, y) => { d.push(format!("M{} {}", x, y))}
&PathOp::LineTo(x, y) => { d.push(format!("L{} {}", x, y))},
&PathOp::CurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) => { d.push(format!("C{} {} {} {} {} {}", x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y))},
&PathOp::Close => { d.push(format!("Z"))},
&PathOp::Rect(x, y, width, height) => {
d.push(format!("M{} {}", x, y));
d.push(format!("L{} {}", x + width, y));
d.push(format!("L{} {}", x + width, y + height));
d.push(format!("L{} {}", x, y + height));
write!(self.file, "<path d='{}' />", d.join(" "))?;
write!(self.file, "</g>")?;
write!(self.file, "\n")?;
pub trait ConvertToFmt {
type Writer: std::fmt::Write;
fn convert(self) -> Self::Writer;
impl<'a> ConvertToFmt for &'a mut String {
type Writer = &'a mut String;
fn convert(self) -> Self::Writer {
pub struct WriteAdapter<W> {
f: W,
impl<W: std::io::Write> std::fmt::Write for WriteAdapter<W> {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
self.f.write_all(s.as_bytes()).map_err(|_| fmt::Error)
impl<'a> ConvertToFmt for &'a mut dyn std::io::Write {
type Writer = WriteAdapter<Self>;
fn convert(self) -> Self::Writer {
WriteAdapter { f: self }
impl<'a> ConvertToFmt for &'a mut File {
type Writer = WriteAdapter<Self>;
fn convert(self) -> Self::Writer {
WriteAdapter { f: self }
pub struct PlainTextOutput<W: ConvertToFmt> {
writer: W::Writer,
last_end: f64,
last_y: f64,
first_char: bool,
flip_ctm: Transform,
impl<W: ConvertToFmt> PlainTextOutput<W> {
pub fn new(writer: W) -> PlainTextOutput<W> {
writer: writer.convert(),
last_end: 100000.,
first_char: false,
last_y: 0.,
flip_ctm: Transform2D::identity(),
impl<W: ConvertToFmt> OutputDev for PlainTextOutput<W> {
fn begin_page(&mut self, _page_num: u32, media_box: &MediaBox, _: Option<ArtBox>) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
self.flip_ctm = Transform2D::row_major(1., 0., 0., -1., 0., media_box.ury - media_box.lly);
fn end_page(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
fn output_character(&mut self, trm: &Transform, width: f64, _spacing: f64, font_size: f64, char: &str) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
let position = trm.post_transform(&self.flip_ctm);
let transformed_font_size_vec = trm.transform_vector(vec2(font_size, font_size));
let transformed_font_size = (transformed_font_size_vec.x*transformed_font_size_vec.y).sqrt();
let (x, y) = (position.m31, position.m32);
use std::fmt::Write;
if self.first_char {
if (y - self.last_y).abs() > transformed_font_size * 1.5 {
write!(self.writer, "\n")?;
if x < self.last_end && (y - self.last_y).abs() > transformed_font_size * 0.5 {
write!(self.writer, "\n")?;
if x > self.last_end + transformed_font_size * 0.1 {
dlog!("width: {}, space: {}, thresh: {}", width, x - self.last_end, transformed_font_size * 0.1);
write!(self.writer, " ")?;
write!(self.writer, "{}", char)?;
self.first_char = false;
self.last_y = y;
self.last_end = x + width * transformed_font_size;
fn begin_word(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
self.first_char = true;
fn end_word(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {Ok(())}
fn end_line(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutputError>{
pub fn print_metadata(doc: &Document) {
dlog!("Version: {}", doc.version);
if let Some(ref info) = get_info(&doc) {
for (k, v) in *info {
match v {
&Object::String(ref s, StringFormat::Literal) => { dlog!("{}: {}", pdf_to_utf8(k), pdf_to_utf8(s)); }
_ => {}
dlog!("Page count: {}", get::<i64>(&doc, &get_pages(&doc), b"Count"));
dlog!("Pages: {:?}", get_pages(&doc));
dlog!("Type: {:?}", get_pages(&doc).get(b"Type").and_then(|x| x.as_name()).unwrap());
pub fn extract_text<P: std::convert::AsRef<std::path::Path>>(path: P) -> Result<String, OutputError> {
let mut s = String::new();
let mut output = PlainTextOutput::new(&mut s);
let doc = Document::load(path)?;
output_doc(&doc, &mut output)?;
return Ok(s);
pub fn extract_text_from_mem(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<String, OutputError> {
let mut s = String::new();
let mut output = PlainTextOutput::new(&mut s);
let doc = Document::load_mem(buffer)?;
output_doc(&doc, &mut output)?;
return Ok(s);
fn get_inherited<'a, T: FromObj<'a>>(doc: &'a Document, dict: &'a Dictionary, key: &[u8]) -> Option<T> {
let o: Option<T> = get(doc, dict, key);
if let Some(o) = o {
} else {
let parent = dict.get(b"Parent")
.and_then(|parent| parent.as_reference())
.and_then(|id| doc.get_dictionary(id)).ok()?;
get_inherited(doc, parent, key)
pub fn output_doc(doc: &Document, output: &mut dyn OutputDev) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
if let Ok(_) = doc.trailer.get(b"Encrypt") {
eprintln!("Encrypted documents are not currently supported: See https://github.com/J-F-Liu/lopdf/issues/168")
let empty_resources = &Dictionary::new();
let pages = doc.get_pages();
let mut p = Processor::new();
for dict in pages {
let page_num = dict.0;
let page_dict = doc.get_object(dict.1).unwrap().as_dict().unwrap();
dlog!("page {} {:?}", page_num, page_dict);
let resources = get_inherited(doc, page_dict, b"Resources").unwrap_or(empty_resources);
dlog!("resources {:?}", resources);
let media_box: Vec<f64> = get_inherited(doc, page_dict, b"MediaBox").expect("MediaBox");
let media_box = MediaBox { llx: media_box[0], lly: media_box[1], urx: media_box[2], ury: media_box[3] };
let art_box = get::<Option<Vec<f64>>>(&doc, page_dict, b"ArtBox")
.map(|x| (x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]));
output.begin_page(page_num, &media_box, art_box)?;
p.process_stream(&doc, doc.get_page_content(dict.1).unwrap(), resources,&media_box, output, page_num)?;