pcell 0.7.1

A simple malware sample cold storage tool.
pcell-0.7.1 is not a library.

Padded Cell


A small rust tool for storing malware on any system safely.

Samples are compressed using the snap compression algorithm and then base64 encoded and saved to a local file based database (in TOML format).

This is still a toy and may break occasionally. I will personally use it for my samples.

Large databases make the program slower as they have to be read to memory on each use.


    pcell [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -x, --export <export>    Exports the given sample from the database
    -i, --import <import>    Imports a sample into the database
    -l, --list <list>        Lists all samples in database or the listing for the filename given.

Implementation Checklist

  • Importing
  • Exporting
  • Listing
  • Encoding
  • Compressing
  • md5
  • sha256