Crate pasta_tokens

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PASETO - Platform Agnostic Security Tokens.

  • @conradludgate: “hmm, actually, I might switch to using something like paseto”
  • @ellie: “It sounds like a type of pasta”

Paseto is everything you love about JOSE (JWT, JWE, JWS) without any of the many design deficits that plague the JOSE standards. See more about PASETO in the specification


  • v4: Enables all V4 PASETO/PASERK functions.
    • v4-paseto
      • v4-local: V4 symmetric encrypted tokens
      • v4-public: V4 asymmetric signed tokens
    • v4-paserk
      • v4-id: V4 Key IDs
      • v4-pke: V4 Sealed Keys
      • v4-pbkw: V4 Password wrapped keys
      • v4-wrap: v4 Wrapped Keys
  • v3: Enables all V3 PASETO/PASERK functions.
    • v3-paseto
      • v3-local: V3 symmetric encrypted tokens
      • v3-public: V3 asymmetric signed tokens
    • v3-paserk
      • v3-id: V3 Key IDs
      • v3-pke: V3 Sealed Keys
      • v3-pbkw: V3 Password wrapped keys
      • v3-wrap: v3 Wrapped Keys


use pasta_tokens::{v4, paserk::k4, purpose::public::Public, Json};

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Footer {
    /// The ID of the key used to sign the PASETO.
    /// A footer should only contain types that are `SafeForFooter`
    kid: k4::KeyId<Public>,

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Payload {
    /// The expiration date of the token
    #[serde(with = "time::serde::rfc3339", rename = "exp")]
    expiration: time::OffsetDateTime,
    /// The subject of the token
    #[serde(rename = "sub")]
    user_id: uuid::Uuid,

// load your secret key
let secret_key = hex::decode("407796f4bc4b8184e9fe0c54b336822d34823092ad873d87ba14c3efb9db8c1d").unwrap();
let secret_key = v4::SecretKey::from_secret_key(secret_key.try_into().unwrap());

let user_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();

// create the token payload and footer.
let token = v4::UnsignedToken::new(Payload {
    // expires in 1 hour
    expiration: time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc() + time::Duration::hours(1),
.with_footer(Json(Footer {
    kid: secret_key.public_key().to_id(),
// sign with the secret key

// Send off the token to the client
// "v4.public.eyJleHAiOiIyMDIzLTEwLTAxVDE0OjQ4OjI2LjM0NjA5MloiLCJzdWIiOiIxOTBhZjFmYS1lZGVlLTRiNGUtOGQxMC05ZmUwZjQ1ZGQ5OTQifXo-Vsr45NroJZ9pLkuN3xcxgFncGF3eject5GdZH7WwTEfCgmo6hD-zNh0txsLvZi1vC601oNCgXq_2cK4XKQw.eyJraWQiOiJrNC5waWQuQUdQQ09CUkI4UHowQ3dNOFFfQnNVUEw0OF8zZjRUbE0yc2Z0R3Y0ejkzVFkifQ"

// load your public keys
let public_key = hex::decode("b7715bd661458d928654d3e832f53ff5c9480542e0e3d4c9b032c768c7ce6023").unwrap();
let public_key = v4::PublicKey::from_public_key(&public_key).unwrap();

// keep a key cache of key IDs to public keys.
// this will let you securely rotate your secret keys
// and still validate multiple public keys safely
let keys = std::collections::HashMap::from([
    (public_key.to_id(), public_key)

// Parse the token from the client
let token: v4::SignedToken<Json<Footer>> = token.parse().expect("should be a valid token format");

// using the key ID, search for the public key
let key = &keys[&token.unverified_footer().0.kid];

// verify the token signature
let token: v4::VerifiedToken<Payload, _> = token.verify(key).expect("token should be signed by us");

// check if the token has expired
assert!(token.message.expiration > time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc());

// proceed to use the payload as you wish!
assert_eq!(token.message.user_id, user_id);




  • Error returned for all PASETO and PASERK operations that can fail


  • Encoding scheme for PASETO footers.