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Partial Functional types for Rust

I have tried taking some functional programming types into Rust types. You will find types that are in the group of Semigroup and Monoids as well as Functor.

It is meant to bring some more functional programming tricks in to rust.


use partial_functional::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct OrderLine {
    product_code: String,
    quantity: Sum<u32>,
    price: Sum<f32>,

impl Semigroup for OrderLine {
    fn combine(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        Self {
            product_code: String::from("TOTAL"),
            quantity: self.quantity.combine(other.quantity),
            price: self.price.combine(other.price),

impl Monoid for OrderLine {
    fn empty() -> Self {
        Self { product_code: String::from(""), quantity: Sum::empty(), price: Sum::empty() }

let order_lines = vec![
    OrderLine { product_code: String::from("AAA"), quantity: Sum(2), price: Sum(19.98) },
    OrderLine { product_code: String::from("BBB"), quantity: Sum(1), price: Sum(1.99) },
    OrderLine { product_code: String::from("CCC"), quantity: Sum(3), price: Sum(3.99) },

let mut total = order_lines
    .fold(OrderLine::empty(), |acc, item| acc.combine(item));

let expected = OrderLine { product_code: "TOTAL".into(), quantity: 6.into(), price: 25.96.into() };
assert_eq!(expected, total);

let new_line = OrderLine { product_code: "DDD".into(), quantity: 1.into(), price: 29.98.into() };
total = total.combine(new_line);

let expected = OrderLine { product_code: "TOTAL".into(), quantity: 7.into(), price: 55.94.into() };
assert_eq!(expected, total);

A more elaborate example of the above can be run with cargo run --example orderline


pub use hkt::*;
pub use monoid::Monoid;
pub use semigroup::Semigroup;



This is just a small convienience macro to chain several combines together. Everthing after the first expression has to have a From implementation for that type.


Boolean semigroup over the operator &&.

Boolean semigroup over the operator ||.

A semigroup over Option by returning the first value available.

A semigroup over Option by returning the last value available.

Semigroup over the Maximum of T if T implements std::cmp::Ord.

Semigroup over the Minimum of T if T implements std::cmp::Ord.

Semigroup of the Product of type T if type T implements num_traits::Num.

Semigroup of the Sum of type T if type T implements std::ops::Add.