Enum parsit::step::Step

source ·
pub enum Step<'a, T> {
    Success(T, usize),
Expand description

The intermediate result for atom parsing



Success(T, usize)

Successfully resulted and current position is shifted forward



Failed to parse amd current position remains the same



Unexpected situation pops up (like reached eof or some values can’t pass a validation)



impl<'a, L, R> Step<'a, (L, R)>


pub fn take_left(self) -> Step<'a, L>

the result if often is a pair of values. This method drops the right side and keeps only left and moves it farther It is used often when there is some token that should present in the particular place but does not carry extra sense like for a signature of a function we need to have brackets.

 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;

    pub enum T<'a> {
        Word(&'a str),


 enum Word<'a>{ Word(&'a str), Bang(&'a str)}
 let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("word|").unwrap();
 let parse = |p:usize|{
   token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => v)
    .then_zip(|p| token!(pit.token(p) => T::End))


pub fn take_right(self) -> Step<'a, R>

This method is a strict alias for the method then but for symmetric it presents


impl<'a, L> Step<'a, (L, Vec<L>)>


pub fn merge(self) -> Step<'a, Vec<L>>

Mergers the element from the left hand side to the right hand side This case often appears for the situations when there is a head of the same type and the tail that can be optional like

 <rule> ::= <value> {"," <value>} // abc, bcd, cde

Here the first value is always presented and the others can be absent.


impl<'a, L> Step<'a, (Option<L>, Vec<L>)>


pub fn merge(self) -> Step<'a, Vec<L>>

Mergers the element from the left hand side to the right hand side if it exists This case often appears for the situations when there is a head of the same type and the tail that can be

 <rule> ::= [value] {"," value }

impl<'a, L: Eq + Hash, R> Step<'a, Vec<(L, R)>>


pub fn to_map(self) -> Step<'a, HashMap<L, R>>

Mergers a vec of pairs into map This case often appears for the situations when there are some pair values and we know they are unique in names

 <pair> ::= <item> ":" <item>
 <rule> ::= <pair> {"," <pair>}

impl<'a, T> Step<'a, T>


pub fn then_zip<Res, Then>(self, then: Then) -> Step<'a, (T, Res)>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Res>,

Takes the next function and if the curren one and the next one are both success transforms the result value into a pair of them

 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;

    pub enum T<'a> {
        Word(&'a str),


 let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("word|another").unwrap();

 let word = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => v)};
 let del = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Del)};

 let parse = |p:usize|{
    .map(|(first,second)| format!("{},{}",first,second))


pub fn then_skip<Res, Then>(self, then: Then) -> Step<'a, T>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Res>,

Drops the next function but keeps the current result. Basically it is an alias for

  use logos::Logos;
  use crate::parsit::token;
  use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
  use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
  use crate::parsit::step::Step;

     pub enum T<'a> {
         Word(&'a str),


  let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("word|another").unwrap();

  let word = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => v)};
  let del = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Del)};

  let parse = |p:usize|{
     .map(|(first,second)| format!("{},{}",first,second))

pub fn then_or_val_zip<Res, Then>( self, then: Then, default: Res ) -> Step<'a, (T, Res)>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Res>,

Takes the next function and if the curren one and the next one are both success transforms the result value into a pair of them but if the second step is failed(absent) the second value will be replaced with a default value and the step will be succeeded. It is convenient when the second value is optional.

 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;

    pub enum T<'a> {
        Word(&'a str),


 enum Word<'a>{ Word(&'a str), Bang(&'a str)}
 let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("word|").unwrap();

 let word = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => v)};
 let del = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Del)};

 let parse = |p:usize|{
    .then_or_val_zip(word, &"default")
    .map(|(first,second)| format!("{},{}",first,second))


pub fn then_or_none_zip<Rhs, Then>( self, then: Then ) -> Step<'a, (T, Option<Rhs>)>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Option<Rhs>>,

Takes the next function and if the curren one and the next one are both success transforms the result value into a pair of them but if the second step is failed(absent) the second value will be replaced with a none and the step will be succeeded. It is convenient when the second value is optional.

Note : the second result should be an optional in any case

 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;

    pub enum T<'a> {
        Word(&'a str),


 let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("word|").unwrap();

 let word = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => v)};
 let del = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Del)};

 let parse = |p:usize|{
    .then_or_none_zip(|p| word(p).or_none()) // here we need to return option


pub fn then_or_default_zip<Rhs: Default, Then>( self, then: Then ) -> Step<'a, (T, Rhs)>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Rhs>,

Takes the next function and if the curren one and the next one are both success transforms the result value into a pair of them but if the second step is failed(absent) the second value will be replaced with a default variant from the value and the step will be succeeded.

Note : the second result should implement default

 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;

    pub enum T<'a> {
        Word(&'a str),


 enum Word<'a>{ Word(&'a str), Bang(&'a str)}
 impl<'a> Default for Word<'a>{fn default() -> Self {
 let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("word|").unwrap();

 let word = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => Word::Word(v))};
 let del = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Del)};

 let parse = |p:usize|{
    .then_or_default_zip(word) // here we return Word("word") and Word("")


pub fn then_combine<Rhs, Res, Then, Combine>( self, then: Then, combine: Combine ) -> Step<'a, Res>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Rhs>, Combine: FnOnce(T, Rhs) -> Res,

Combines this step with the next step according to the given function

  • then - the next function to parse
  • combine - the mapper to combine to values

This method is not used a lot directly but turns up as a foundation for others. For examples please see


pub fn then_multi_combine<K, R, Then, Combine>( self, then: Then, combine: Combine ) -> Step<'a, R>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, K> + Copy, Combine: FnOnce(T, Vec<K>) -> R,

Applies the given function as many times as it will be succeeded and then combine the result

Please see


pub fn then_multi_zip<R, Then>(self, then: Then) -> Step<'a, (T, Vec<R>)>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, R> + Copy,

Applies the given function as many times as it will be succeeded and then combine the result into a vec. It is used in the parser in methods zero_or_more or one_or_more


pub fn then_or_val_combine<Rhs, Res, Then, Combine>( self, then: Then, default: Rhs, combine: Combine ) -> Step<'a, Res>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Rhs>, Combine: FnOnce(T, Rhs) -> Res,

Takes the next function and if the curren one and the next one are both success transforms the result value into a pair of them according to the given function combine

For the details see then_or_val_zip


pub fn then_or_none_combine<Rhs, Res, Then, Combine>( self, then: Then, combine: Combine ) -> Step<'a, Res>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Option<Rhs>>, Combine: FnOnce(T, Option<Rhs>) -> Res,

Takes the next function and if the curren one and the next one are both success transforms the result value into a pair of them according to the given function combine and process the absent value as well

For the details see then_or_none_zip


pub fn then<Rhs, Then>(self, then: Then) -> Step<'a, Rhs>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Rhs>,

Takes and process the next step if the current one is succeed omitting the result of the current step. It is convenient when w need to know only a fact that the parser can parse current token without pulling out extra information from it

 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;

    pub enum T<'a> {
        Word(&'a str),


 enum Word<'a>{ Word(&'a str), Bang(&'a str)}
 impl<'a> Default for Word<'a>{fn default() -> Self {
 let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("|word|").unwrap();

 let word = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => Word::Word(v))};
 let del = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Del)};

 let parse = |p:usize|{
        .then(word) // omitting the result of del


pub fn then_or_val<Rhs, Then>(self, then: Then, default: Rhs) -> Step<'a, Rhs>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Rhs>,

Takes and process the next step if the current one is succeed omitting the result of the current step. It is convenient when w need to know only a fact that the parser can parse current token without pulling out extra information from it

If the next fn is not presented then return a default value

 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;

    pub enum T<'a> {
        Word(&'a str),


 enum Word<'a>{ Word(&'a str), Bang(&'a str), EmptyWord}
 impl<'a> Default for Word<'a>{fn default() -> Self {
 let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("||").unwrap();

 let word = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => Word::Word(v))};
 let del = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Del)};

 let parse = |p:usize|{
        .then_or_val(word, Word::EmptyWord) // omitting the result of del and process empty var


pub fn then_or_default<Rhs: Default, Then>(self, then: Then) -> Step<'a, Rhs>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Rhs>,

Takes and process the next step if the current one is succeed omitting the result of the current step. It is convenient when w need to know only a fact that the parser can parse current token without pulling out extra information from it

If the next fn is not presented then return a default value from trait

 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;

    pub enum T<'a> {
        Word(&'a str),


 enum Word<'a>{ Word(&'a str), Bang(&'a str), EmptyWord}
 impl<'a> Default for Word<'a>{fn default() -> Self {
 let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("||").unwrap();

 let word = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => Word::Word(v))};
 let del = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Del)};

 let parse = |p:usize|{
        .then_or_default(word) // omitting the result of del and process empty var


pub fn then_or_none<Rhs, Then>(self, then: Then) -> Step<'a, Option<Rhs>>where Then: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, Option<Rhs>>,

Takes and process the next step if the current one is succeed omitting the result of the current step. It is convenient when w need to know only a fact that the parser can parse current token without pulling out extra information from it

If the next fn is not presented then return a none

 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;

    pub enum T<'a> {
        Word(&'a str),


 enum Word<'a>{ Word(&'a str), Bang(&'a str), EmptyWord}
 impl<'a> Default for Word<'a>{fn default() -> Self {
 let pit:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("||").unwrap();

 let word = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Word(v) => Word::Word(v))};
 let del = |p:usize| {token!(pit.token(p) => T::Del)};

 let parse = |p:usize|{
        .then_or_none(|p| word(p).or_none()) // omitting the result of del and process empty var


impl<'a, T: Debug> Step<'a, T>


pub fn print(self) -> Step<'a, T>

Prints the information regarding the current step with a prefix The type To should implement debug

use parsit::step::Step::Success;
let step = Success(vec!["1"],0 );

pub fn print_as<Show, To>(self, show: Show) -> Step<'a, T>where Show: FnOnce(&T) -> &To, To: Debug,

Prints the information regarding the current step transforming the success according to the given function Show

  • show - function transforming the value into some type that will be printed

The type To should implement debug

use parsit::step::Step::Success;
let step = Success(vec!["1"],0 );
step.print_as(|v| v.get(0).unwrap());

pub fn print_with(self, prefix: &'a str) -> Step<'a, T>

Prints the information regarding the current step with a prefix


 use parsit::step::Step::Success;
let step = Success(1,0);

.map(|v| v + 1);
// will be 'some_prefix success, pos: 0, res: 1'

The success type should implement debug trait


pub fn print_with_as<Show, To>(self, prefix: &'a str, show: Show) -> Step<'a, T>where Show: FnOnce(&T) -> &To, To: Debug,

Prints the information regarding the current step with a prefix transforming the success according to the given function Show

  • prefix - given prefix
  • show - function transforming the value into some type that will be printed

The type To should implement debug

use parsit::step::Step::Success;
let step = Success(vec!["1"],0 );
step.print_with_as("prefix", |v| v.get(0).unwrap());

impl<'a, T> Step<'a, T>


pub fn ok(self) -> Option<T>

Returns a value if the result is success otherwise returns none


pub fn map<Rhs, Map>(self, mapper: Map) -> Step<'a, Rhs>where Map: FnOnce(T) -> Rhs,

Transforms a value if it is success

use parsit::step::Step;
let step_one = Step::Success(1,0);
let step_two = step_one.map(|v|v + 1);

pub fn flat_map<Rhs, FMap, FMapErr, Err>( self, mapper: FMap, error_map: FMapErr ) -> Step<'a, Rhs>where FMap: FnOnce(T) -> Result<Rhs, Err>, FMapErr: FnOnce(Err) -> Step<'a, Rhs>,

Transforms a value if it is success into result that can pass father with a transformation to step

use parsit::error::ParseError;
use parsit::step::Step;
struct Er;
impl<'a> Into<ParseError<'a>> for Er{
    fn into(self) -> ParseError<'a> {
let step_one = Step::Success(1,0);
let step_two = step_one.flat_map(|v|Ok::<i32,Er>(1 + v), |e| Step::Fail(0));

pub fn combine<Rhs, Res, Combine>( self, other: Step<'a, Rhs>, comb: Combine ) -> Step<'a, Res>where Combine: FnOnce(T, Rhs) -> Res,

Combines the results from the current step(success) and with the given step success


use parsit::step::Step;

let step = Step::Success(1,0);
let next = step.combine(Step::Success(1,1),|a,b| a + b);
  • If the result is successfull for both the latter position is taken
  • If the result is failed the latest position is taken
  • If the result is error the latest error is taken

pub fn validate<Validation>(self, validate: Validation) -> Step<'a, T>where Validation: FnOnce(&T) -> Result<(), &'a str>,

Validates successful result and transforms into error if the validation is failed

use parsit::error::ParseError;
use parsit::step::Step;

 let res = Step::Success("", 1);
 let res = res.validate(|v| {
       if v.len() > 0 { Ok(()) } else { Err("empty") }

 if let Some(ParseError::FailedOnValidation(v,_)) = res.error(){
    assert_eq!(v, "empty")
 } else { assert!(false) };


pub fn error(self) -> Option<ParseError<'a>>

Transforms error result into option if it is error or returns None otherwise

use parsit::error::ParseError;
use parsit::step::Step;

 let res = Step::Success("", 1);
 let res = res.validate(|v| {
       if v.len() > 0 { Ok(()) } else { Err("empty") }

 if let Some(ParseError::FailedOnValidation(v,_)) = res.error(){
    assert_eq!(v, "empty")
 } else { assert!(false) };


impl<'a, T> Step<'a, T>


pub fn or_val(self, default: T) -> Step<'a, T>

Provides a default alternative for the given rule in case if the value does not present.

This is an implementation for or_val that provides a none as a default. It can be used to process an optional values when we have a specific default value to provide


<rule> ::= "value" ["!"]
 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
    pub enum T {
 struct Value(bool);

 let p:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("value").unwrap();

 let bang_opt = |pos| {
        token!(p.token(pos) => T::Bang => true).or_val(false)

 let parse =
    token!(p.token(0) => T::Value)

pub fn or_none(self) -> Step<'a, Option<T>>

Provides an optional alternative for the given rule in case if the value does not present

This is an implementation for or_val that provides a none as a default. It can be used to process an optional values


 use logos::Logos;
 use crate::parsit::parser::Parsit;
 use crate::parsit::token;
 use crate::parsit::step::Step;
 use crate::parsit::parser::EmptyToken;
    pub enum T {
 struct Value(bool);

 let p:Parsit<T> = Parsit::new("value").unwrap();

 let bang_opt = |pos| {
        token!(p.token(pos) => T::Bang).or_none()

 let parse =
    token!(p.token(0) => T::Value)
        .map(|opt| Value(opt.is_some()) );

pub fn or<Alt>(self, next: Alt) -> Step<'a, T>where Alt: FnOnce(usize) -> Step<'a, T>,

Provides a function of backtracking in a horizon of one token. It works for non complex rules or for the rules that have a distinction in the beginning of parsing like

f: '[' items ']';
s: '(' items ')';
t: '{' items '}';

rule: f | s | t ;


 let first =  |p|{ token!(token => LBracket).then(items) };
 let second = |p|{ token!(token => LParen).then(items) };
 let third =  |p|{ token!(token => LSquare).then(items) };


pub fn or_from(self, pos: usize) -> Alt<'a, T>

Declares the place where a backtracking can be performed. Details can be found in Alt

Trait Implementations§


impl<'a, T: Clone> Clone for Step<'a, T>


fn clone(&self) -> Step<'a, T>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<'a, T: Debug> Debug for Step<'a, T>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<'a, T> From<Alt<'a, T>> for Step<'a, T>


fn from(alt: Alt<'a, T>) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a, T> From<Step<'a, T>> for Result<T, ParseError<'a>>


fn from(step: Step<'a, T>) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<'a, T> RefUnwindSafe for Step<'a, T>where T: RefUnwindSafe,


impl<'a, T> Send for Step<'a, T>where T: Send,


impl<'a, T> Sync for Step<'a, T>where T: Sync,


impl<'a, T> Unpin for Step<'a, T>where T: Unpin,


impl<'a, T> UnwindSafe for Step<'a, T>where T: UnwindSafe,

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for Twhere T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.