pub trait Provide {
Show 30 methods // Required methods fn describe(&self) -> Result<(ProviderInfo, HashSet<Opcode>)>; fn list_keys( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>; fn list_clients(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result>; // Provided methods fn list_providers(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn list_opcodes(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn list_authenticators(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn delete_client( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn ping(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_generate_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_import_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_export_public_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_export_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_destroy_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_sign_hash( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_verify_hash( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_asymmetric_encrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_asymmetric_decrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_aead_encrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_aead_decrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_hash_compute(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_hash_compare(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_raw_key_agreement( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_generate_random(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_cipher_encrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_cipher_decrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_sign_message( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn psa_verify_message( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn can_do_crypto( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn prepare_key_attestation( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... } fn attest_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result> { ... }
Expand description

Provider interface for servicing client operations

Definition of the interface that a provider must implement to be linked into the service through a backend handler.

The methods with no default are used on a service-level by the core provider and so must be supported by all providers.

Required Methods§


fn describe(&self) -> Result<(ProviderInfo, HashSet<Opcode>)>

Return a description of the current provider.

The descriptions are gathered in the Core Provider and returned for a ListProviders operation.


fn list_keys( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Lists all keys belonging to the application.


fn list_clients(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result>

Lists all clients currently having data in the service.

Provided Methods§


fn list_providers(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result>

List the providers running in the service.


fn list_opcodes(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result>

List the opcodes supported by the given provider.


fn list_authenticators(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result>

List the authenticators supported by the given provider.


fn delete_client( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Delete all data a client has in the service..


fn ping(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result>

Execute a Ping operation to get the wire protocol version major and minor information.


This operation will only fail if not implemented. It will never fail when being called on the CoreProvider.


fn psa_generate_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute a GenerateKey operation.

Providers should try, in a best-effort way, to handle failures in a way that it is possible to create a key with the same name later on.

For providers using a Key Info Manager to map a key name with a provider-specific key identification, the following algorithm can be followed:

  1. generate unique key ID
  2. try key creation with it. If successfull go to 3 else return an error.
  3. store the mappings between key name and key ID. If successfull return success, else go to 4.
  4. try to delete the key created. If failed, log it and return the error from 3.

fn psa_import_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute an ImportKey operation.

Providers should try, in a best-effort way, to handle failures in a way that it is possible to import a key with the same name later on.

For providers using a Key Info Manager to map a key name with a provider-specific key identification, the following algorithm can be followed:

  1. generate unique key ID
  2. try key import with it. If successfull go to 3 else return an error.
  3. store the mappings between key name and key ID. If successfull return success, else go to 4.
  4. try to delete the key imported. If failed, log it and return the error from 3.

fn psa_export_public_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute an ExportPublicKey operation.


fn psa_export_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute an ExportKey operation.


fn psa_destroy_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute a DestroyKey operation.

Providers should try, in a best-effort way, to handle failures in a way that it is possible to generate or create a key with the same name than the one destroyed later on.

For providers using a Key Info Manager to map a key name with a provider-specific key identification, the following algorithm can be followed:

  1. get the key ID from the key name using the KIM
  2. destroy the key mappings
  3. try to destroy the key

fn psa_sign_hash( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute a SignHash operation. This operation only signs the short digest given but does not hash it.


fn psa_verify_hash( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute a VerifyHash operation.


fn psa_asymmetric_encrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute an AsymmetricEncrypt operation.


fn psa_asymmetric_decrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute an AsymmetricDecrypt operation.


fn psa_aead_encrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute an AeadEncrypt operation.


fn psa_aead_decrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute an AeadDecrypt operation.


fn psa_hash_compute(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result>

Execute a HashCompute operation.


fn psa_hash_compare(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result>

Execute a HashCompare operation.


fn psa_raw_key_agreement( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Execute a RawKeyAgreement operation.


fn psa_generate_random(&self, _op: Operation) -> Result<Result>

Execute a GenerateRandom operation.


fn psa_cipher_encrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Encrypt a short message with a symmetric cipher.


fn psa_cipher_decrypt( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Decrypt a short message with a symmetric cipher.


fn psa_sign_message( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Sign a message with a private key.


fn psa_verify_message( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Verify the signature of a message using a public key.


fn can_do_crypto( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Check if the crypto operation is supported by provider.


fn prepare_key_attestation( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Prepare a key attestation operation.


fn attest_key( &self, _application_identity: &ApplicationIdentity, _op: Operation ) -> Result<Result>

Attest a key.



impl Provide for parsec_service::providers::core::Provider


impl Provide for parsec_service::providers::cryptoauthlib::Provider


impl Provide for parsec_service::providers::mbed_crypto::Provider


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