[][src]Function parse_hyperlinks::parser::markdown::md_link_ref

pub fn md_link_ref(
    i: &str
) -> IResult<&str, (Cow<'_, str>, Cow<'_, str>, Cow<'_, str>)>

Matches a markdown link reference. The caller must guarantee, that the parser starts at first character of the input or at the first character of a line. It returns either Ok((i, (link_text, link_destination, link_title))) or some error.

use parse_hyperlinks::parser::markdown::md_link_ref;
use std::borrow::Cow;

  md_link_ref("   [name]: <destination> 'title'\nabc"),
  Ok(("\nabc", (Cow::from("name"), Cow::from("destination"), Cow::from("title"))))