Trait parkour::FromInputValue[][src]

pub trait FromInputValue: Sized {
    type Context;
    fn from_input_value(
        value: &str,
        context: &Self::Context
    ) -> Result<Self, Error>; fn allow_leading_dashes(_context: &Self::Context) -> bool { ... } }

Trait for parsing a value. A value can be

  • a positional argument
  • a string following a flag; e.g in --foo bar or --foo=bar, the bar part is a value. A flag can be followed by multiple values, e.g. --foo bar baz or --foo=bar,baz

To parse values, they are first converted to a string slice. By default, an argument that starts with a dash can't be parsed as a value, unless you implement the allow_leading_dashes method.

Associated Types

type Context[src]

Information that is available while parsing

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Required methods

fn from_input_value(value: &str, context: &Self::Context) -> Result<Self, Error>[src]

The function that parses the string. This function is usually not invoked directly. Instead you can use Parse::parse_value and Parse::try_parse_value:

let mut input = parkour::parser();
let n: i32 = input.parse_value(&NumberCtx { min: -1000, max: 1000 })?;
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Provided methods

fn allow_leading_dashes(_context: &Self::Context) -> bool[src]

This function specifies whether this argument may start with leading dashes. For example, this returns true for numbers that can be negative. The default is false.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<T: FromInputValue, const N: usize> FromInputValue for [T; N][src]

type Context = ArrayCtx<T::Context>

impl FromInputValue for bool[src]

type Context = ()

impl FromInputValue for char[src]

type Context = ()

impl<T: FromInputValue<Context = C>, C> FromInputValue for Vec<T>[src]

type Context = ListCtx<C>

impl<T: FromInputValue<Context = C>, C> FromInputValue for VecDeque<T>[src]

type Context = ListCtx<C>

impl<T: FromInputValue<Context = C>, C> FromInputValue for LinkedList<T>[src]

type Context = ListCtx<C>

impl<T: FromInputValue<Context = C> + Ord, C> FromInputValue for BTreeSet<T>[src]

type Context = ListCtx<C>

impl<T: FromInputValue<Context = C> + Hash + Eq, C> FromInputValue for HashSet<T>[src]

type Context = ListCtx<C>

impl FromInputValue for i8[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<i8>

impl FromInputValue for i16[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<i16>

impl FromInputValue for i32[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<i32>

impl FromInputValue for i64[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<i64>

impl FromInputValue for i128[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<i128>

impl FromInputValue for isize[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<isize>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroI8[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroI8>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroI16[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroI16>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroI32[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroI32>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroI64[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroI64>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroI128[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroI128>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroIsize[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroIsize>

impl FromInputValue for u8[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<u8>

impl FromInputValue for u16[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<u16>

impl FromInputValue for u32[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<u32>

impl FromInputValue for u64[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<u64>

impl FromInputValue for u128[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<u128>

impl FromInputValue for usize[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<usize>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroU8[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroU8>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroU16[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroU16>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroU32[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroU32>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroU64[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroU64>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroU128[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroU128>

impl FromInputValue for NonZeroUsize[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<NonZeroUsize>

impl FromInputValue for f32[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<f32>

impl FromInputValue for f64[src]

type Context = NumberCtx<f64>

impl FromInputValue for String[src]

type Context = StringCtx

impl FromInputValue for OsString[src]

type Context = StringCtx

impl FromInputValue for PathBuf[src]

type Context = StringCtx

impl FromInputValue for Cow<'static, str>[src]

type Context = StringCtx

impl<T1: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1,)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context,)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue, T4: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3, T4)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context, T4::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue, T4: FromInputValue, T5: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context, T4::Context, T5::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue, T4: FromInputValue, T5: FromInputValue, T6: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context, T4::Context, T5::Context, T6::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue, T4: FromInputValue, T5: FromInputValue, T6: FromInputValue, T7: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context, T4::Context, T5::Context, T6::Context, T7::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue, T4: FromInputValue, T5: FromInputValue, T6: FromInputValue, T7: FromInputValue, T8: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context, T4::Context, T5::Context, T6::Context, T7::Context, T8::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue, T4: FromInputValue, T5: FromInputValue, T6: FromInputValue, T7: FromInputValue, T8: FromInputValue, T9: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context, T4::Context, T5::Context, T6::Context, T7::Context, T8::Context, T9::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue, T4: FromInputValue, T5: FromInputValue, T6: FromInputValue, T7: FromInputValue, T8: FromInputValue, T9: FromInputValue, T10: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context, T4::Context, T5::Context, T6::Context, T7::Context, T8::Context, T9::Context, T10::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue, T4: FromInputValue, T5: FromInputValue, T6: FromInputValue, T7: FromInputValue, T8: FromInputValue, T9: FromInputValue, T10: FromInputValue, T11: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context, T4::Context, T5::Context, T6::Context, T7::Context, T8::Context, T9::Context, T10::Context, T11::Context)>

impl<T1: FromInputValue, T2: FromInputValue, T3: FromInputValue, T4: FromInputValue, T5: FromInputValue, T6: FromInputValue, T7: FromInputValue, T8: FromInputValue, T9: FromInputValue, T10: FromInputValue, T11: FromInputValue, T12: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)[src]

type Context = TupleCtx<(T1::Context, T2::Context, T3::Context, T4::Context, T5::Context, T6::Context, T7::Context, T8::Context, T9::Context, T10::Context, T11::Context, T12::Context)>

impl<T: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for Box<T>[src]

type Context = T::Context

impl<T: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for Rc<T>[src]

type Context = T::Context

impl<T: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for Arc<T>[src]

type Context = T::Context

impl<T: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for Cell<T>[src]

type Context = T::Context

impl<T: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for RefCell<T>[src]

type Context = T::Context

impl<T: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for UnsafeCell<T>[src]

type Context = T::Context

impl<T: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for Mutex<T>[src]

type Context = T::Context

impl<T: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for RwLock<T>[src]

type Context = T::Context

impl<T: FromInputValue> FromInputValue for ManuallyDrop<T>[src]

type Context = T::Context

impl<T: ToOwned> FromInputValue for Cow<'static, T> where
    T::Owned: FromInputValue

type Context = <T::Owned as FromInputValue>::Context

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