Trait parity_wasm::interpreter::ModuleInstanceInterface [] [src]

pub trait ModuleInstanceInterface {
    fn execute_index(
        index: u32,
        params: ExecutionParams
    ) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Error>;
fn execute_export(
        name: &str,
        params: ExecutionParams
    ) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Error>;
fn export_entry<'a>(
        name: &str,
        required_type: &ExportEntryType
    ) -> Result<Internal, Error>;
fn table(&self, index: ItemIndex) -> Result<Arc<TableInstance>, Error>;
fn memory(&self, index: ItemIndex) -> Result<Arc<MemoryInstance>, Error>;
fn global<'a>(
        index: ItemIndex,
        variable_type: Option<VariableType>,
        externals: Option<&'a HashMap<String, Arc<ModuleInstanceInterface + 'a>>>
    ) -> Result<Arc<VariableInstance>, Error>;
fn function_type(
        function_index: ItemIndex
    ) -> Result<FunctionSignature, Error>;
fn function_type_by_index(
        type_index: u32
    ) -> Result<FunctionSignature, Error>;
fn function_reference<'a>(
        index: ItemIndex,
        externals: Option<&'a HashMap<String, Arc<ModuleInstanceInterface + 'a>>>
    ) -> Result<InternalFunctionReference<'a>, Error>;
fn function_reference_indirect<'a>(
        table_idx: u32,
        type_idx: u32,
        func_idx: u32,
        externals: Option<&'a HashMap<String, Arc<ModuleInstanceInterface + 'a>>>
    ) -> Result<InternalFunctionReference<'a>, Error>;
fn function_body<'a>(
        &'a self,
        internal_index: u32
    ) -> Result<Option<InternalFunction<'a>>, Error>;
fn call_internal_function(
        outer: CallerContext,
        index: u32
    ) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Error>; }
Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Module instance API.

Required Methods

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Execute function with the given index.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Execute function with the given export name.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get export entry.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get table reference.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get memory reference.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get global reference.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get function type for given function index.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get function type for given function index.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get function reference.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get function indirect reference.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get internal function for interpretation.

Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Call function with given internal index.
