Struct parity_wasm::interpreter::TableInstance [] [src]

pub struct TableInstance { /* fields omitted */ }
Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Table instance.


impl TableInstance


Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

New instance of the table


Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Return table limits.


Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get variable type for this table.


Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Get the specific value in the table


Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Set the table value from raw slice


Deprecated since 0.23

: Use wasmi crate to interpret wasm

Set the table from runtime variable value