Function parallel_reader::read_stream_and_process_chunks_in_parallel[][src]

pub fn read_stream_and_process_chunks_in_parallel<E: Send + 'static>(
    reader: impl Read,
    chunk_size: usize,
    num_threads: usize,
    f: Arc<impl Fn(u64, &[u8]) -> Result<(), E> + Send + Sync + 'static>
) -> Result<(), Error<E>>

Read from a stream and process it by chunks in parallel.

Reads are done sequentially on the current thread, in chunks of the given size, then the given function is run on them in parallel on the given number of threads.

If any of the processing functions returns an error, reading and processing will be stopped as soon as possible and the error returned to the caller. Note that because processing is happening in parallel, it is possible for the processing and/or reading to go past the chunk that causes an error, but it will stop soon thereafter.

Any read errors on the source will also stop further progress, but similarly, any ongoing processing will need to finish before this function returns.

The error returned to the caller is only the first one encountered.


use parallel_reader::read_stream_and_process_chunks_in_parallel;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering::SeqCst};
use std::io::Cursor;

let source = Cursor::new(vec![0u8; 12345]);
let num_bytes = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0));
let num_bytes_clone = num_bytes.clone();
let result = read_stream_and_process_chunks_in_parallel(source, 1024, 4, Arc::new(
    move |_offset, data: &[u8]| -> Result<(), ()> {
        // Trivial worker: just sum up the number of bytes in the data.
        num_bytes_clone.fetch_add(data.len() as u64, SeqCst);
assert_eq!(12345, num_bytes.load(SeqCst));