[][src]Module papyrus::linking

Linking an external crate and sharing data.

When running a REPL you might want to link an external crate. The specific use case is a developer wants to link the crate they are working on into the REPL for the user to be able to use. A developer might also want to make data available to the REPL. Papyrus has this functionality but makes some assumptions that the developer will need to be aware of, detailed below.

Worked Example

A REPL instance should always be created by invoking the macro repl!(). In the examples below this will be elided for as the documentation won't compile with the macros. The macro accepts a type ascription (such as u32, String, MyStruct, etc.) which defines the generic data constraint of the REPL. When an evaluation call is made, a mutable reference of the same type will be required to be passed through. Papyrus uses this data to pass it (across an FFI boundary) for the REPL to access.

To show the functionality of linking, let's work on a crate called some-lib.

File Setup


extern crate papyrus;

use papyrus::prelude::*;

fn main() {
  let mut repl = repl!();

  repl.run(&mut ());


pub struct MyStruct {
  pub a: i32,
  pub b: i32,

impl MyStruct {
  pub fn new(a: i32, b: i32) -> Self {
    MyStruct { a, b }

  pub fn add_contents(&self) -> i32 {
    self.a + self.b


name = "some-lib"


name = "some_lib"
crate-type = ["rlib" ]
path = "src/lib.rs" # you may need path to the library

papyrus = { version = "*", crate-type = [ "rlib" ] }

Notice that you will have to specify the library with a certain crate-type. Papyrus links using an rlib file, but it is shown that you can also build multiple library files. If you build this project you should find a libsome_lib.rlib sitting in your build directory. Papyrus uses this to link when compiling. The papyrus dependency also requires a crate-type specification. If not specified, references to papyrus in the library will cause compilation errors when running the REPL.


Run this project (cargo run). It should spool up fine and prompt you with papyrus=>. Now you can try to use the linked crate.

papyrus=> some_lib::MyStruct::new(20, 30).add_contents()
papyrus [out0]: 50

Behind the scenes

  • Papyrus takes the crate name you specify and will add this as extern crate CRATE_NAME; to the source file.
  • When setting the external crate name, the rlib library is found and copied into the compilation directory.
    • Papyrus uses std::env::current_exe() to find the executing folder, and searches for the rlib file in that folder (libCRATE_NAME.rlib)
    • Specify the path to the rlib library if it is located in a different folder
  • When compiling the REPL code, a rustc flag is set, linking the rlib such that extern crate CRATE_NAME; works.

Passing MyStruct data through

Keep the example before, but alter the main.rs file.


This example is not tested
extern crate papyrus;
extern crate some_lib;

use some_lib::MyStruct;

fn main() {
  let mut app_data = MyStruct::new(20, 10);

  let mut repl = repl!(some_lib::MyStruct);

  repl.data = repl
    .with_extern_crate("some_lib", None)
    .expect("failed creating repl data");

  repl.run(&mut app_data);

Run this project (cargo run). It should spool up fine and prompt you with papyrus=>. Now you can try to use the linked data. The linked data is in a variable app_data. It is borrowed or mutably borrowed depending on the REPL state.

papyrus=> app_data.add_contents()
papyrus [out0]: 50



To avoid crashing the application on a panic, catch_unwind is employed. This function requires data that crosses the boundary be UnwindSafe, making & and &mut not valid data types. Papyrus uses AssertUnwindSafe wrappers to make this work, however it makes app_data vulnerable to breaking invariant states if a panic is triggered.

The developer should keep this in mind when implementing a linked REPL. Some guidelines:

  1. Keep the app_data that is being transfered simple.
  2. Develop wrappers that only pass through a clone of the data.



Represents an externally linked library.


The external crate and data linking configuration.