[][src]Trait pallet_grandpa::Trait

Associated Types

type Event: From<Event> + Into<Self::Event>

The event type of this module.

type Call: From<Call<Self>>

The function call.

type KeyOwnerProof: Parameter + GetSessionNumber + GetValidatorCount

The proof of key ownership, used for validating equivocation reports. The proof must include the session index and validator count of the session at which the equivocation occurred.

type KeyOwnerIdentification: Parameter

The identification of a key owner, used when reporting equivocations.

type KeyOwnerProofSystem: KeyOwnerProofSystem<(KeyTypeId, AuthorityId), Proof = Self::KeyOwnerProof, IdentificationTuple = Self::KeyOwnerIdentification>

A system for proving ownership of keys, i.e. that a given key was part of a validator set, needed for validating equivocation reports.

type HandleEquivocation: HandleEquivocation<Self>

The equivocation handling subsystem, defines methods to report an offence (after the equivocation has been validated) and for submitting a transaction to report an equivocation (from an offchain context). NOTE: when enabling equivocation handling (i.e. this type isn't set to ()) you must use this pallet's ValidateUnsigned in the runtime definition.

type WeightInfo: WeightInfo

Weights for this pallet.

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