[][src]Static p5_sys::global::loadTable

pub static loadTable: LoadTableInternalType

Reads the contents of a file or URL and creates a p5.Table object with its values. If a file is specified, it must be located in the sketch's "data" folder. The filename parameter can also be a URL to a file found online. By default, the file is assumed to be comma-separated (in CSV format). Table only looks for a header row if the 'header' option is included.

This method is asynchronous, meaning it may not finish before the next line in your sketch is executed. Calling loadTable() inside preload() guarantees to complete the operation before setup() and draw() are called. Outside of preload(), you may supply a callback function to handle the object:

All files loaded and saved use UTF-8 encoding. This method is suitable for fetching files up to size of 64MB.


// Given the following CSV file called "mammals.csv"
// located in the project's "assets" folder:
// id,species,name
// 0,Capra hircus,Goat
// 1,Panthera pardus,Leopard
// 2,Equus zebra,Zebra

let table;

function preload() {
  //my table is comma separated value "csv"
  //and has a header specifying the columns labels
  table = loadTable('assets/mammals.csv', 'csv', 'header');
  //the file can be remote
  //table = loadTable("http://p5js.org/reference/assets/mammals.csv",
  //                  "csv", "header");

function setup() {
  //count the columns
  print(table.getRowCount() + ' total rows in table');
  print(table.getColumnCount() + ' total columns in table');

  //["Goat", "Leopard", "Zebra"]

  //cycle through the table
  for (let r = 0; r < table.getRowCount(); r++)
    for (let c = 0; c < table.getColumnCount(); c++) {
      print(table.getString(r, c));


filename name of the file or URL to load

extension? parse the table by comma-separated values "csv", semicolon-separated values "ssv", or tab-separated values "tsv"

header? "header" to indicate table has header row

callback? function to be executed after loadTable() completes. On success, the Table object is passed in as the first argument.

errorCallback? function to be executed if there is an error, response is passed in as first argument