[][src]Static p5_sys::global::loadShader

pub static loadShader: LoadShaderInternalType

Loads a custom shader from the provided vertex and fragment shader paths. The shader files are loaded asynchronously in the background, so this method should be used in preload().

For now, there are three main types of shaders. p5 will automatically supply appropriate vertices, normals, colors, and lighting attributes if the parameters defined in the shader match the names.


let mandel;
function preload() {
  // load the shader definitions from files
  mandel = loadShader('assets/shader.vert', 'assets/shader.frag');
function setup() {
  createCanvas(100, 100, WEBGL);
  // use the shader
  mandel.setUniform('p', [-0.74364388703, 0.13182590421]);

function draw() {
  mandel.setUniform('r', 1.5 * exp(-6.5 * (1 + sin(millis() / 2000))));
  quad(-1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1);


vertFilename path to file containing vertex shader source code

fragFilename path to file containing fragment shader source code

callback? callback to be executed after loadShader completes. On success, the Shader object is passed as the first argument.

errorCallback? callback to be executed when an error occurs inside loadShader. On error, the error is passed as the first argument.