[][src]Static p5_sys::global::copy

pub static copy: CopyInternalType

Copies a region of the canvas to another region of the canvas and copies a region of pixels from an image used as the srcImg parameter into the canvas srcImage is specified this is used as the source. If the source and destination regions aren't the same size, it will automatically resize source pixels to fit the specified target region.


let img;

function preload() {
  img = loadImage('assets/rockies.jpg');

function setup() {
  copy(img, 7, 22, 10, 10, 35, 25, 50, 50);
  // Rectangle shows area being copied
  rect(7, 22, 10, 10);


srcImage source image

sx X coordinate of the source's upper left corner

sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left corner

sw source image width

sh source image height

dx X coordinate of the destination's upper left corner

dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper left corner

dw destination image width

dh destination image height

sx X coordinate of the source's upper left corner

sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left corner

sw source image width

sh source image height

dx X coordinate of the destination's upper left corner

dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper left corner

dw destination image width

dh destination image height