[][src]Function oxygengine_physics_2d::prelude::solver::helper::cancel_relative_linear_velocity

pub fn cancel_relative_linear_velocity<N, B, H>(
    body1: &B,
    part1: &(dyn BodyPart<N> + 'static),
    handle1: BodyPartHandle<H>,
    body2: &B,
    part2: &(dyn BodyPart<N> + 'static),
    handle2: BodyPartHandle<H>,
    assembly_id1: usize,
    assembly_id2: usize,
    anchor1: &Point<N, U2>,
    anchor2: &Point<N, U2>,
    ext_vels: &Matrix<N, Dynamic, U1, VecStorage<N, Dynamic, U1>>,
    impulses: &Matrix<N, U2, U1, <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<N, U2, U1>>::Buffer>,
    impulse_id: usize,
    ground_j_id: &mut usize,
    j_id: &mut usize,
    jacobians: &mut [N],
    constraints: &mut LinearConstraints<N, usize>
) where
    B: Body<N> + ?Sized,
    H: BodyHandle,
    N: RealField

Generates velocity constraints to cancel the relative linear velocity of two body parts.

All inputs mut be given in world-space.