
Geometry bindings

Pixel arithmetic description for blending operations. Will be used in an equation: equation(sfactor * source_color, dfactor * destination_color) Where source_color is the new pixel color and destination color is color from the destination buffer.

ElapsedQuery is used to measure duration of GPU operations.


Blend factors.

Blend values.

Depth and stencil compare function

A pixel-wise comparison function.

Specify whether front- or back-facing polygons can be culled.

Specifies how incoming RGBA values (source) and the RGBA in framebuffer (destination) are combined.

Define front- and back-facing polygons.

Operations performed on current stencil value when comparison test passes or fails.

List of all the possible formats of input data when uploading to texture. The list is built by intersection of texture formats supported by 3.3 core profile and webgl1.

Sets the wrap parameter for texture.

