[][src]Crate overloadable

This crate provides the ability to create overloadable functions in rust through the use of a macro.


use overloadable::overloadable;
    visibility function_name as
    fn<OptionalTypeArgs>(function_params: function_types) -> optional_return_type where [OptionalTypeArgs: constraints] {

What is produced

Here is an example of the output produced by overloadable:

use overloadable::overloadable;
use std::fmt::Debug;
    pub my_func as
    fn(x: usize, y: &str) -> f32 {
        (x * y.len()) as f32
    fn<T>() where [T: Debug] {}
pub struct my_func;
impl Fn<(usize, &str,)> for my_func {
    extern "rust-call" fn call(&self, (x, y,): (usize, &str,)) -> f32 {
            (x * y.len()) as f32
//The rest of the `Fn*` family
impl<T> Fn<()> for my_func where T: Debug {
    extern "rust-call" fn call(&self, (): ()) -> () {
//The rest of the `Fn*` family.


  • These functions cannot be exposed for ffi.
  • These functions cannot be const fns.
  • These functions cannot pattern match their arguments.
  • These functions cannot be used in place of a fn()-style function pointer
    • But they can be used with the Fn* family of traits.
  • The where clause' contents must be surrounded by square brackets due to a constraint in macros.
  • Generic lifetime parameters must always be proceeded by a comma, even if they are the only generic parameters.

