Crate overcast

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Overcast is a crate for defining strongly typed changelogs that are designed to make it simple to Keep a Changelog.


A more complete example is available in, the structure used to render

let changelog = Changelog::new("My Changelog")
    .with_description("A changelog for amazing things")
    .add_release(Release::new(0, 1, 0)
        .with_date(1970, 1, 1)
        .added("New feature")
        .fixed("All the bugs")

let markdown = render_markdown(&changelog).unwrap();

    "# My Changelog

A changelog for amazing things

## 0.1.0 - 1970-01-01

### Added
- New feature

### Fixed
- All the bugs



  • dates Support for adding dates to changelog entries
  • render_markdown render changelogs as JSON
  • render_json render changelogs to JSON format
  • drizzle_changelog include Drizzle’s changelog. Mainly to enable testing and examples


  • A single change
  • Contains the entire changelog structure
  • A single releases with a collection of changes
