[][src]Attribute Macro ouroboros::self_referencing


This macro is used to turn a regular struct into a self-referencing one. An example:

use ouroboros::self_referencing;
struct MyStruct {
    int_data: Box<i32>,
    float_data: Box<f32>,
    int_reference: &'this i32,
    #[borrows(mut float_data)]
    float_reference: &'this mut f32,
fn main() {
    let mut my_value = MyStructBuilder {
        int_data: Box::new(42),
        float_data: Box::new(3.14),
        int_reference_builder: |int_data: &i32| int_data,
        float_reference_builder: |float_data: &mut f32| float_data,
    // Prints 42
    println!("{:?}", my_value.borrow_int_data());
    // Prints 3.14
    println!("{:?}", my_value.borrow_float_reference());
    // Sets the value of float_data to 84.0
    my_value.with_mut(|fields| {
        **fields.float_reference = (**fields.int_reference as f32) * 2.0;
    // We can hold on to this reference...
    let int_ref = *my_value.borrow_int_reference();
    println!("{:?}", *int_ref);
    // As long as the struct is still alive.
    // This will cause an error!
    // println!("{:?}", *int_ref);

To explain the features and limitations of this crate, some definitions are necessary:


  • immutably borrowed field: a field which is immutably borrowed by at least one other field.
  • mutably borrowed field: a field which is mutably borrowed by exactly one other field.
  • self-referencing field: a field which borrows at least one other field.
  • head field: a field which does not borrow any other fields, I.E. not self-referencing. This does not include fields with empty borrows annotations (#[borrows()].)
  • tail field: a field which is not borrowed by any other fields.


To make a self-referencing struct, you must write a struct definition and place #[self_referencing] on top. For every field that borrows other fields, you must place #[borrows()] on top and place inside the parenthesis a list of fields that it borrows. Mut can be prefixed to indicate that a mutable borrow is required. For example, #[borrows(a, b, mut c)] indicates that the first two fields need to be borrowed immutably and the third needs to be borrowed mutably. You can also use #[borrows()] without any arguments to indicate a field that will eventually borrow from the struct, but does not borrow anything when first created. For example, you could use this on a field like error: Option<&'this str>.

You must comply with these limitations

  • Fields must be declared before the first time they are borrowed.
  • Normal borrowing rules apply, E.G. a field cannot be borrowed mutably twice.
  • Fields that are borrowed must be of a data type that implement StableDeref. Normally this just means Box<T>.
  • Fields that use the 'this lifetime must have a corresponding #[borrows()] annotation. The error for this needs some work, currently you will get an error saying that 'this is undefined at the location it was illegally used in.

Violating them will result in an error message directly pointing out the violated rule.

Flexibility of this crate

The example above uses plain references as the self-referencing part of the struct, but you can use anything that is dependent on lifetimes of objects inside the struct. For example, you could do something like this:

use ouroboros::self_referencing;

pub struct ComplexData<'a, 'b> {
    aref: &'a i32,
    bref: &'b mut i32,
    number: i32,

impl<'a, 'b> ComplexData<'a, 'b> {
    fn new(aref: &'a i32, bref: &'b mut i32, number: i32) -> Self {
        Self { aref, bref, number }

    /// Copies the value aref points to into what bref points to.
    fn transfer(&mut self) {
        *self.bref = *self.aref;

    /// Prints the value bref points to.
    fn print_bref(&self) {
        println!("{}", *self.bref);

fn main() {
    struct DataStorage {
        immutable: Box<i32>,
        mutable: Box<i32>,
        #[borrows(immutable, mut mutable)]
        complex_data: ComplexData<'this, 'this>,

    let mut data_storage = DataStorageBuilder {
        immutable: Box::new(10),
        mutable: Box::new(20),
        complex_data_builder: |i: &i32, m: &mut i32| ComplexData::new(i, m, 12345),
    data_storage.with_complex_data_mut(|data| {
        // Copies the value in immutable into mutable.
        // Prints 10

Using chain_hack

Unfortunately, as of September 2020, Rust has a known limitation in its type checker which prevents chained references from working (I.E. structs where field C references field B which references field A.) To counteract this problem, you can use #[self_referencing(chain_hack)] to allow creating these kinds of structs at the cost of additional restrictions and possible loss of clarity in some error messages. The main limitation is that all fields that are borrowed must be of type Box<T>. A nice error message will be generated if you use a different type. There should be no other limitations, but some configurations may produce strange compiler errors. If you find such a configuration, please open an issue on the Github repository. You can view a documented example of a struct which uses chain_hack here.

What does the macro generate?

The #[self_referencing] struct will replace your definition with an unsafe self-referencing struct with a safe public interface. Many functions will be generated depending on your original struct definition. Documentation is generated for all items, so building documentation for your project allows accessing detailed information about available functions. Using #[self_referencing(no_doc)] will hide the generated items from documentation if it is becoming too cluttered.

A quick note on visibility

The visibility of generated items is dependent on one of two things. If the generated item is related to a specific field of the struct, it uses the visibility of the original field. (The actual field in the struct will be made private since accessing it could cause undefined behavior.) If the generated item is not related to any particular field, it will by default only be visible to the module the struct is declared in. (This includes things like new() and with().) You can use #[self_referencing(pub_extras)] to make these items have the same visibility as the struct itself.

List of generated items

MyStruct::new(fields...) -> MyStruct

A basic constructor. It accepts values for each field in the order you declared them in. For head fields, you only need to pass in what value it should have and it will be moved in to the output. For self-referencing fields, you must provide a function or closure which creates the value based on the values it borrows. A field using the earlier example of #[borrow(a, b, mut c)] would require a function typed as FnOnce(a: &_, b: &_, c: &mut _) -> _. Fields which have an empty borrows annotation (#[borrows()]) should have their value directly passed in. A field using the earlier example of Option<&'this str> would require an input of None. Do not pass a function. Do not collect 200 dollars.


This is the preferred way to create a new instance of your struct. It is similar to using the MyStruct { a, b, c, d } syntax instead of MyStruct::new(a, b, c, d). It contains one field for every argument in the actual constructor. Head fields have the same name that you originally defined them with. self-referencing fields are suffixed with _builder since you need to provide a function instead of a value. Fields with an empty borrows annotation are not initialized using builders. Calling .build() on an instance of MyStructBuilder will convert it to an instance of MyStruct.

MyStruct::try_new<E>(fields...) -> Result<MyStruct, E>

Similar to the regular new() function, except the functions wich create values for all self-referencing fields can return Result<>s. If any of those are Errs, that error will be returned instead of an instance of MyStruct. The preferred way to use this function is through MyStructTryBuilder and its try_build() function.

MyStruct::try_new_or_recover<E>(fields...) -> Result<MyStruct, (E, Heads)>

Similar to the try_new() function, except that all the head fields are returned along side the original error in case of an error. The preferred way to use this function is through MyStructTryBuilder and its try_build_or_recover() function.

MyStruct::with_FIELD<R>(&self, user: FnOnce(field: &FieldType) -> R) -> R

This function is generated for every tail and immutably-borrowed field in your struct. It allows safely accessing a reference to that value. The function generates the reference and passes it to user. You can do anything you want with the reference, it is constructed to not outlive the struct.

MyStruct::borrow_FIELD(&self) -> &FieldType

This function is generated for every tail and immutably-borrowed field in your struct. It is equivalent to calling my_struct.with_FIELD(|field| field). Note that certain types of fields would cause this function to generate a compiler error, so it is ommitted. Generally, if your field uses 'this as a lifetime parameter, the corresponding borrow_FIELD function will not be generated. There is no borrow_FIELD_mut, unfortunately, as Rust's borrow checker is currently not capable of ensuring that such a method would be used safely.

MyStruct::with_FIELD_mut<R>(&mut self, user: FnOnce(field: &mut FieldType) -> R) -> R

This function is generated for every tail field in your struct. It is the mutable version of with_FIELD.

MyStruct::with<R>(&self, user: FnOnce(fields: AllFields) -> R) -> R

Allows borrowing all tail and immutably-borrowed fields at once. Functions similarly to with_FIELD.

MyStruct::with_mut<R>(&self, user: FnOnce(fields: AllFields) -> R) -> R

Allows mutably borrowing all tail fields and immutably borrowing all immutably-borrowed fields at once. Functions similarly to with_FIELD_mut, except that you can borrow multiple fields as mutable at the same time and also have immutable access to any remaining fields.

MyStruct::into_heads(self) -> Heads

Drops all self-referencing fields and returns a struct containing all head fields.