Function osmpbfreader::get_objs_and_deps [] [src]

pub fn get_objs_and_deps<R, F>(reader: &mut OsmPbfReader<R>,
                               pred: F)
                               -> Result<BTreeMap<OsmId, OsmObj>> where R: Read + Seek, F: FnMut(&OsmObj) -> bool

This function give you the ability to find all the objects validating a predicate and all there dependencies.


If you want to extract all the administrative boundaries and all there dependencies you can do something like that:

fn is_admin(obj: &osmpbfreader::OsmObj) -> bool{
    match *obj {
       osmpbfreader::OsmObj::Relation(ref rel) => {
           rel.tags.get("boundary").map_or(false, |v| v == "administrative")
       _ => false,

let path = std::path::Path::new("/dev/null");
let r = std::fs::File::open(&path).unwrap();
let mut pbf = osmpbfreader::OsmPbfReader::new(r);
for obj in osmpbfreader::get_objs_and_deps(&mut pbf, is_admin) {
    println!("{:?}", obj);