pub trait PaginatedResource {
    type Id: Debug + Serialize + Send;
    type Root: DeserializeOwned + Send;

    // Required method
    fn resource_id(&self) -> Self::Id;
Expand description

A single resource.

This trait can normally be derived. You need to

  • add a #[resource_id] attribute to the field that serves as a pagination marker
  • add a #[collection_name = "resources"] attribute to the structure with a name of the field that is returned in the collection (e.g. “servers” for Compute servers).

The trait and its dependencies can be implemented manually like this:

use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct Server {
    pub id: String,
    pub name: String,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct ServersRoot {
    pub servers: Vec<Server>,  // equivalent of #[collection_name = "servers"]

// This implementatin defines the relationship between the root resource and its items.
impl osauth::PaginatedResource for Server {
    type Id = String;
    type Root = ServersRoot;
    fn resource_id(&self) -> Self::Id {  // equivalent of #[resource_id] on the `id` field

// This is another required part of the pagination contract.
impl From<ServersRoot> for Vec<Server> {
    fn from(value: ServersRoot) -> Vec<Server> {

Required Associated Types§


type Id: Debug + Serialize + Send

Type of an ID.


type Root: DeserializeOwned + Send

Root type of the listing.

Required Methods§


fn resource_id(&self) -> Self::Id

Retrieve a copy of the ID.
