pub async fn create_browser_registration_flow(
    configuration: &Configuration,
    return_to: Option<&str>,
    login_challenge: Option<&str>
) -> Result<RegistrationFlow, Error<CreateBrowserRegistrationFlowError>>
Expand description

This endpoint initializes a browser-based user registration flow. This endpoint will set the appropriate cookies and anti-CSRF measures required for browser-based flows. :::info This endpoint is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to potential breaking changes in the future. ::: If this endpoint is opened as a link in the browser, it will be redirected to selfservice.flows.registration.ui_url with the flow ID set as the query parameter ?flow=. If a valid user session exists already, the browser will be redirected to urls.default_redirect_url. If this endpoint is called via an AJAX request, the response contains the flow without a redirect. In the case of an error, the of the JSON response body can be one of: session_already_available: The user is already signed in. security_csrf_violation: Unable to fetch the flow because a CSRF violation occurred. security_identity_mismatch: The requested ?return_to address is not allowed to be used. Adjust this in the configuration! If this endpoint is called via an AJAX request, the response contains the registration flow without a redirect. This endpoint is NOT INTENDED for clients that do not have a browser (Chrome, Firefox, …) as cookies are needed. More information can be found at Ory Kratos User Login and User Registration Documentation.