

< A new instance was added to this resource
< Timeout: No new instance in this patient
< Timeout: No new instance in this series
< Timeout: No new instance in this study
< Some user-defined attachment has changed for this resource
< Some user-defined metadata has changed for this resource
< gzip, prefixed with uncompressed size (uint64_t)
< zlib, prefixed with uncompressed size (uint64_t)
< Cannot override the value of a tag that already exists
< An application entity title (AET) cannot be empty or be longer than 16 characters
< This HTTP status is not allowed in a REST API
< Unable to order the slices of the series
< Corrupted file (e.g. inconsistent MD5 hash)
< Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an inexistent resource
< No payload is present for one instance in the series
< Only string values are supported when creating DICOM instances
< Trying to override a value inherited from a parent module
< Unable to get the encoding of the parent resource
< Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an instance (must be a series, study or patient)
< Use "Content" to inject an image into a new DICOM instance
< The payload of the DICOM instance must be specified according to Data URI scheme
< Another plugin has already registered a custom database back-end
< Database could not serialize access due to concurrent update, the transaction should be retried
< Plugin trying to call the database during its initialization
< The plugin implementing a custom database back-end does not fulfill the proper interface
< The database is currently not available (probably a transient situation)
< DicomUserConnection: The C-FIND command is not supported by the remote SCP
< DicomUserConnection: The C-MOVE command is not supported by the remote SCP
< The TCP port of the DICOM server is privileged or already in use
< The specified path does not point to a directory
< The directory to be created is already occupied by a regular file
< Calling a function that has been removed from the Orthanc Framework
< Unable to create a subdirectory or a file in the file storage
< The TCP port of the HTTP server is privileged or already in use
< Cannot convert the given JSON object to a Lua table
< Arguments cannot be pushed after the Lua function is executed
< The Lua function does not give the expected number of outputs
< The Lua function does not return a string
< A main DICOM Tag has been defined multiple times for the same resource level
< No request handler factory for DICOM C-FIND SCP
< No request handler factory for DICOM C-GET SCP
< No request handler factory for DICOM C-MOVE SCP
< No request handler factory for DICOM C-STORE SCP
< DicomUserConnection: No acceptable presentation context for modality
< DicomUserConnection: Unable to find the SOP class and instance
< No request handler factory for DICOM N-ACTION SCP (storage commitment)
< No request handler factory for DICOM C-Find Modality SCP
< Cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept HTTP header
< The server hosting Orthanc is running out of memory
< The Lua function is not a predicate (only true/false outputs allowed)
< Unable to get the path to the executable
< Error encountered within the plugin engine
< Cannot modify a read-only data structure
< The specified path does not point to a regular file
< A bad revision number was provided, which might indicate conflict between multiple writers
< SQLite: Bing a value while out of range (serious error)
< SQLite: Cannot step over a cached statement
< SQLite: Unable to flush the database
< SQLite: Rolling back a nonexistent transaction (have you called Begin()?)
< SQLite: This cached statement is already being referred to
< SQLite: Failure when committing the transaction
< Error while using a shared library (plugin)
< Orthanc has been built without SSL support
< Cannot initialize SSL encryption, check out your certificates
< Another plugin has already registered a custom storage area
< Error in the plugin implementing a custom storage area
< Bad credentials were provided to an HTTP request
< Instance added to Orthanc by a Lua script
< Instance received through REST API of Orthanc
< Instance received through WebDAV (new in 1.8.0)
< The job has still data to process after this step
< The job has failed while executing this step
< The job has successfully executed all its steps
< The job was canceled, and might be resubmitted later
< The job has failed, and might be resubmitted later
< The job was paused, and will be resumed later
This metrics represents a time duration. Orthanc will keep the maximum value of the metrics over a sliding window of ten seconds, which is useful if the metrics is sampled frequently.
@brief Graylevel, floating-point 32bpp image.


Forward declaration of one of the mandatory functions for Orthanc plugins.

Type Definitions

@brief Callback to apply one C-Move suboperation.
The supported types of changes that can be signaled to the change callback. @ingroup Callbacks
@brief Callback executed when an answer chunk is received during a chunked transfer.
@brief Callback executed when a HTTP header is received during a chunked transfer.
@brief Callback to read the current chunk of the request body during a chunked transfer
@brief Callback to read the size of the current request chunk during a chunked transfer
@brief Callback to know whether the request body is entirely read during a chunked transfer
@brief Callback to advance in the request body during a chunked transfer
The compression algorithms that are supported by the Orthanc core. @ingroup Images
The constraints on the tags (main DICOM tags and identifier tags) that must be supported by the database plugins.
The content types that are supported by Orthanc plugins.
@brief Data structure that contains information about the Orthanc core.
Flags to the creation of a DICOM file. @ingroup Toolbox @see OrthancPluginCreateDicom()
@brief Signature of a callback function to decode a DICOM instance as an image. @ingroup Callbacks
@brief Opaque structure that represents a DICOM instance that is managed by the Orthanc core. @ingroup DicomInstance
Flags to customize a DICOM-to-JSON conversion. By default, binary tags are formatted using Data URI scheme. @ingroup Toolbox
The possible output formats for a DICOM-to-JSON conversion. @ingroup Toolbox @see OrthancPluginDicomToJson()
@brief Callback executed to encode a binary tag in DICOMweb.
@brief Callback executed to encode a binary tag in DICOMweb.
The available modes to export a binary DICOM tag into a DICOMweb JSON or XML document.
@brief Opaque structure that represents a node in a JSON or XML document used in DICOMweb. @ingroup Toolbox
@brief Signature of a function to set the content of a node encoding a binary DICOM tag, into a JSON or XML document generated for DICOMweb. @ingroup Callbacks
The various error codes that can be returned by the Orthanc core.
@brief Opaque structure to an object that represents the answers to a C-Find query for worklists. @ingroup DicomCallbacks
@brief Callback to handle incoming C-Find SCP requests.
@brief Opaque structure to an object that can be used to check whether a DICOM instance matches a C-Find query. @ingroup Toolbox
@brief Opaque structure to an object that represents a C-Find query. @ingroup DicomCallbacks
@brief Signature of a function to free dynamic memory. @ingroup Callbacks
@brief Callback to free one C-Move driver.
@brief Callback to read the size of a C-Move driver.
The various HTTP methods for a REST call.
The constraints on the DICOM identifiers that must be supported by the database plugins. @deprecated Plugins using OrthancPluginConstraintType will be faster
@brief Opaque structure that represents an image that is uncompressed in memory. @ingroup Images
The image formats that are supported by the Orthanc core. @ingroup Images
@brief Callback to filter incoming DICOM instances received by Orthanc through C-STORE.
@brief Callback to filter incoming DICOM instances received by Orthanc.
@brief Callback to filter incoming HTTP requests received by Orthanc.
@brief Callback to filter incoming HTTP requests received by Orthanc.
The origin of a DICOM instance that has been received by Orthanc.
@brief Opaque structure to a job to be executed by Orthanc. @ingroup Toolbox
@brief Callback to finalize one custom job.
@brief Callback to retrieve the content of one custom job.
@brief Callback to check the progress of one custom job.
@brief Callback to serialize one custom job.
@brief Callback executed once one stopped custom job is started again.
@brief Callback to execute one step of a custom job.
The possible status for one single step of a job.
@brief Callback executed once one custom job leaves the “running” state.
Explains why the job should stop and release the resources it has allocated. This is especially important to disambiguate between the “paused” condition and the “final” conditions (success, failure, or canceled).
@brief Callback executed to unserialize a custom job.
The available types of metrics.
@brief Callback to handle incoming C-Move SCP requests.
@brief Signature of a callback function that is triggered when a change happens to some DICOM resource. @ingroup Callbacks
@brief Signature of a callback function that is triggered when Orthanc stores a new DICOM instance. @ingroup Callbacks
@brief Opaque structure to the set of remote Orthanc Peers that are known to the local Orthanc server. @ingroup Toolbox
The memory layout of the pixels of an image. @ingroup Images
The action to be taken after ReceivedInstanceCallback is triggered
@brief Callback to keep/discard/modify a DICOM instance received by Orthanc from any source (C-STORE or REST API)
@brief Callback executed to update the metrics of the plugin.
The supported types of DICOM resources.
@brief Signature of a callback function that answers to a REST request. @ingroup Callbacks
@brief Opaque structure that represents the HTTP connection to the client application. @ingroup Callbacks
@brief Opaque structure that reads the content of a HTTP request body during a chunked HTTP transfer. @ingroup Callbacks
@brief Callback invoked whenever a new data chunk is available during a chunked transfer.
@brief Callback invoked whenever the request body is entirely received.
@brief Callback to create a reader to handle incoming chunked HTTP transfers.
@brief Callback invoked to release the resources associated with an incoming HTTP chunked transfer.
@brief Opaque structure that represents the storage area that is actually used by Orthanc. @ingroup Images
@brief Callback to free one storage commitment SCP handler.
@brief Callback executed by the storage commitment SCP.
The available values for the Failure Reason (0008,1197) during storage commitment.
@brief Callback to get the status of one DICOM instance in the storage commitment SCP.
@brief Callback for writing to the storage area.
@brief Callback for reading from the storage area.
@brief Callback for reading a range of a file from the storage area.
@brief Callback for reading a whole file from the storage area.
@brief Callback for removing a file from the storage area.
@brief Signature of a callback function to transcode a DICOM instance. @param transcoded Target memory buffer. It must be allocated by the plugin using OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer(). @param buffer Memory buffer containing the source DICOM instance. @param size Size of the source memory buffer. @param allowedSyntaxes A C array of possible transfer syntaxes UIDs for the result of the transcoding. The plugin must choose by itself the transfer syntax that will be used for the resulting DICOM image. @param countSyntaxes The number of transfer syntaxes that are contained in the “allowedSyntaxes” array. @param allowNewSopInstanceUid Whether the transcoding plugin can select a transfer syntax that will change the SOP instance UID (or, in other terms, whether the plugin can transcode using lossy compression). @return 0 if success (i.e. image successfully transcoded and stored into “transcoded”), or the error code if failure. @ingroup Callbacks
The value representations present in the DICOM standard (version 2013). @ingroup Toolbox
@brief Declare a file while returning the content of a folder.
@brief Declare a subfolder while returning the content of a folder.
@brief Opaque structure that represents a WebDAV collection. @ingroup Callbacks
@brief Callback to create a folder.
@brief Callback to remove a file or a folder.
@brief Callback for testing the existence of a folder.
@brief Callback for listing the content of a folder.
@brief Retrieve the content of a file.
@brief Callback for retrieving the content of a file.
@brief Callback to store a file.
@brief Opaque structure to an object that represents the answers to a C-Find query for worklists. @ingroup DicomCallbacks
@brief Callback to handle the C-Find SCP requests for worklists.
@brief Opaque structure to an object that represents a C-Find query for worklists. @ingroup DicomCallbacks