Enum optional::OptionBool [] [src]

pub enum OptionBool {

The OptionBool type, a space-efficient Option replacement






impl OptionBool

Create a SomeTrue for true, SomeFalse for false

Create a None value.

# Examples

 assert_eq!(OptionBool::none(), optional::OptionBool::None);

Returns true if the option is a Some value.

# Examples


Returns true if the option is a Some value.

# Examples


Unwraps the contained bool, panics on None with given message.

# Panics

if self is None

# Examples

For SomeTrue/SomeFalse, the corresponding bool is returned.


On None, it panics with the given message.

 OptionBool::None.expect("FAIL"); // panics with FAIL

Unwraps the contained bool, panics on None.

# Panics

if self is None

# Examples

For SomeTrue/SomeFalse, the corresponding bool is returned.


On None, it panics with "unwrap called on None"

 OptionBool::None.unwrap(); // panics

Returns the contained bool or a default.

# Examples


Returns the contained bool or a computed default.

# Examples

 assert!(OptionBool::SomeTrue.unwrap_or_else(|| false));
 assert!(!OptionBool::SomeFalse.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!()));
 assert!(OptionBool::None.unwrap_or_else(|| true));

Maps an OptionBool to an Option<U> by applying the function over the contained bool.

Note that there is also map_bool(..) which works similarly, but returns another OptionBool.

# Examples

Convert the contained bool to a Yes/No message

 assert_eq!(Some("Yes"), OptionBool::SomeTrue.map(
     |b| if b { "Yes" } else { "No" }));

Maps an OptionBool to another OptionBool by applying the function over the contained bool.

Note that there is also map(..) which works similarly, but returns an Option<bool>.

# Examples

Invert the contained bool

     OptionBool::SomeFalse.map_bool(|b| !b));

Maps a value to a U by applying the function or return a default U.

# Examples

Map to a string (as per the daily wtf's boolean definition):

 assert_eq!("True", OptionBool::SomeTrue.map_or("FileNotFound",
     |b| if b { "True" } else { "False" }));

Maps a value to a U by applying the function or return a computed default.

# Examples

 assert_eq!("True", OptionBool::SomeTrue.map_or_else(|| "FileNotFound",
     |b| if b { "True" } else { "False" }));

Transforms the OptionBool into a Result<bool, E>, mapping SomeX to Ok(X) and None to Err(err).

# Examples

 assert_eq!(OptionBool::SomeTrue.ok_or("Ouch"), Ok(true));
 assert_eq!(OptionBool::None.ok_or("Ouch"), Err("Ouch"));

Transforms the OptionBool into a Result<bool, E>, mapping SomeX to Ok(X) and None to a calculated Err(err).

# Examples

 assert_eq!(OptionBool::SomeTrue.ok_or_else(|| something_expensive()), Ok(true));
 assert_eq!(OptionBool::None.ok_or_else(|| "Ouch"), Err("Ouch"));

Returns None if the option is None, otherwise returns optb.

# Examples

 assert_eq!(Some(1), OptionBool::SomeTrue.and(Some(1)));
 assert_eq!(None, OptionBool::None.and(Some(1)));
 let actual : Option<u8> = None;
 assert_eq!(None, OptionBool::SomeTrue.and(actual));

Returns None if the option is None, otherwise returns optb.

# Examples


returns None if the OptionBool is None, otherwise calls f with the boolean value and returns the result as an Option<U>

Note that there is also and_then_bool(..) which works similarly, but returns another OptionBool.

# Examples

 assert_eq!(None, OptionBool::SomeFalse.and_then(
     |x| if x { Some(true) } else { None }));

returns None if the OptionBool is None, otherwise calls f with the boolean value and returns the result as an OptionBool

Note that there is also and_then(..) which works similarly, but returns an Option<bool>.

# Examples

 assert_eq!(OptionBool::None, OptionBool::SomeFalse.and_then_bool(
     |x| if x { OptionBool::SomeTrue } else { OptionBool::None }));

Returns this as Option unless this is None, in which case returns optb.

# Examples

 assert_eq!(Some(false), OptionBool::SomeFalse.or(Some(true)));
 assert_eq!(Some(true), OptionBool::None.or(Some(true)));
 assert_eq!(None, OptionBool::None.or(None));

Returns this as Option unless this is None, in which case returns optb.

# Examples


Returns this as Option unless this is None, in which case use the supplied function to calculate the result.

Note that there is also or_else_bool(..) which works similarly, but returns another OptionBool.

# Examples

 assert_eq!(Some(false), OptionBool::SomeFalse.or_else(|| Some(true)));
 assert_eq!(Some(true), OptionBool::None.or_else(|| Some(true)));
 assert_eq!(None, OptionBool::None.or_else(|| None));

Returns this as Option unless this is None, in which case use the supplied function to calculate the result.

Note that there is also or_else(..) which works similarly, but returns an Option<bool>.

# Examples

     OptionBool::SomeFalse.or_else_bool(|| OptionBool::SomeTrue));
     OptionBool::None.or_else_bool(|| OptionBool::SomeTrue));
     OptionBool::None.or_else_bool(|| OptionBool::None));

return an iterator over all contained (that is zero or one) values.

# Examples

 assert_eq!(None, OptionBool::None.iter().next());
 assert_eq!(Some(&true), OptionBool::SomeTrue.iter().next());

return a possibly empty slice with the contained value, if any.

# Examples

 assert_eq!(&[true], OptionBool::SomeTrue.as_slice());

Takes the value out of the OptionBool and returns ist as Option<bool>, changing self to None.

Note that there is also take_bool(..) which works similarly, but returns an OptionBool.

# Examples

 let mut x = OptionBool::some(true);
 assert_eq!(Some(true), x.take());
 assert_eq!(OptionBool::None, x);

Takes the value out of the OptionBool, changing self to None.

Note that there is also take(..) which works similarly, but returns an Option<bool>.

# Examples

 let mut x = OptionBool::some(true);
 assert_eq!(OptionBool::some(true), x.take_bool());
 assert_eq!(OptionBool::None, x);

Methods from Deref<Target = Option<bool>>

Returns true if the option is a Some value.


let x: Option<u32> = Some(2);
assert_eq!(x.is_some(), true);

let x: Option<u32> = None;
assert_eq!(x.is_some(), false);

Returns true if the option is a None value.


let x: Option<u32> = Some(2);
assert_eq!(x.is_none(), false);

let x: Option<u32> = None;
assert_eq!(x.is_none(), true);

Converts from Option<T> to Option<&T>.


Convert an Option<String> into an Option<usize>, preserving the original. The map method takes the self argument by value, consuming the original, so this technique uses as_ref to first take an Option to a reference to the value inside the original.

let num_as_str: Option<String> = Some("10".to_string());
// First, cast `Option<String>` to `Option<&String>` with `as_ref`,
// then consume *that* with `map`, leaving `num_as_str` on the stack.
let num_as_int: Option<usize> = num_as_str.as_ref().map(|n| n.len());
println!("still can print num_as_str: {:?}", num_as_str);

Unwraps an option, yielding the content of a Some.


Panics if the value is a None with a custom panic message provided by msg.


let x = Some("value");
assert_eq!(x.expect("the world is ending"), "value");
let x: Option<&str> = None;
x.expect("the world is ending"); // panics with `the world is ending`

Moves the value v out of the Option<T> if it is Some(v).

In general, because this function may panic, its use is discouraged. Instead, prefer to use pattern matching and handle the None case explicitly.


Panics if the self value equals None.


let x = Some("air");
assert_eq!(x.unwrap(), "air");
let x: Option<&str> = None;
assert_eq!(x.unwrap(), "air"); // fails

Returns the contained value or a default.


assert_eq!(Some("car").unwrap_or("bike"), "car");
assert_eq!(None.unwrap_or("bike"), "bike");

Returns the contained value or computes it from a closure.


let k = 10;
assert_eq!(Some(4).unwrap_or_else(|| 2 * k), 4);
assert_eq!(None.unwrap_or_else(|| 2 * k), 20);

Maps an Option<T> to Option<U> by applying a function to a contained value.


Convert an Option<String> into an Option<usize>, consuming the original:

let maybe_some_string = Some(String::from("Hello, World!"));
// `Option::map` takes self *by value*, consuming `maybe_some_string`
let maybe_some_len = maybe_some_string.map(|s| s.len());

assert_eq!(maybe_some_len, Some(13));

Applies a function to the contained value (if any), or returns a default (if not).


let x = Some("foo");
assert_eq!(x.map_or(42, |v| v.len()), 3);

let x: Option<&str> = None;
assert_eq!(x.map_or(42, |v| v.len()), 42);

Applies a function to the contained value (if any), or computes a default (if not).


let k = 21;

let x = Some("foo");
assert_eq!(x.map_or_else(|| 2 * k, |v| v.len()), 3);

let x: Option<&str> = None;
assert_eq!(x.map_or_else(|| 2 * k, |v| v.len()), 42);

Transforms the Option<T> into a Result<T, E>, mapping Some(v) to Ok(v) and None to Err(err).


let x = Some("foo");
assert_eq!(x.ok_or(0), Ok("foo"));

let x: Option<&str> = None;
assert_eq!(x.ok_or(0), Err(0));

Transforms the Option<T> into a Result<T, E>, mapping Some(v) to Ok(v) and None to Err(err()).


let x = Some("foo");
assert_eq!(x.ok_or_else(|| 0), Ok("foo"));

let x: Option<&str> = None;
assert_eq!(x.ok_or_else(|| 0), Err(0));

Returns an iterator over the possibly contained value.


let x = Some(4);
assert_eq!(x.iter().next(), Some(&4));

let x: Option<u32> = None;
assert_eq!(x.iter().next(), None);

Returns None if the option is None, otherwise returns optb.


let x = Some(2);
let y: Option<&str> = None;
assert_eq!(x.and(y), None);

let x: Option<u32> = None;
let y = Some("foo");
assert_eq!(x.and(y), None);

let x = Some(2);
let y = Some("foo");
assert_eq!(x.and(y), Some("foo"));

let x: Option<u32> = None;
let y: Option<&str> = None;
assert_eq!(x.and(y), None);

Returns None if the option is None, otherwise calls f with the wrapped value and returns the result.

Some languages call this operation flatmap.


fn sq(x: u32) -> Option<u32> { Some(x * x) }
fn nope(_: u32) -> Option<u32> { None }

assert_eq!(Some(2).and_then(sq).and_then(sq), Some(16));
assert_eq!(Some(2).and_then(sq).and_then(nope), None);
assert_eq!(Some(2).and_then(nope).and_then(sq), None);
assert_eq!(None.and_then(sq).and_then(sq), None);

Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise returns optb.


let x = Some(2);
let y = None;
assert_eq!(x.or(y), Some(2));

let x = None;
let y = Some(100);
assert_eq!(x.or(y), Some(100));

let x = Some(2);
let y = Some(100);
assert_eq!(x.or(y), Some(2));

let x: Option<u32> = None;
let y = None;
assert_eq!(x.or(y), None);

Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise calls f and returns the result.


fn nobody() -> Option<&'static str> { None }
fn vikings() -> Option<&'static str> { Some("vikings") }

assert_eq!(Some("barbarians").or_else(vikings), Some("barbarians"));
assert_eq!(None.or_else(vikings), Some("vikings"));
assert_eq!(None.or_else(nobody), None);

Maps an Option<&T> to an Option<T> by cloning the contents of the option.


let x = 12;
let opt_x = Some(&x);
assert_eq!(opt_x, Some(&12));
let cloned = opt_x.cloned();
assert_eq!(cloned, Some(12));

Returns the contained value or a default

Consumes the self argument then, if Some, returns the contained value, otherwise if None, returns the default value for that type.


Convert a string to an integer, turning poorly-formed strings into 0 (the default value for integers). parse converts a string to any other type that implements FromStr, returning None on error.

let good_year_from_input = "1909";
let bad_year_from_input = "190blarg";
let good_year = good_year_from_input.parse().ok().unwrap_or_default();
let bad_year = bad_year_from_input.parse().ok().unwrap_or_default();

assert_eq!(1909, good_year);
assert_eq!(0, bad_year);

Trait Implementations

impl Copy for OptionBool

impl Clone for OptionBool

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Eq for OptionBool

impl Ord for OptionBool

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (ord_max_min)

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (ord_max_min)

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more

impl Hash for OptionBool

Feeds this value into the given [Hasher]. Read more

Feeds a slice of this type into the given [Hasher]. Read more

impl Deref for OptionBool

We can deref-coerce to Option<bool>

The resulting type after dereferencing

The method called to dereference a value

impl PartialEq for OptionBool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

impl<'a> PartialEq<OptionBool> for &'a OptionBool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

impl Index<RangeFull> for OptionBool

Index for RangeFull (to slice)

The returned type after indexing

The method for the indexing (container[index]) operation

impl PartialOrd for OptionBool

Some(true) > Some(false) > None

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl Debug for OptionBool

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl IntoIterator for OptionBool

IntoIterator works as expected

# Examples

 let mut pass : bool = false;
 for b in OptionBool::SomeTrue { pass = b; }

 for b in OptionBool::None { assert!(false); }

The type of the elements being iterated over.

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

impl Default for OptionBool

OptionBool defaults to None.

Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more

impl From<Option<bool>> for OptionBool

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a> From<&'a Option<bool>> for OptionBool

Performs the conversion.