[][src]Module opentelemetry::api::trace::span

OpenTelemetry Span interface

A Span represents a single operation within a trace. Spans can be nested to form a trace tree. Each trace contains a root span, which typically describes the end-to-end latency and, optionally, one or more sub-spans for its sub-operations.

The Span's start and end timestamps reflect the elapsed real time of the operation. A Span's start time SHOULD be set to the current time on span creation. After the Span is created, it SHOULD be possible to change its name, set its Attributes, and add Links and Events. These MUST NOT be changed after the Span's end time has been set.

Spans are not meant to be used to propagate information within a process. To prevent misuse, implementations SHOULD NOT provide access to a Span's attributes besides its SpanContext.

Vendors may implement the Span interface to effect vendor-specific logic. However, alternative implementations MUST NOT allow callers to create Spans directly. All Spans MUST be created via a Tracer.



SpanKind describes the relationship between the Span, its parents, and its children in a Trace. SpanKind describes two independent properties that benefit tracing systems during analysis.


The StatusCode interface represents the status of a finished Span. It's composed of a canonical code in conjunction with an optional descriptive message.



Interface for a single operation within a trace.