[][src]Module opentelemetry::api::trace::b3_propagator

B3 Propagator

The B3Propagator facilitates SpanContext propagation using B3 Headers. This propagator supports both version of B3 headers,

  1. Single Header: X-B3: {trace_id}-{span_id}-{sampling_state}-{parent_span_id}
  2. Multiple Headers: X-B3-TraceId: {trace_id} X-B3-ParentSpanId: {parent_span_id} X-B3-SpanId: {span_id} X-B3-Sampled: {sampling_state} X-B3-Flags: {debug_flag}

If single_header is set to true then X-B3 header is used to inject and extract. Otherwise, separate headers are used to inject and extract.



Extracts and injects SpanContexts into Carriers using B3 header format.