Expand description

This crate contains generated files from opentelemetry-proto repository and transformation between types from generated files and types defined in opentelemetry

Based on the build tool needed, users can choose to generate files using tonic or grpcio.

Feature flags

Opentelemetry-proto includes a set of feature flags to avoid pull in unnecessary dependencies. The following is the full list of currently supported features:


  • traces: generate types that used in traces. Currently supports gen-tonic or gen-protoc.
  • metrics: generate types that used in metrics. Currently supports gen-tonic.
  • logs: generate types that used in logs. Currently supports gen-tonic.
  • zpages: generate types that used in zPages. Currently only tracez related types will be generated. Currently supports gen-tonic or gen-protoc.

Creates used to generate files

  • gen-tonic: generate rs files using tonic and prost.
  • gen-protoc: generate rs files using grpcio.

Additional configurations

  • build-server: build grpc service servers if enabled. Only applicable to gen-tonic.
  • build-client: build grpc service clients if enabled. Only applicable to gen-tonic.
  • with-serde: add serde annotations to generated types. Only applicable to gen-protoc.


  • full: enabled all features above.

By default, no feature is enabled.