Crate opentelemetry_application_insights

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An Azure Application Insights exporter implementation for OpenTelemetry Rust.

Disclaimer: This is not an official Microsoft product.



This requires the trace feature (enabled by default).

Configure a OpenTelemetry pipeline using the Application Insights exporter and start creating spans (this example requires the opentelemetry-http/reqwest feature):

use opentelemetry::trace::Tracer as _;

fn main() {
    let connection_string = std::env::var("APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING").unwrap();
    let tracer = opentelemetry_application_insights::new_pipeline_from_connection_string(connection_string)
        .expect("valid connection string")

    tracer.in_span("main", |_cx| {});


This requires the logs feature (enabled by default).

use log::{Level, info};
use opentelemetry_appender_log::OpenTelemetryLogBridge;
use opentelemetry_sdk::logs::{LoggerProvider, BatchLogProcessor};

async fn main() {
    // Setup exporter
    let connection_string = std::env::var("APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING").unwrap();
    let exporter = opentelemetry_application_insights::Exporter::new_from_connection_string(
    .expect("valid connection string");
    let logger_provider = LoggerProvider::builder()
        .with_batch_exporter(exporter, opentelemetry_sdk::runtime::Tokio)
    let otel_log_appender = OpenTelemetryLogBridge::new(&logger_provider);

    // Log
    let fruit = "apple";
    let price = 2.99;
    info!("{fruit} costs {price}");

    // Export remaining logs before exiting
    let _ = logger_provider.shutdown();


This requires the metrics feature (enabled by default).

use opentelemetry::global;
use opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::{PeriodicReader, SdkMeterProvider};
use std::time::Duration;

async fn main() {
    // Setup exporter
    let connection_string = std::env::var("APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING").unwrap();
    let exporter = opentelemetry_application_insights::Exporter::new_from_connection_string(
    .expect("valid connection string");
    let reader = PeriodicReader::builder(exporter, opentelemetry_sdk::runtime::Tokio).build();
    let meter_provider = SdkMeterProvider::builder().with_reader(reader).build();

    // Record value
    let meter = global::meter("example");
    let histogram = meter.f64_histogram("pi").build();
    histogram.record(3.14, &[]);

    // Simulate work, during which metrics will periodically be reported.

§Live Metrics

This requires the live-metrics feature and the build_batch/install_batch methods.

Enable live metrics collection:

Metrics are based on traces. See attribute mapping below for how traces are mapped to requests, dependencies and exceptions and how they are deemed “successful” or not.

To configure role, instance, and machine name provide,, and resource attributes respectively in the trace config.

Sample telemetry is not supported, yet.

use opentelemetry::trace::Tracer as _;

async fn main() {
    let tracer = opentelemetry_application_insights::new_pipeline_from_env()
        .expect("env var APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING is valid connection string")

    // ... send traces ...


§Simple or Batch

The functions build_simple and install_simple build/install a trace pipeline using the simple span processor. This means each span is processed and exported synchronously at the time it ends.

The functions build_batch and install_batch use the batch span processor instead. This means spans are exported periodically in batches, which can be better for performance. This feature requires an async runtime such as Tokio or async-std. If you decide to use a batch span processor, make sure to call opentelemetry::global::shutdown_tracer_provider() before your program exits to ensure all remaining spans are exported properly (this example requires the opentelemetry/rt-tokio and opentelemetry-http/reqwest features).

use opentelemetry::trace::Tracer as _;

async fn main() {
    let tracer = opentelemetry_application_insights::new_pipeline_from_env()
        .expect("env var APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING is valid connection string")

    tracer.in_span("main", |_cx| {});


§Async runtimes and HTTP clients

In order to support different async runtimes, the exporter requires you to specify an HTTP client that works with your chosen runtime. The opentelemetry-http crate comes with support for:

  • reqwest: enable the opentelemetry-http/reqwest feature and configure the exporter with either with_client(reqwest::Client::new()) or with_client(reqwest::blocking::Client::new()).
  • and more…

Alternatively you can bring any other HTTP client by implementing the HttpClient trait.

§Attribute mapping

OpenTelemetry and Application Insights are using different terminology. This crate tries its best to map OpenTelemetry fields to their correct Application Insights pendant.


Resource and instrumentation library attributes map to the following fields for spans, events and metrics (the mapping tries to follow the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions for resource).

OpenTelemetry attribute keyApplication Insights field
service.namespace + service.nameContext: Cloud role (
k8s.deployment.nameContext: Cloud role (
k8s.replicaset.nameContext: Cloud role (
k8s.statefulset.nameContext: Cloud role (
k8s.job.nameContext: Cloud role (
k8s.cronjob.nameContext: Cloud role (
k8s.daemonset.nameContext: Cloud role (
k8s.pod.nameContext: Cloud role instance (
service.instance.idContext: Cloud role instance (
device.idContext: Device id (
device.model.nameContext: Device model (ai.device.model)
service.versionContext: Application version (ai.application.ver) + telemetry.sdk.versionContext: Internal SDK version (ai.internal.sdkVersion)
ai.*Context: AppInsights Tag (ai.*)

If is the default (i.e. starts with “unknown_service:”), the Kubernetes based values take precedence.


The OpenTelemetry SpanKind determines the Application Insights telemetry type:

OpenTelemetry SpanKindApplication Insights telemetry type

The Span’s status determines the Success field of a Dependency or Request. Success is false if the status Error; otherwise true.

The following of the Span’s attributes map to special fields in Application Insights (the mapping tries to follow the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions for trace).

Note: for INTERNAL Spans the Dependency Type is always "InProc".

OpenTelemetry attribute keyApplication Insights field
user.idContext: Authenticated user id (ai.user.authUserId)
SpanKind::Server + http.request.method + http.routeContext: Operation Name (
ai.*Context: AppInsights Tag (ai.*)
url.fullDependency Data
db.query.textDependency Data
http.request.header.hostDependency Target
server.address + server.portDependency Target
network.peer.address + network.peer.portDependency Target
db.namespaceDependency Target
http.response.status_codeDependency Result code
db.systemDependency Type
messaging.systemDependency Type
rpc.systemDependency Type
"HTTP" if any http. attribute existsDependency Type
"DB" if any db. attribute existsDependency Type
url.fullRequest Url
url.scheme + + url.path + url.queryRequest Url
url.scheme + server.address + server.port + url.path + url.queryRequest Url
client.addressRequest Source
network.peer.addressRequest Source
http.response.status_codeRequest Response code

All other attributes are directly converted to custom properties.

For Requests the attributes http.request.method and http.route override the Name.

§Deprecated attributes

The following deprecated attributes also work:

AttributeDeprecated attribute
url.path +
network.peer.addressserver.socket.address (for client spans)
network.peer.addressnet.sock.peer.addr (for client spans)
network.peer.addressnet.peer.ip (for client spans)
network.peer.portserver.socket.port (for client spans)
network.peer.portnet.sock.peer.port (for client spans)
network.peer.addressclient.socket.address (for server spans)
network.peer.addressnet.sock.peer.addr (for server spans)
network.peer.addressnet.peer.ip (for server spans) (for client spans)
server.portnet.peer.port (for client spans) (for server spans) (for server spans)


Events are converted into Exception telemetry if the event name equals "exception" (see OpenTelemetry semantic conventions for exceptions) with the following mapping:

OpenTelemetry attribute keyApplication Insights field
exception.typeException type
exception.messageException message
exception.stacktraceException call stack

Events are converted into Event telemetry if the event name equals "ai.custom" with the following mapping:

OpenTelemetry attribute keyApplication Insights field
ai.customEvent.nameEvent name

All other events are converted into Trace telemetry with the following mapping:

OpenTelemetry attribute keyApplication Insights field
level (tracing::Level)Severity level

All other attributes are directly converted to custom properties.


Logs are reported similar to events:

  • If they contain an exception.type or exception.message attribute, they’re converted to Exception telemetry with the same attribute mapping as events.
  • Otherwise they’re converted to Trace telemetry.


Metrics get reported to Application Insights as Metric Data. The Aggregation determines how the data is represented.

AggregatorData representation
Histogramaggregation with sum, count, min, and max (buckets are not exported)
ExponentialHistogramaggregation with sum, count, min, and max (buckets are not exported)
Gaugeone measurement
Sumaggregation with only a value


  • Attributes for Application Insights context fields



  • Errors that occurred during span export.


  • A minimal interface necessary for sending requests over HTTP. Used primarily for exporting telemetry over HTTP. Also used for fetching sampling strategies for JaegerRemoteSampler
