Struct openssl::asn1::Asn1IntegerRef []

pub struct Asn1IntegerRef(_);

Reference to Asn1Integer


impl Asn1IntegerRef


Returns value of ASN.1 integer, or -1 if there is an error, and 0 if the integer is Null.

OpenSSL documentation at ASN1_INTEGER_get.


Sets the ASN.1 value to the value of a signed 32-bit integer, for larger numbers see bn.

OpenSSL documentation at ASN1_INTEGER_set

Trait Implementations

impl ForeignTypeRef for Asn1IntegerRef

The raw C type.


Constructs a shared instance of this type from its raw type.


Constructs a mutable reference of this type from its raw type.


Returns a raw pointer to the wrapped value.

impl Send for Asn1IntegerRef

impl Sync for Asn1IntegerRef