Expand description

Crate for receiving updates from the OpenSea Stream API. This crate is a thin wrapper over phyllo with a few convenience functions and struct definitions for the event schema. It is recommended that you also read the documentation of phyllo to understand the Phoenix protocol which delivers these messages.

Events that happen on Solana (and thus carry Solana addresses) are not supported for now.


The following example prints all listings of items in the wandernauts collection as they are created.

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut client = client(Network::Mainnet, "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE").await;

    // Subscribe to a collection. Note that you must all subscribe to all events
    // in the collection; filtering is your responsibility (see below).
    let (handler, mut subscription) = subscribe_to(
        &mut client,

    // To unsubscribe:
    // handler.close().await?;

    loop {
        // The message received from the channel is a raw message of the Phoenix protocol.
        // It may or may not contain a payload.
        let event = match subscription.recv().await?.into_custom_payload() {
            Some(v) => v,
            None => {
                eprintln!("unexpected message");

        // Only print item listing events.
        if let schema::Payload::ItemListed(listing) = event.payload {
            println!("{:?}", listing);


rustls-tls-native-roots (which uses rustls-native-certs for root certificates) is enabled by default. To use rustls-tls-webpki-roots (webpki-roots) instead, include this in your Cargo.toml:

opensea-stream = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["rustls-tls-webpki-roots"] }


pub use phyllo;


Payload schema for messages received from the websocket.


A collection whose events can be subscribed to.

Receivable events from the websocket.

The websocket to connect to.


Creates a client.

Subscribes to all the events of a particular Collection.

Subscribes to all the events of a particular Collection using a custom configuration.