[][src]Struct openrtb_native1::response::Response

pub struct Response<'a> {
    pub ver: Version,
    pub assets: Option<Vec<Asset<'a>>>,
    pub assetsurl: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
    pub dcourl: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
    pub link: Link<'a>,
    pub imptrackers: Option<Vec<Cow<'a, str>>>,
    pub jstracker: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
    pub eventtrackers: Option<Vec<EventTracker<'a>>>,
    pub privacy: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
    pub ext: Option<Object<'a>>,

5.1 Native Markup Response Object

The native object is the top level JSON object which identifies a native response. The native object has following attributes:


ver: Version

recommended; string; 1.2 Version of the Native Markup version in use.

assets: Option<Vec<Asset<'a>>>

recommended; array of object; - List of native ad’s assets. Required if no assetsurl. Recommended as fallback even if assetsurl is provided.

assetsurl: Option<Cow<'a, str>>

optional; string; - URL of an alternate source for the assets object. The expected response is a JSON object mirroring the assets object in the bid response, subject to certain requirements as specified in the individual objects. Where present, overrides the asset object in the response.

dcourl: Option<Cow<'a, str>>

optional; string; - URL where a dynamic creative specification may be found for populating this ad, per the Dynamic Content Ads Specification. Note this is a beta option as the interpretation of the Dynamic Content Ads Specification and how to assign those elements into a native ad is outside the scope of this spec and must be agreed offline between the parties or as may be specified in a future revision of the Dynamic Content Ads spec. Where present, overrides the asset object in the response.

link: Link<'a>

required; object; - Destination Link. This is default link object for the ad. Individual assets can also have a link object which applies if the asset is activated(clicked). If the asset doesn’t have a link object, the parent link object applies. See LinkObject Definition.

imptrackers: Option<Vec<Cow<'a, str>>>
👎 Deprecated:

Please use eventtrackers field instead.

optional; array of string; - Array of impression tracking URLs, expected to return a 1x1 image or 204 response - typically only passed when using 3rd party trackers. To be deprecated - replaced with eventtrackers.

jstracker: Option<Cow<'a, str>>
👎 Deprecated:

Please use eventtrackers field instead.

optional; string; - Optional JavaScript impression tracker. This is a valid HTML, Javascript is already wrapped in