Module openraft::docs::getting_started

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§Getting Started with Openraft

In this chapter, we will build a key-value store cluster using Openraft.

  1. examples/raft-kv-memstore is a complete example application that includes the server, client, and a demo cluster. This example uses an in-memory store for data storage.

  2. examples/raft-kv-rocksdb is another complete example application that includes the server, client, and a demo cluster. This example uses RocksDB for persistent storage.

You can use these examples as a starting point for building your own key-value store cluster with Openraft.

Raft is a distributed consensus protocol designed to manage a replicated log containing state machine commands from clients.

Raft includes two major parts:

  • Replicating logs consistently among nodes,
  • Consuming the logs, which is mainly defined in the state machine.

Implementing your own Raft-based application with Openraft is quite simple, and it involves:

  1. Defining client request and response,
  2. Implementing a storage for Raft to store its state,
  3. Implementing a network layer for Raft to transmit messages.

§1. Define client request and response

A request is some data that modifies the Raft state machine. A response is some data that the Raft state machine returns to the client.

Request and response can be any types that implement AppData and AppDataResponse, for example:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Request {key: String}

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Response(Result<Option<String>, ClientError>);

These two types are entirely application-specific and are mainly related to the state machine implementation in RaftStateMachine.

§2. Define types for the application

Openraft is a generic implementation of Raft. It requires the application to define concrete types for its generic arguments. Most types are parameterized by RaftTypeConfig and will be used to create a Raft instance:

pub struct TypeConfig {}
impl openraft::RaftTypeConfig for TypeConfig {
    type D = Request;
    type R = Response;
    type NodeId = NodeId;
    type Node = BasicNode;
    type Entry = openraft::Entry<TypeConfig>;
    type SnapshotData = Cursor<Vec<u8>>;
    type AsyncRuntime = TokioRuntime;
pub struct Raft<C: RaftTypeConfig> {}

Openraft provides default implementations for Node (EmptyNode and BasicNode) and log Entry (Entry). You can use these implementations directly or define your own custom types.

A RaftTypeConfig is also used by other components such as RaftLogStorage, RaftStateMachine, RaftNetworkFactory and RaftNetwork.

§3. Implement RaftLogStorage and RaftStateMachine

The trait RaftLogStorage defines how log data is stored and consumed. It could be a wrapper for a local key-value store like RocksDB.

The trait RaftStateMachine defines how log is interpreted. Usually it is an in memory state machine with or without on-disk data backed.

There is a good example, Mem KV Store, that demonstrates what should be done when a method is called. The storage methods are listed as the below. Follow the link to method document to see the details.

KindRaftLogStorage methodReturn valueDescription
Read log:get_log_reader()impl RaftLogReaderget a read-only log reader
try_get_log_entries()get a range of logs
get_log_state()LogStateget first/last log id
Write log:append()()append logs
Write log:truncate()()delete logs [index, +oo)
Write log:purge()()purge logs (-oo, index]
Vote:save_vote()()save vote
Vote:read_vote()Voteread vote
KindRaftStateMachine methodReturn valueDescription
SM:applied_state()LogId, Membershipget last applied log id, membership
SM:apply()Vec of AppDataResponseapply logs to state machine
Snapshot:begin_receiving_snapshot()SnapshotDatabegin to install snapshot
Snapshot:install_snapshot()()install snapshot
Snapshot:get_current_snapshot()Snapshotget current snapshot
Snapshot:get_snapshot_builder()impl RaftSnapshotBuilderget a snapshot builder
build_snapshot()build a snapshot from state machine

Most of the APIs are quite straightforward, except two indirect APIs:

§Ensure the storage implementation is correct

There is a Test suite for RaftLogStorage and RaftStateMachine available in Openraft. If your implementation passes the tests, Openraft should work well with it. To test your implementation, you have two options:

  1. Run Suite::test_all() with an async fn() that creates a new pair of RaftLogStorage and RaftStateMachine, as shown in the MemStore test:
pub fn test_mem_store() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  1. Alternatively, run Suite::test_all() with a StoreBuilder implementation, as shown in the RocksStore test.

By following either of these approaches, you can ensure that your custom storage implementation can work correctly in a distributed system.

§An implementation has to guarantee data durability.

The caller always assumes a completed writing is persistent. The raft correctness highly depends on a reliable store.

§4. Implement RaftNetwork

Raft nodes need to communicate with each other to achieve consensus about the logs. The trait RaftNetwork defines the data transmission requirements.

pub trait RaftNetwork<C: RaftTypeConfig>: Send + Sync + 'static {
    async fn vote(&mut self, rpc: VoteRequest<C::NodeId>) -> Result<...>;
    async fn append_entries(&mut self, rpc: AppendEntriesRequest<C>) -> Result<...>;
    async fn snapshot(&mut self, vote: Vote<C::NodeId>, snapshot: Snapshot<C>) -> Result<...>;

An implementation of RaftNetwork can be considered as a wrapper that invokes the corresponding methods of a remote Raft. It is responsible for sending and receiving messages between Raft nodes.

Here is the list of methods that need to be implemented for the RaftNetwork trait:

Mem KV Network demonstrates how to forward messages to other Raft nodes using reqwest as network transport layer.

To receive and handle these requests, there should be a server endpoint for each of these RPCs. When the server receives a Raft RPC, it simply passes it to its raft instance and replies with the returned result: Mem KV Server.

For a real-world implementation, you may want to use Tonic gRPC to handle gRPC-based communication between Raft nodes. The databend-meta project provides an excellent real-world example of a Tonic gRPC-based Raft network implementation.

§Implement RaftNetworkFactory

RaftNetworkFactory is a singleton responsible for creating RaftNetwork instances for each replication target node.

pub trait RaftNetworkFactory<C: RaftTypeConfig>: Send + Sync + 'static {
    type Network: RaftNetwork<C>;
    async fn new_client(&mut self, target: C::NodeId, node: &C::Node) -> Self::Network;

This trait contains only one method:

  • RaftNetworkFactory::new_client() builds a new RaftNetwork instance for a target node, intended for sending RPCs to that node. The associated type RaftNetworkFactory::Network represents the application’s implementation of the RaftNetwork trait.

This function should not establish a connection; instead, it should create a client that connects when necessary.

§Find the address of the target node.

In Openraft, an implementation of RaftNetwork needs to connect to remote Raft peers. To store additional information about each peer, you need to specify the Node type in RaftTypeConfig:

pub struct TypeConfig {}
impl openraft::RaftTypeConfig for TypeConfig {
   // ...
   type Node = BasicNode;

Then use Raft::add_learner(node_id, BasicNode::new(""), ...) to instruct Openraft to store node information in Membership. This information is then consistently replicated across all nodes, and will be passed to RaftNetworkFactory::new_client() to connect to remote Raft peers:

  "configs": [ [ 1, 2, 3 ] ],
  "nodes": {
    "1": { "addr": "" },
    "2": { "addr": "" },
    "3": { "addr": "" }

§Caution: ensure that a connection to the right node

See: Ensure connection to the correct node

§5. Put everything together

Finally, we put these parts together and boot up a raft node :

// Define the types used in the application.
pub struct TypeConfig {}
impl openraft::RaftTypeConfig for TypeConfig {
    type D = Request;
    type R = Response;
    type NodeId = NodeId;
    type Node = BasicNode;
    type Entry = openraft::Entry<TypeConfig>;
    type SnapshotData = Cursor<Vec<u8>>;

async fn main() {
  async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    // Setup the logger

    // Parse the parameters passed by arguments.
    let options = Opt::parse();
    let node_id =;

    // Create a configuration for the raft instance.
    let config = Arc::new(Config::default().validate().unwrap());

    // Create a instance of where the Raft data will be stored.
    let store = Arc::new(ExampleStore::default());

    let (log_store, state_machine) = Adaptor::new(store.clone());

    // Create the network layer that will connect and communicate the raft instances and
    // will be used in conjunction with the store created above.
    let network = Arc::new(ExampleNetwork {});

    // Create a local raft instance.
    let raft = openraft::Raft::new(node_id, config.clone(), network, log_store, state_machine).await.unwrap();

    // Create an application that will store all the instances created above, this will
    // be later used on the actix-web services.
    let app = Data::new(ExampleApp {

    // Start the actix-web server.
    HttpServer::new(move || {
              .wrap(Logger::new("%a %{User-Agent}i"))

              // raft internal RPC

              // admin API

              // application API

§6. Run the cluster

To set up a demo Raft cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Bring up three uninitialized Raft nodes.
  2. Initialize a single-node cluster.
  3. Add more Raft nodes to the cluster.
  4. Update the membership configuration.

The examples/raft-kv-memstore directory provides a detailed description of these steps.

Additionally, two test scripts for setting up a cluster are available:

  • is a minimal Bash script that uses curl to communicate with the Raft cluster. It demonstrates the plain HTTP messages being sent and received.

  • uses the ExampleClient to set up a cluster, write data, and read it back.