Crate openraft

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Advanced Raft in 🦀 Rust using Tokio. Please ⭐ on github! guides
CI License

🪵🪵🪵 Raft is not yet good enough. This project intends to improve raft as the next-generation consensus protocol for distributed data storage systems (SQL, NoSQL, KV, Streaming, Graph … or maybe something more exotic).

Currently, openraft is the consensus engine of meta-service cluster in databend.


  • Openraft API is not stable yet. Before 1.0.0, an upgrade may contain incompatible changes. Check our change-log. A commit message starts with a keyword to indicate the modification type of the commit:

    • DataChange: on-disk data types changes, which may require manual upgrade.
    • Change: if it introduces incompatible changes.
    • Feature: if it introduces compatible non-breaking new features.
    • Fix: if it just fixes a bug.
  • Branch main has been under active development.

    The main branch is for the 0.8 release.

    • The features are almost complete for building an application.
    • The performance isn’t yet fully optimized. Currently, it’s about 48,000 writes per second with a single writer.
    • Unit test coverage is 91%.
    • The chaos test is not yet done.
  • Branch release-0.8: Latest published: v0.8.3 | Change log v0.8.3 | ⬆️ 0.7 to 0.8 upgrade guide |

  • Branch release-0.7: Latest published: v0.7.6 | Change log v0.7.6 | ⬆️ 0.6 to 0.7 upgrade guide | release-0.7 Won’t accept new features but only bug fixes.

  • Branch release-0.6: Latest published: v0.6.8 | Change log v0.6 | release-0.6 won’t accept new features but only bug fixes.



The benchmark is focused on the Openraft framework itself and is run on a minimized store and network. This is NOT a real world application benchmark!!!

Benchmark history:

2023-04-2564730,0001,369Split channels
2023-04-2464652,0001,532Reduce metrics report rate
2023-04-2364467,0002,139State-machine moved to separate task
2022-07-09145,00021,784Batch purge applied log
2022-07-07143,00023,218Use Progress to track replication

To access the benchmark, go to the ./cluster_benchmark folder and run make bench_cluster_of_3.

The benchmark is carried out with varying numbers of clients because:

  • The 1 client benchmark shows the average latency to commit each log.
  • The 64 client benchmark shows the maximum throughput.

The benchmark is conducted with the following settings:

  • No network.
  • In-memory store.
  • A cluster of 3 nodes in a single process on a Mac M1-Max laptop.
  • Request: empty
  • Response: empty


  • It is fully reactive and embraces the async ecosystem. It is driven by actual Raft events taking place in the system as opposed to being driven by a tick operation. Batching of messages during replication is still used whenever possible for maximum throughput.

  • Storage and network integration is well defined via two traits RaftStorage & RaftNetwork. This provides applications maximum flexibility in being able to choose their storage and networking mediums.

  • All interaction with the Raft node is well defined via a single public Raft type, which is used to spawn the Raft async task, and to interact with that task. The API for this system is clear and concise.

  • Log replication is fully pipelined and batched for optimal performance. Log replication also uses a congestion control mechanism to help keep nodes up-to-date as efficiently as possible.

  • It fully supports dynamic cluster membership changes with joint config. The buggy single-step membership change algo is not considered. See the dynamic membership chapter in the guide.

  • Details on initial cluster formation, and how to effectively do so from an application’s perspective, are discussed in the cluster formation chapter in the guide.

  • Automatic log compaction with snapshots, as well as snapshot streaming from the leader node to follower nodes is fully supported and configurable.

  • The entire code base is instrumented with tracing. This can be used for standard logging, or for distributed tracing, and the verbosity can be statically configured at compile time to completely remove all instrumentation below the configured level.

Who use it


Check out the guide for more details on getting started with contributing to this project.


Openraft is licensed under the terms of the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0, at your choosing.

Feature flags

  • bench: Enables benchmarks in unittest. Benchmark in openraft depends on the unstable feature test thus it can not be used with stable rust. In order to run the benchmark with stable toolchain, the unstable features have to be enabled explicitly with environment variable RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1.

  • bt: Enable backtrace: generate backtrace for errors. This requires unstable feature error_generic_member_access thus it can not be used with stable rust.

  • serde: Add serde::Serialize and serde:Deserialize bound to data types. If you’d like to use serde to serialize messages.


  • This mod is a upgrade helper that provides functionalities for a newer openraft application to read data written by an older application.
  • Error types exposed by this crate.
  • This mod defines the identity of a raft log and provides supporting utilities to work with log id related types.
  • Raft metrics for observability.
  • The Raft network interface.
  • Public Raft interface and data types.
  • The Raft storage interface and data types.
  • Openraft Document



  • Defines various actions to change the membership, including adding or removing learners or voters.


  • The runtime configuration for a Raft node.




  • The currently active membership config.
  • The membership configuration of the cluster.
  • This struct represents information about a membership config that has already been stored in the raft logs.



  • An implementation of trait Node that contains minimal node information.
  • EmptyNode is an implementation of trait Node that contains nothing.


  • A Raft Node, this trait holds all relevant node information.
  • A Raft node’s ID.



  • The state of membership configs a raft node needs to know.
  • A struct used to represent the raft state which a Raft node needs.

Type Aliases




  • An error that occurs when the RaftStore impl runs defensive check of input or output. E.g. re-applying an log entry is a violation that may be a potential bug.


  • What it is doing when an error occurs.
  • A storage error could be either a defensive check error or an error occurred when doing the actual io operation.




  • Violations a store would return when running defensive check.


  • Similar to AsRef<T>, it does a cheap reference to reference conversion, but with the ability to return None if it is unable to perform the conversion to &T.



  • A trait defining application specific data.
  • A trait defining application specific response data.




  • AnyError is a serializable wrapper Error.
