Expand description

A higher-level wrapper around the openpgp-card crate. It uses sequoia_openpgp for OpenPGP operations.


To make use of this crate, you need to use a backend for communication with cards. The suggested default backend is openpgp-card-pcsc.

With openpgp-card-pcsc you can either open all available cards:

use openpgp_card_pcsc::PcscBackend;
use openpgp_card::OpenPgp;
use openpgp_card_sequoia::card::Open;

for mut card in PcscBackend::cards(None)? {
    let mut pgp = OpenPgp::new(&mut card);
    let mut open = Open::new(pgp.transaction()?)?;
    println!("Found OpenPGP card with ident '{}'",

Or you can open one particular card, by ident:

use openpgp_card_pcsc::PcscBackend;
use openpgp_card::OpenPgp;
use openpgp_card_sequoia::card::Open;

let mut card = PcscBackend::open_by_ident("abcd:12345678", None)?;
let mut pgp = OpenPgp::new(&mut card);
let mut open = Open::new(pgp.transaction()?)?;

Use for cryptographic operations


To use a card for decryption, it needs to be opened, user authorization needs to be available. A sequoia_openpgp::crypto::Decryptor implementation can then be obtained by providing a Cert (public key) that corresponds to the private encryption key on the card:

use openpgp_card_pcsc::PcscBackend;
use openpgp_card::OpenPgp;
use openpgp_card_sequoia::card::Open;

// Open card via PCSC
use sequoia_openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
let mut card = PcscBackend::open_by_ident("abcd:12345678", None)?;
let mut pgp = OpenPgp::new(&mut card);
let mut open = Open::new(pgp.transaction()?)?;

// Get authorization for user access to the card with password
let mut user = open.user_card().expect("This should not fail");

// Get decryptor
let decryptor = user.decryptor(&|| { println!("Touch confirmation needed for decryption") });

// Perform decryption operation(s)
// ..


To use a card for signing, it needs to be opened, signing authorization needs to be available. A sequoia_openpgp::crypto::Signer implementation can then be obtained by providing a Cert (public key) that corresponds to the private signing key on the card.

(Note that by default, an OpenPGP Card will only allow one signing operation to be performed after the password has been presented for signing. Depending on the card’s configuration you need to present the user password before each signing operation!)

use openpgp_card_pcsc::PcscBackend;
use openpgp_card::OpenPgp;
use openpgp_card_sequoia::card::Open;

// Open card via PCSC
use sequoia_openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
let mut card = PcscBackend::open_by_ident("abcd:12345678", None)?;
let mut pgp = OpenPgp::new(&mut card);
let mut open = Open::new(pgp.transaction()?)?;

// Get authorization for signing access to the card with password
let mut user = open.signing_card().expect("This should not fail");

// Get signer
let signer = user.signer(&|| println!("Touch confirmation needed for signing"));

// Perform signing operation(s)
// ..

Setting up and configuring a card

use openpgp_card_pcsc::PcscBackend;
use openpgp_card::OpenPgp;
use openpgp_card_sequoia::card::Open;

// Open card via PCSC
let mut card = PcscBackend::open_by_ident("abcd:12345678", None)?;
let mut pgp = OpenPgp::new(&mut card);
let mut open = Open::new(pgp.transaction()?)?;

// Get authorization for admin access to the card with password
let mut admin = open.admin_card().expect("This should not fail");

// Set the Name and URL fields on the card


Perform operations on a card. Different states of a card are modeled by different types, such as Open, User, Sign, Admin.

Simple wrappers for performing very specific tasks with Sequoia PGP.

Odds and ends, will most likely be restructured.

Type Definitions

Shorthand for Sequoia public key data (a single public (sub)key)