Crate openfx_sys

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@brief OFX suite that allows an effect to draw to a host-defined display context.
@brief Generic host structure passed to OfxPlugin::setHost function
@brief OFX suite that provides image to texture conversion for OpenGL processing
@brief The OFX suite for image effects
@brief OFX suite that allows an effect to interact with an openGL window so as to provide custom interfaces.
@brief The OFX suite that implements general purpose memory management.
@brief The OFX suite that allows a plug-in to pass messages back to a user. The V2 suite extends on this in a backwards compatible manner.
@brief The OFX suite that allows a plug-in to pass messages back to a user.
@brief OFX suite that provides simple SMP style multi-processing
@brief The OFX suite used to define and manipulate user visible parameters
@brief The OFX suite used to define and manipulate ‘parametric’ parameters.
@brief The structure that defines a plug-in to a host.
@brief Defines two dimensional double point
@brief Defines two dimensional integer point
@brief A suite that provides progress feedback from a plugin to an application
@brief The OFX suite used to access properties on OFX objects.
@brief Defines an 8 bit per component RGBA pixel
@brief Defines a double precision floating point component RGBA pixel
@brief Defines a floating point component RGBA pixel
@brief Defines a 16 bit per component RGBA pixel
@brief Defines an 8 bit per component RGB pixel
@brief Defines a double precision floating point component RGB pixel
@brief Defines a floating point component RGB pixel
@brief Defines a 16 bit per component RGB pixel
@brief Defines one dimensional double bounds
@brief Defines one dimensional integer bounds
@brief Defines two dimensional double region
@brief Defines two dimensional integer region
@brief Suite to control timelines
@brief Defines an 8 bit per component YUVA pixel – ofxPixels.h Deprecated in 1.3, removed in 1.4
@brief Defines an floating point component YUVA pixel – ofxPixels.h @deprecated - Deprecated in 1.3, removed in 1.4
@brief Defines an 16 bit per component YUVA pixel – ofxPixels.h @deprecated - Deprecated in 1.3, removed in 1.4



@brief Defines the number of plug-ins implemented inside a binary
@brief Returns the ‘nth’ plug-in implemented inside a binary
@brief First thing host should call

Type Definitions

@brief Function prototype for custom parameter interpolation callback functions
@brief Blind declaration of an OFX drawing context
@brief Defines valid values for OfxDrawSuiteV1::setLineStipple
@brief Defines valid values for OfxDrawSuiteV1::draw
@brief Defines text alignment values for OfxDrawSuiteV1::drawText
@brief Blind declaration of an OFX image effect
@brief Blind declaration of an OFX image effect
@brief Blind declaration for an handle to image memory returned by the image memory management routines
@brief Blind declaration of an OFX interactive gui
@brief Mutex blind data handle
@brief Blind declaration of an OFX param
@brief Blind declaration of an OFX parameter set
@brief Entry point for plug-ins
@brief Blind data structure to manipulate sets of properties through
@brief Defines valid values for OfxDrawSuiteV1::getColour
@brief OFX status return type
@brief The function type to passed to the multi threading routines
@brief How time is specified within the OFX API