Module opencv::face

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§Face Analysis

  • [face_changelog]
  • [tutorial_face_main]





  • construct an AAM facemark detector
  • construct a Kazemi facemark detector
  • construct an LBF facemark detector
  • Utility to draw the detected facial landmark points
  • Utility to draw the detected facial landmark points
  • Default face detector This function is mainly utilized by the implementation of a Facemark Algorithm. End users are advised to use function Facemark::getFaces which can be manually defined and circumvented to the algorithm by Facemark::setFaceDetector.
  • A utility to load list of paths to training image and annotation file.
  • A utility to load facial landmark information from a given file.
  • A utility to load facial landmark information from a given file.
  • A utility to load facial landmark dataset from a single file.
  • A utility to load facial landmark information from the dataset.
  • A utility to load facial landmark information from the dataset.
  • This function extracts the data for training from .txt files which contains the corresponding image name and landmarks. The first file in each file should give the path of the image whose landmarks are being described in the file. Then in the subsequent lines there should be coordinates of the landmarks in the image i.e each line should be of the form x,y where x represents the x coordinate of the landmark and y represents the y coordinate of the landmark.
  • A utility to load facial landmark dataset from a single file.

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