[][src]Function opencv::dnn::read_net

pub fn read_net(model: &str, config: &str, framework: &str) -> Result<Net>

Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats.


  • model: Binary file contains trained weights. The following file extensions are expected for models from different frameworks: * *.caffemodel (Caffe, http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/) * *.pb (TensorFlow, https://www.tensorflow.org/) * *.t7 | *.net (Torch, http://torch.ch/) * *.weights (Darknet, https://pjreddie.com/darknet/) * *.bin (DLDT, https://software.intel.com/openvino-toolkit) * *.onnx (ONNX, https://onnx.ai/)
  • config: Text file contains network configuration. It could be a file with the following extensions: * *.prototxt (Caffe, http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/) * *.pbtxt (TensorFlow, https://www.tensorflow.org/) * *.cfg (Darknet, https://pjreddie.com/darknet/) * *.xml (DLDT, https://software.intel.com/openvino-toolkit)
  • framework: Explicit framework name tag to determine a format.


Net object.

This function automatically detects an origin framework of trained model and calls an appropriate function such @ref readNetFromCaffe, @ref readNetFromTensorflow, @ref readNetFromTorch or @ref readNetFromDarknet. An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter.

C++ default parameters

  • config: ""
  • framework: ""