Crate openai_api_rust
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Pull parser for CommonMark. This crate provides a Parser struct which is an iterator over Events. This iterator can be used directly, or to output HTML using the HTML module.
By default, only CommonMark features are enabled. To use extensions like tables, footnotes or task lists, enable them by setting the corresponding flags in the Options struct.
use openai_api_rust::*;
use openai_api_rust::chat::*;
use openai_api_rust::completions::*;
fn main() {
// Load API key from environment OPENAI_API_KEY.
// You can also hadcode through `Auth::new(<your_api_key>)`, but it is not recommended.
let auth = Auth::from_env().unwrap();
let openai = OpenAI::new(auth, "");
let body = ChatBody {
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo".to_string(),
max_tokens: Some(7),
temperature: Some(0_f32),
top_p: Some(0_f32),
n: Some(2),
stream: Some(false),
stop: None,
presence_penalty: None,
frequency_penalty: None,
logit_bias: None,
user: None,
messages: vec![Message { role: Role::User, content: "Hello!".to_string() }],
let rs = openai.chat_completion_create(&body);
let choice = rs.unwrap().choices;
let message = &choice[0].message.as_ref().unwrap();
§Use proxy
// Load proxy from env
let openai = OpenAI::new(auth, "")
// Set the proxy manually
let openai = OpenAI::new(auth, "")