Expand description
Client library implementation of the Open Metrics specification. Allows developers to instrument applications and thus enables operators to monitor said applications with monitoring systems like Prometheus.
// Create a metric registry.
// Note the angle brackets to make sure to use the default (dynamic
// dispatched boxed metric) for the generic type parameter.
let mut registry = <Registry>::default();
// Define a type representing a metric label set, i.e. a key value pair.
// You could as well use `(String, String)` to represent a label set,
// instead of the custom type below.
#[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Encode)]
struct Labels {
// Use your own enum types to represent label values.
method: Method,
// Or just a plain string.
path: String,
#[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Encode)]
enum Method {
// Create a sample counter metric family utilizing the above custom label
// type, representing the number of HTTP requests received.
let http_requests = Family::<Labels, Counter>::default();
// Register the metric family with the registry.
// With the metric name.
// And the metric help text.
"Number of HTTP requests received",
// Somewhere in your business logic record a single HTTP GET request.
&Labels { method: Method::GET, path: "/metrics".to_string() }
// When a monitoring system like Prometheus scrapes the local node, encode
// all metrics in the registry in the text format, and send the encoded
// metrics back.
let mut buffer = vec![];
encode(&mut buffer, ®istry).unwrap();
let expected = "# HELP http_requests Number of HTTP requests received.\n".to_owned() +
"# TYPE http_requests counter\n" +
"http_requests_total{method=\"GET\",path=\"/metrics\"} 1\n" +
"# EOF\n";
assert_eq!(expected, String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap());
See examples directory for more.
- Exposition format implementations.
- Metric type implementations.
- Metric registry implementation.