Expand description

This crate provides an easy-to-use client for oomstore, a lightweight and fast feature store powered by go.


use oomclient::Client;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut client = Client::connect("http://localhost:50051").await?;

    let features = vec!["account.state".into(), "txn_stats.count_7d".into()];
    let response = client.online_get_raw("48", features.clone()).await?;
    println!("RESPONSE={:#?}", response);

    let response = client.online_get("48", features).await?;
    println!("RESPONSE={:#?}", response);



A rust client for oomstore, using the grpc protocol to communicate with oomagent server under the hood.

EntityRow represents a row in Join request.

A rust oomagent server wrapper, mainly for oomclient with embedded oomagent server.


An error originating from the oomclient or it’s dependencies.

Type Definitions

A result holding an Error.

Represents a dynamically typed value which can be either an int64, a double, a string, a bool, a unix milliseconds, or a bytes array.