Type Definition odbc_api::buffers::CharColumn

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pub type CharColumn = TextColumn<u8>;
Expand description

A column buffer for character data. The actual encoding used may depend on your system locale.

Trait Implementations

The identifier of the C data type of the value buffer. When it is retrieving data from the data source with fetch, the driver converts the data to this type. When it sends data to the source, the driver converts the data from this type. Read more

Indicates the length of variable sized types. May be zero for fixed sized types. Used to determine the size or existence of input parameters. Read more

Pointer to a value corresponding to the one described by cdata_type.

Maximum length of the type in bytes (not characters). It is required to index values in bound buffers, if more than one parameter is bound. Can be set to zero for types not bound as parameter arrays, i.e. CStr. Read more

Indicates the length of variable sized types. May be zero for fixed sized types.

Pointer to a value corresponding to the one described by cdata_type.

The SQL data as which the parameter is bound to ODBC.