pub struct Users {
    pub client: Client,


client: Client


Get the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user endpoint.

If the authenticated user is authenticated through basic authentication or OAuth with the user scope, then the response lists public and private profile information.

If the authenticated user is authenticated through OAuth without the user scope, then the response lists only public profile information.


Get the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user endpoint.

If the authenticated user is authenticated through basic authentication or OAuth with the user scope, then the response lists public and private profile information.

If the authenticated user is authenticated through OAuth without the user scope, then the response lists only public profile information.


Get the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user endpoint.

If the authenticated user is authenticated through basic authentication or OAuth with the user scope, then the response lists public and private profile information.

If the authenticated user is authenticated through OAuth without the user scope, then the response lists only public profile information.


Update the authenticated user.

This function performs a PATCH to the /user endpoint.

Note: If your email is set to private and you send an email parameter as part of this request to update your profile, your privacy settings are still enforced: the email address will not be displayed on your public profile or via the API.


List users blocked by the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/blocks endpoint.

List the users you’ve blocked on your personal account.


List users blocked by the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/blocks endpoint.

As opposed to list_blocked_by_authenticated, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

List the users you’ve blocked on your personal account.


Check if a user is blocked by the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/blocks/{username} endpoint.



  • username: &str

Block a user.

This function performs a PUT to the /user/blocks/{username} endpoint.



  • username: &str

Unblock a user.

This function performs a DELETE to the /user/blocks/{username} endpoint.



  • username: &str

Set primary email visibility for the authenticated user.

This function performs a PATCH to the /user/email/visibility endpoint.

Sets the visibility for your primary email addresses.


List email addresses for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/emails endpoint.

Lists all of your email addresses, and specifies which one is visible to the public. This endpoint is accessible with the user:email scope.



  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List email addresses for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/emails endpoint.

As opposed to list_emails_for_authenticated, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists all of your email addresses, and specifies which one is visible to the public. This endpoint is accessible with the user:email scope.


Add an email address for the authenticated user.

This function performs a POST to the /user/emails endpoint.

This endpoint is accessible with the user scope.


Delete an email address for the authenticated user.

This function performs a DELETE to the /user/emails endpoint.

This endpoint is accessible with the user scope.


List followers of the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/followers endpoint.

Lists the people following the authenticated user.



  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List followers of the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/followers endpoint.

As opposed to list_followers_for_authenticated_user, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the people following the authenticated user.


List the people the authenticated user follows.

This function performs a GET to the /user/following endpoint.

Lists the people who the authenticated user follows.



  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List the people the authenticated user follows.

This function performs a GET to the /user/following endpoint.

As opposed to list_followed_by_authenticated, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the people who the authenticated user follows.


Check if a person is followed by the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/following/{username} endpoint.



  • username: &str

Follow a user.

This function performs a PUT to the /user/following/{username} endpoint.

Note that you’ll need to set Content-Length to zero when calling out to this endpoint. For more information, see “HTTP verbs.”

Following a user requires the user to be logged in and authenticated with basic auth or OAuth with the user:follow scope.



  • username: &str

Unfollow a user.

This function performs a DELETE to the /user/following/{username} endpoint.

Unfollowing a user requires the user to be logged in and authenticated with basic auth or OAuth with the user:follow scope.



  • username: &str

List GPG keys for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/gpg_keys endpoint.

Lists the current user’s GPG keys. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least read:gpg_key scope.



  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List GPG keys for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/gpg_keys endpoint.

As opposed to list_gpg_keys_for_authenticated, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the current user’s GPG keys. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least read:gpg_key scope.


Create a GPG key for the authenticated user.

This function performs a POST to the /user/gpg_keys endpoint.

Adds a GPG key to the authenticated user’s GitHub account. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth, or OAuth with at least write:gpg_key scope.


Get a GPG key for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/gpg_keys/{gpg_key_id} endpoint.

View extended details for a single GPG key. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least read:gpg_key scope.



  • gpg_key_id: i64 – gpg_key_id parameter.

Delete a GPG key for the authenticated user.

This function performs a DELETE to the /user/gpg_keys/{gpg_key_id} endpoint.

Removes a GPG key from the authenticated user’s GitHub account. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least admin:gpg_key scope.



  • gpg_key_id: i64 – gpg_key_id parameter.

List public SSH keys for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/keys endpoint.

Lists the public SSH keys for the authenticated user’s GitHub account. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least read:public_key scope.



  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List public SSH keys for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/keys endpoint.

As opposed to list_public_ssh_keys_for_authenticated, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the public SSH keys for the authenticated user’s GitHub account. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least read:public_key scope.


Create a public SSH key for the authenticated user.

This function performs a POST to the /user/keys endpoint.

Adds a public SSH key to the authenticated user’s GitHub account. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth, or OAuth with at least write:public_key scope.


Get a public SSH key for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/keys/{key_id} endpoint.

View extended details for a single public SSH key. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least read:public_key scope.



  • key_id: i64 – key_id parameter.

Delete a public SSH key for the authenticated user.

This function performs a DELETE to the /user/keys/{key_id} endpoint.

Removes a public SSH key from the authenticated user’s GitHub account. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least admin:public_key scope.



  • key_id: i64 – key_id parameter.

List public email addresses for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/public_emails endpoint.

Lists your publicly visible email address, which you can set with the Set primary email visibility for the authenticated user endpoint. This endpoint is accessible with the user:email scope.



  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List public email addresses for the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/public_emails endpoint.

As opposed to list_public_emails_for_authenticated, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists your publicly visible email address, which you can set with the Set primary email visibility for the authenticated user endpoint. This endpoint is accessible with the user:email scope.


List users.

This function performs a GET to the /users endpoint.

Lists all users, in the order that they signed up on GitHub. This list includes personal user accounts and organization accounts.

Note: Pagination is powered exclusively by the since parameter. Use the Link header to get the URL for the next page of users.



  • since: i64 – A user ID. Only return users with an ID greater than this ID.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).

List users.

This function performs a GET to the /users endpoint.

As opposed to list, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists all users, in the order that they signed up on GitHub. This list includes personal user accounts and organization accounts.

Note: Pagination is powered exclusively by the since parameter. Use the Link header to get the URL for the next page of users.


Get a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username} endpoint.

Provides publicly available information about someone with a GitHub account.

GitHub Apps with the Plan user permission can use this endpoint to retrieve information about a user’s GitHub plan. The GitHub App must be authenticated as a user. See “Identifying and authorizing users for GitHub Apps” for details about authentication. For an example response, see ‘Response with GitHub plan information’ below“

The email key in the following response is the publicly visible email address from your GitHub profile page. When setting up your profile, you can select a primary email address to be “public” which provides an email entry for this endpoint. If you do not set a public email address for email, then it will have a value of null. You only see publicly visible email addresses when authenticated with GitHub. For more information, see Authentication.

The Emails API enables you to list all of your email addresses, and toggle a primary email to be visible publicly. For more information, see “Emails API”.



  • username: &str

Get a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username} endpoint.

Provides publicly available information about someone with a GitHub account.

GitHub Apps with the Plan user permission can use this endpoint to retrieve information about a user’s GitHub plan. The GitHub App must be authenticated as a user. See “Identifying and authorizing users for GitHub Apps” for details about authentication. For an example response, see ‘Response with GitHub plan information’ below“

The email key in the following response is the publicly visible email address from your GitHub profile page. When setting up your profile, you can select a primary email address to be “public” which provides an email entry for this endpoint. If you do not set a public email address for email, then it will have a value of null. You only see publicly visible email addresses when authenticated with GitHub. For more information, see Authentication.

The Emails API enables you to list all of your email addresses, and toggle a primary email to be visible publicly. For more information, see “Emails API”.



  • username: &str

Get a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username} endpoint.

Provides publicly available information about someone with a GitHub account.

GitHub Apps with the Plan user permission can use this endpoint to retrieve information about a user’s GitHub plan. The GitHub App must be authenticated as a user. See “Identifying and authorizing users for GitHub Apps” for details about authentication. For an example response, see ‘Response with GitHub plan information’ below“

The email key in the following response is the publicly visible email address from your GitHub profile page. When setting up your profile, you can select a primary email address to be “public” which provides an email entry for this endpoint. If you do not set a public email address for email, then it will have a value of null. You only see publicly visible email addresses when authenticated with GitHub. For more information, see Authentication.

The Emails API enables you to list all of your email addresses, and toggle a primary email to be visible publicly. For more information, see “Emails API”.



  • username: &str

List followers of a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/followers endpoint.

Lists the people following the specified user.



  • username: &str
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List followers of a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/followers endpoint.

As opposed to list_followers_for_user, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the people following the specified user.


List the people a user follows.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/following endpoint.

Lists the people who the specified user follows.



  • username: &str
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List the people a user follows.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/following endpoint.

As opposed to list_following_for_user, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the people who the specified user follows.


Check if a user follows another user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/following/{target_user} endpoint.



  • username: &str
  • target_user: &str

List GPG keys for a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/gpg_keys endpoint.

Lists the GPG keys for a user. This information is accessible by anyone.



  • username: &str
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List GPG keys for a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/gpg_keys endpoint.

As opposed to list_gpg_keys_for_user, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the GPG keys for a user. This information is accessible by anyone.


Get contextual information for a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/hovercard endpoint.

Provides hovercard information when authenticated through basic auth or OAuth with the repo scope. You can find out more about someone in relation to their pull requests, issues, repositories, and organizations.

The subject_type and subject_id parameters provide context for the person’s hovercard, which returns more information than without the parameters. For example, if you wanted to find out more about octocat who owns the Spoon-Knife repository via cURL, it would look like this:

 curl -u username:token



  • username: &str
  • subject_type: crate::types::SubjectType – Identifies which additional information you’d like to receive about the person’s hovercard. Can be organization, repository, issue, pull_request. **Required** when using subject_id.
  • subject_id: &str – Uses the ID for the subject_type you specified. Required when using subject_type.

List public keys for a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/keys endpoint.

Lists the verified public SSH keys for a user. This is accessible by anyone.



  • username: &str
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List public keys for a user.

This function performs a GET to the /users/{username}/keys endpoint.

As opposed to list_public_keys_for_user, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the verified public SSH keys for a user. This is accessible by anyone.


Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Attaches the provided Context to this type, returning a WithContext wrapper. Read more

Attaches the current Context to this type, returning a WithContext wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more